- Comment on Breaking bad lemmy edition 10 months ago:
Fuck off bigot.
- Comment on Literally society right now 10 months ago:
Kindly fuck off with that transphobe shit.
- Comment on Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever” 1 year ago:
This is a bad idea to end all bad ideas.
Let’s give them an excuse to close their means of communication to the people to “combat AI spam”.
- Comment on Ultraviolet light can kill almost all the viruses in a room. Why isn’t it everywhere? 1 year ago:
That is indeed news to me! Wild stuff.
- Comment on Ultraviolet light can kill almost all the viruses in a room. Why isn’t it everywhere? 1 year ago:
The issue with stuff that kills everything is that… Well it kills everything.
- Comment on Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, is now public domain. It's also now a top-traded NFT. 1 year ago:
I guess people still have money to launder.
- Comment on Where did the exploding-heads people go? 1 year ago:
I’ve seen a couple active on lately, but nothing out of the ordinary. They’ll be back though, one way or the other. We have to be aware of that.
- Comment on Feddit.UK has finally kicked the bucket- and what happens next. 1 year ago:
And now error again…
- Comment on Feddit.UK has finally kicked the bucket- and what happens next. 1 year ago:
Federation will break.
- Comment on Feddit.UK has finally kicked the bucket- and what happens next. 1 year ago:
Now it seems to be up.
- Comment on Feddit.UK has finally kicked the bucket- and what happens next. 1 year ago:
You can see the content but not, afaik, move the community or take ownership of it. I’m afraid you’ll have to recreate it somewhere more stable.
- Comment on Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content 1 year ago:
I guess exceptions could be made …
- Comment on Dropbox removed ability to opt your files out of AI training 1 year ago:
This is the sensible option. Fuck them.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
A lot of them are though.
- Comment on Worst person in tech 2023 - semi final 1 year ago:
No matter who wins we all lose. That’s kind of the point whenever these guys turn up.
- Comment on An extremely high-energy particle is detected coming from an apparently empty region of space 1 year ago:
Must be that jewish space laser that Greene lady was going on about.
- Comment on Twitch has stories now, because all social media has to be the same 1 year ago:
Porn. It’s always porn.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
Nepotism still runs rampant in many academic fields, since the editors of those journals are also academics themselves, and not always the most ethical ones.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
I worked in academia. Everybody already has access to the texts (thanks to arxiv) where I did. And yet still publishing was the only way to gain legitimacy. This is the problem.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
I’ve known tenured researchers that believed HIV did not exist so yeah, agreed.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
I’m afraid availability is not the issue here. Perceived legitimacy is.
In order to get a job (or simply to exist) in academia you must publish. There simply is no alternative. And so the greedy parasites will continue to be fed, whether or not the papers are available elsewhere.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
Alas they have not moved there. They use them for preprint, and sure you can get the exact text of what will become the printed paper most of the time, but they are still being forced to feed the greed machine.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
Same story here. This is sad as all hell.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
They are great at gaming that system and that system gives them the impression they are the most brilliant people to ever grace the earth. Don’t get me wrong, many are indeed brilliant, but the degree of self proving masochism that is academia would turn anyone into a raging narcissist.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
That is a very hasty and reductive opinion to my mind. While I absolutely agree with you on what the issue is, this is a complex problem and not a question of genital appendages.
It is impossible for young researchers to “earn” a permanent position without giving their soul and toil to this system. This makes sure that the people actually “succeeding” are the ones less likely to actually go against the system, since it benefited them. The ones that do try are hopelessly alone, and no amount of male gonads is going to help them change the culture.
- Comment on Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository 1 year ago:
A lot have in some capacity; see preprint servers like
The problem is that without papers published in actual journals, you are literally worth nothing in academia. Nothing. Can’t stress this enough, publish or perish is no joke. You won’t get any kind of job without a stupidly high number of published papers. Young researchers have nowhere near the bargaining power to initiate any kind of change there. Neither do older ones, tbh.
- Comment on Nvidia offices raided by French competition authority 1 year ago:
They’re gonna need bigger guns then.
- Comment on X will charge users ‘a small monthly payment’ to use its service 1 year ago:
Nah, let’s skip to the part where Musk tries to move them using cheap labour and a screwdriver.
Wait … we already had that.
- Comment on “Most notorious” illegal shadow library sued by textbook publishers [Updated] 1 year ago:
Yeah, this should be illegal. This is a monopoly on steroids funded by taxpayer money.
- Comment on “Most notorious” illegal shadow library sued by textbook publishers [Updated] 1 year ago:
At this point I’m pretty sure even Satan sold his Elsevier stock out of ethical concern.