- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
Genuinely not sure which option is more frightening.
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
Take my updoots!
- Comment on Fact 1 year ago:
Lmao and the people hoarding incalculable wealth that they’ll never ever be able to spend in multiple lifetimes are for sure helping us progress as a species.
Get real.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
If it’s so difficult, then why was Google able to find the answer to questions exactly like this 6+ years ago?
That was why everyone switched to Google. The search engine just worked.
And frankly a large portion of your post is just incorrect. What you’ve described is how a very bad programmer would build a search engine. It’s overly complicated and requires too much data.
- Comment on Homelessness rose sharply in the U.S. in 2023, data shows 1 year ago:
If you don’t participate you get evicted and your record is fucked. If you’re homeless the cops come and destroy your housing and you’re left with even less than before.
There isn’t an option to not participate that does not end in violence from our lovely government.
- Comment on Homelessness rose sharply in the U.S. in 2023, data shows 1 year ago:
It’s not “can’t”, it’s “won’t”.
No CEO is getting a big paycheck for helping homeless people, so no one cares.
This is what endgame capitalism looks like. The endless search for ever-increasing profits isn’t sustainable and it ends up with the rich cannibalizing the system that they exploited to get rich.
- Comment on 8th grader spreads it 😭 1 year ago:
What the fuck
- Comment on Farside 1 year ago:
Isn’t this an old Gary Larson comic?
- Comment on Medical school is rough 1 year ago:
Women were allowed to go to medical school in the Victorian area? I thought they were all being crushed to death by corsets and having their uteruses removed?
- Comment on You know what? I'll just wait... 1 year ago:
I don’t believe this at all, but they’re still gonna have to make a really, really good single player mode for me to get this game. I’m not trying to play online constantly and I’m not trying to pay a bunch of micro transactions.
I’m still pretty annoyed at how they left all of the features that make GTA what is for only online play. GTA 4 had such an awesome story an dynamic world with so many interesting characters.
GTA 5 just felt empty in comparison. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’m just here for story mode.
- Comment on Rockstar Games regarding Grand Theft Auto VI 1 year ago:
I’m not really excited because I felt like V basically took all of the fun detail out of the story and main world and saved it all for online.
The missions and world in V had so little charm and so little of the detail that made IV and previous so amazing. The world was massive but felt totally empty.
But I know they made a bunch of money with online so I’m sure that’s how it’s gonna be again this time.
- Comment on ‘It’s quite soul-destroying’: how we fell out of love with dating apps 1 year ago:
All these dating apps are owned by the same company and are all kinda scammy. It’s very much a pay to play scenario.
Back when OkCupid first came out and they hadn’t figured out how to make you pay for everything, it was awesome. I went on so many dates.
Fast forward to last year and I’m dating again and try OkCupid and it was a totally different experience. I never would get messages organically. You have to subscribe to the premium package and then you have to pay to get more super likes so that women actually see your account. It’s pretty ridiculous.
So don’t use it as a gage to judge yourself. It’s just about how much money you spend on the app.
- Comment on Let lemmyshitpost decide... 1 year ago:
I already scream when I poop. It’s not that big of a deal.
- Comment on Gen Z and millennials are more into gig work than ever, BofA says — but it’s not coming close to making ends meet 1 year ago:
Huh. It’s almost like this country is a giant scam that crushes people at the bottom and only benefits the owners of these companies.
- Comment on Netflix to Open Stores Where Fans Can Play, Shop and Eat in 2025 1 year ago:
Lol well then they’d better stop cancelling shows after 1 season.
This is a dumb idea.
- Comment on Collectively, Lemmy has a substantive comment issue 1 year ago:
Asking questions is a great way to start if you don’t know the subject at hand but you find it interesting.
- Comment on [spoilers] A Quiet Place (Rant) 1 year ago:
I watched that movie one time a few years back and I mainly remember the writing just being bad. Their survival decisions made no sense to me. Just hated the logic of that movie.
- Comment on Disgraceful 1 year ago:
- Comment on A new exoskeleton to support workers in railways maintenance and renewal operations 1 year ago:
Now they’ll never need a sick day!