- Comment on I'm my own grandpaaaa 11 months ago:
Her family tree must be a Penrose triangle
- Comment on Locked in 11 months ago:
I’m a zoomer and I also have no fucking idea what this is
- Comment on An achievement 11 months ago:
Gotta back up that claim my dude. Not everyone knows what everyone else has done.
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
I’m in the UK and it doesn’t work for me either, even after changing my question 4 or 5 times. It’s probably region-locked.
- Comment on Yeah... 😬 11 months ago:
She was basically the first internet doxx.
This isn’t doxxing, this is just the internet spreading lies.
Doxxing is publishing personal/private information about someone online, which didn’t happen in this story.
- Comment on Let's not talk about operation 1 year ago:
I still remember getting that in Wordle. I think I stopped playing after that.
- Comment on Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users 1 year ago:
Same here, to a certain extent.
I was referring only to Linux’s lack of bullshittery in comparison to Windows, nothing else.
- Comment on Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users 1 year ago:
Far easier to do too. I did one of each last month and there’s no question that the Windows setup experience is terrible in comparison.
- Comment on A platform with no issues 1 year ago:
I think the main complaint is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
I like the old UI. I had no complaints. So wgy change it? So much developer expense for zero user benefit.
I used that one revert Gist that NTTS talked about and it’s been the same as always ever since. If Discord makes an update that removes the old UI then I’ll use an old version until they absolutely force me. I will not voluntarily use the new UI, because I think it’s not as good, and that’s it.
- Comment on Title... 1 year ago:
- Comment on My life be like 1 year ago:
“My life be like-”?
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
Ah yes, because permanent physical mutilation is exactly the same as 24-hour inconvenience.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
- Comment on Infinite Craft, an endless crafting game, is out. 1 year ago:
🧜♀️ Mermaid + 🔥 Fire = 🚨 Siren
- Comment on Be mindful of allergies lads 1 year ago:
Definitely! We all as a community need to clean this place up, just as clean as Ajax will make your home! Buy today!
- Comment on Just a lil bit 1 year ago:
- Comment on 🦄🐋🥓🕛 1 year ago:
Jilohertz gang rise up
- Comment on 🦄🐋🥓🕛 1 year ago:
I’m really surprised it managed to keep the order of the letters mostly correct
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
25C is the point where I start feeling sleepy because it’s so warm.
If you think 25C is optimal then I’m curious as to what your “comfy sleeping temperature” is?
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
You make it sound like you have a fervent hatred for ~250,000 people.
I’m intrigued…
- Comment on It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives 1 year ago:
I’d happily pay a one-time fee to be able to use my own cloud service like Google Drive, OneDrive, or iCloud.
You can do that without paying. Obsidian vaults are just plaintext files on your disk. Just make a vault in your GDrive/OneDrive/iCloud sync folder and it’ll be synced.
There’s likely a extra hoop or two to jump through if you want mobile access, but it’s not too much extra effort.
- Comment on NASA has some explaining to do 1 year ago:
Conveniently forgetting the “God exists within all of us” schpiel that they made up as soon as we went to space and found nothing there.
Definitely either parody or very stupid.
- Comment on Do you actually own anything digital? 1 year ago:
Ah I was just referring to my laptop there. I do still use Android, but with LineageOS instead of my device’s stock image.
- Comment on Do you actually own anything digital? 1 year ago:
How am I the product when I bought it outright and installed Linux before ever booting it up?
- Comment on Do you actually own anything digital? 1 year ago:
I guess I didn’t buy my phone or my laptop then?
- Comment on What's the best website to learn and practice SQL? 1 year ago:
Do people actually say “select star”? When I read SQL I always say “select all” because it reads better.
- Comment on Just speak normally 1 year ago:
I’ve only ever heard “to” as well, never “til”. Although the latter does make more sense, the former rolls off the tongue a lot easier.
- Comment on What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on and why? 1 year ago:
That’s horrendous, I love it.
- Comment on Software Engineer vs Software Developer 1 year ago:
I quite like the term Software Alchemist.
To me, the words “engineer” and “developer” both imply that a well thought out and structured plan is in place for them to do their job. Not so with “alchemist”, which implies a fair amount of experimentation and uncertainty, both of which are very common in the software industry.
- Comment on 3d modeling for printing 1 year ago:
To answer your question (and not just recommend another piece of software instead):
Making a cylinder and deleting the cap faces makes what’s known as a non-manifold mesh. To my knowledge this means you can see the backfaces without travelling through any existing faces (in your case, you can see them by looking through the holes you made when you deleted the cap faces).
That cylinder has walls that are theoretically infinitely thin, so you should thicken them up before attempting to print it. You can do this with a Solidify modifier. You can also extrude and scale them if you like, it achieves the same effect.Given a manifold mesh, your slicer will treat the inside (as in, the direction the backfaces are pointing) as solid, and you can change the density and infill pattern to whatever you like.
Make a few of these shapes, both manifold and non-manifold, and see how your slicer reacts when you tell it to slice them.
- Comment on Windows is now an app for iPhones, iPads, Macs, and PCs 1 year ago:
It’s odd how poorly phrased the text on that first image is.
Sign in with work, personal, or school account to access to devices and apps
Surely it should be:
Sign in with your work, personal, or school account to access your devices and apps