- Comment on Congress Wants Tech Companies to Pay Up for AI Training Data 1 year ago:
Thanks for the link to Common Crawl; I didn’t know about that project but it looks interesting.
That’s also an interesting point about heavily curated data sets. Would something like that be able to overcome some of the bias in current models? For example, if you were training a facial recognition model, access a curated, open source dataset that has representative samples of all races and genders to try and reduce the racial bias. Anyone training a facial recognition model for any purpose could have a training set that can be peer reviewed for accuracy.
- Comment on How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. 1 year ago:
I mean, thats the way the capitalist, stock-return-driven economy works. The market expects a company to constantly grow to pump their stock price, so they have to find new revenue or cut costs somewhere. But they can’t do that forever…
The founders build a great product to pull in users, then they go public, then the MBAs turn to enshittification to drive more revenue and get rich while they can. The rest of us then move on to the next platform, if it even exists…
- Comment on Congress Wants Tech Companies to Pay Up for AI Training Data 1 year ago:
Yeo, and they’ll use legislation to pull up the ladder behind them. It’s a form of Regulatory Capture, and it will absolutely lock out small players.
But there are open source AI training datasets, but the question is whether LLMs can be trained as accurately with them.
- Comment on A huge battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant 1 year ago:
This is awesome, but now we need better battery tech that doesn’t rely on lithium and cobalt. Getting that up to this scale will be hard, though.
- Comment on ‘Extremely worrying’: Argentinian researchers reel after election of anti-science president 1 year ago:
It’s so sad. Study after study have shown that the ROI on publicly funded research is anywhere from 20% to 100% depending on the industry.
These morons don’t understand science enough to even realize how they benefit from it every day.
- Comment on New Google Trial Docs May Explain Why Search Sucks So Bad Now 1 year ago:
Ok, that’s true
- Comment on New Google Trial Docs May Explain Why Search Sucks So Bad Now 1 year ago:
Capitalism promises nothing, my friend.
- Comment on New Google Trial Docs May Explain Why Search Sucks So Bad Now 1 year ago:
Isn’t this standard enshitification?
Google started off like any new tech company years ago and they did have a superior product. Then they went public and Wall Street started expecting certain revenue numbers every quarter, growth slowed because they saturated the market, so the core product was pushed toward making money instead staying true to the original goals.
Typical stuff, really
- Comment on Joe Biden Wants US Government Algorithms Tested for Potential Harm Against Citizens 1 year ago:
So what? The biggest part of picking a President is the people they’re going to put in their cabinet and surround themselves with. That’s the problem with Trump. He’s going to fill the presidency with a bunch of maga ass hats, on top of doing his own damage.
- Comment on Microsoft develops ultra durable glass plates that can store several TBs of data for 10000 years 1 year ago:
Article says the glass plates can only be written once, so don’t toss out your hdd just yet
- Comment on Local governments aren't businesses – so why are they force-fed business software? - Oracle's repeated public sector failures prove a different approach is needed 1 year ago:
I don’t disagree, but they still need devs to build and maintain the custom functions required. So then they sign up with Red Hat and still pay huge dollars. Unless they hire in house devs, which they rarely seem to want to do (at the levels needed for these projects).
- Comment on Local governments aren't businesses – so why are they force-fed business software? - Oracle's repeated public sector failures prove a different approach is needed 1 year ago:
In my field, the way I’ve seen Oracle contracts rationalized is the same way IBM contracts are rationalized… they’re stupid expensive, usually under deliver, but they’re the biggest names. When the project goes south, the buyer can tell their superiors “well we hired IBM, and they’re the best, so what else could I have done?”
- Comment on The End of Airbnb in New York 1 year ago:
I looked it up and you’re correct. I didn’t realize Uber started literally as “UberCab” and later dropped the “cab” and added the personal car ride sharing component. Thx for the tip!
- Comment on The End of Airbnb in New York 1 year ago:
Yep. Just like Uber it morphed, from people sharing a ride or their place while on vacation, into full time drivers and landlords. Not the philosophical intebt of the original service, and it ruined it for everyone.
- Comment on Musk offers to pay legal bills of people ‘unfairly treated’ for posting on platform 1 year ago:
That’s exactly what I mean. Employees in At Will states can legally be fired for anything short of violations of protected classes, so I’m not sure how he’s expecting to win here.
- Comment on Musk offers to pay legal bills of people ‘unfairly treated’ for posting on platform 1 year ago:
Perhaps he’s forgotten that free speech means you’re free to say whatever you want, but you’re not free from the repercussions. Especially in all the “at will” employee states.
This is so stupid.
- Comment on Me trying to convince my friends to join Lemmy 1 year ago:
“Go back to Russia!”
- Comment on Tesla Identified As Most Recalled Car Brand, Mercedes & Toyota Least 1 year ago:
List here:
I believe those are only the hardware recalls since everything else in this article is a simple OTA software update.