- Comment on Cum 9 months ago:
If you don’t eat you’ll die.
- Comment on Always happens 9 months ago:
That just means you’re a really cool person.
- Comment on It's out now! The prologue for my solo project, a roguelike tower defense, is live. Check it out. 9 months ago:
A single central tower is a really cool concept! I generally don’t like tower defense games because I get overwhelmed with bouncing around and managing multiple towers.
I’ll try the prologue next time I game. Thank you!
- Comment on i don't get you 9 months ago:
What are you talking about? It’s super easy to gaslight someone. You’re clearly wrong. Why even make that comment?
- Comment on Powerful New Chatbot Mysteriously Returns in the Middle of the Night 9 months ago:
Maybe their users are getting Claude away.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Another Boeing executive is quoted as saying, “We don’t falsify records, we embellish them.” When a reporter asked what the difference was, the executive responded, “You know, you seem like a real go-getter and like to dig into the truth. We’ve got plenty of whistleblower positions open, would you like the job?”
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
What are the legitimate uses of option 121?
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
These are great ideas! Maybe I’ll do a set of Chess pieces 🤔
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
What kind of car? Is there a specific car model that has a render ready for printing?
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
Yep, our library has a 3D printer and they’ll make anything you want for a very low cost, like a couple dollars. I’ve never tried but I want to. What should I ask them to make? Any suggestions?
- Comment on There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and our favorite song might still be out there. 9 months ago:
- Comment on There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and our favorite song might still be out there. 9 months ago:
I listen to more than 20,000 minutes of music every year, according to Spotify. The vast majority are songs I’ve never heard before and I’m constantly finding new songs I love.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
I really wish my parents would have asked me before doing that.
- Comment on Microsoft ties executive pay to security following multiple failures and breaches 9 months ago:
If you’re faced with the tradeoff between security and another priority, your answer is clear: Do security. In some cases, this will mean prioritizing security above other things we do, such as releasing new features or providing ongoing support for legacy systems.
I respect this. I’d be very happy if my boss told me this and I would feel empowered to build great products. I hope this sentiment spreads through the industry.
- Comment on where's my fur coat smh 9 months ago:
Aren’t tails made of bone?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I mean, this might work today, but as soon as people start making edits on both versions it will be a nightmare to update the copy. They’re going to have to merge different edits on the same article. I don’t want to be anywhere near that merge conflict.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Evolution has entered the room
- Comment on i have become the gis 10 months ago:
What program is that?
- Comment on It's important to get a good interest rate 10 months ago:
Let’s not scar children to teach them lessons. I’m sure there’s a better way to teach a kid about interest besides getting a loan from McDonald’s.
- Comment on RNAception 10 months ago:
What happened to DNA?
- Comment on Laser on NASA's Psyche asteroid probe beams data from 140 million miles away 10 months ago:
I didn’t see in the article whether they’re using Earth- or space-based antennas to receive the signal. A satellite wouldn’t be prone to weather interference, so I’m wondering why clouds were an issue.
- Comment on Factorio devs detail their 'Linux adventures' in a new blog post 10 months ago:
What I think when I hear ‘Linux Adventures’
- Comment on [Clip] Piloting a Sentient Robot for the First Time (Sound System Included) - Brave Bang Bravern! 10 months ago:
What the hell is that song that’s playing?!
🤣 That’s my thought for every anime action sequence.
- Comment on fucking beautiful. almost a year into the 'verse and its starting to become more functional than that R place... better than i imagined. 10 months ago:
I noticed it said “Moist” at the top left, perhaps it is ?
- Comment on Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed 10 months ago:
Yeah, I use Steam. I don’t care about PS trophies.
- Comment on Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy? 10 months ago:
Personally, I’ve found a fairly wide breadth of viewpoints on Lemmy. Perhaps what you’re experiencing is the stress that diversity brings? It’s a well-known effect of engaging with different viewpoints.
As my counselor keeps trying to get me to do: sit with your discomfort for a few minutes before reacting or taking any action. Think about your feelings and where they’re coming from.
Social science research suggests that people tend to react with anger and irritation when confronted about their biases—particularly when those biases are accurately labeled as such. Although such interactions may be unpleasant, they also tend to lead to behavioral change, and so should be welcomed as opportunities for growth. Bias is a measurable condition, but it is not a permanent one, on either the individual or the organizational level. By acknowledging it we can counter it, expanding our pool of potential collaborators and improving financial performance.
- Comment on Report: TikTok’s efforts to silo US data are ‘largely cosmetic’ 10 months ago:
Here’s an idea: comprehensive legislation to guarantee the privacy of all Americans. Then it doesn’t take some special deal or politically motivated ban to make TikTok behave. Plus everyone benefits from all companies being required to respect people’s privacy.
- Comment on go go gadget sonar 10 months ago:
People are capable of echolocation too. They must be Battleship masters.
Despite the limitations, Daniel Kish shows that his ‘FlashSonar’ is actually, in some cases, far more effective than the visual input that we receive. His method of echolocation grants him a three hundred and sixty degree view of his environment, with it working almost as well behind him as it does in front. He can ‘see’ around corners and the sound also works through surfaces- it is, in a way, almost like having X-Ray vision.
- Comment on Safety first 10 months ago:
Original video (?)
- Comment on The lack of fear is not bravery. Being afraid and doing it anyways is bravery. 10 months ago: