- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Has anyone successfully self-hosted Firefox Sync? 3 months ago:
It syncs my extensions, except for mobile the ones that aren’t available (obviously)
- Comment on Concerns Raised Over Bitwarden Moving Further Away From Open-Source 4 months ago:
Or don’t, because they are going to kill it eventually.
There are less convenient possibilities, like pass and keepass, even a markdown file pgp encrypted and git. Yes, less convenient, but guaranteed to work in 5,10,20+ years
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
Do it. Buy an hdd, start to understand how to store the data safely, how to torrent and how to contribute to the community.
You’ll learn a lot, and I am guessing that you are very young, all this knowledge will be very useful in the future. Every cent spent now, will multiply in the future
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
this is a very bad article. It talks about “zero trust” but then suggests you to use corporate software, the cloud, sketchy russian apps to monitor your traffic at home. Also, I am not spending 2 hours a day going through my logs, nor I want a VM/container with 8GB of ram wasting 40% of my GPU on grafana.
- Comment on Security and docker 7 months ago:
There is nothing to refute, 100% correct
- Comment on Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome? 8 months ago:
First of all ignore the trends. Fuck docker, fuck nixos, fuck terraform or whatever tech stack gets shilled constantly.
Find a tech stack that is easy FOR YOU and settle on that. I haven’t changed technologies for 4 years now and feel like everything can fit in my head.
Second of all, look at the other people using commercial services and see how stressed they are. Google banned my account, youtube has ads all the time, the app for service X changed and it’s unusable and so on.
Nothing comes for free in terms of time and mental baggage
- Comment on How do you handle family requests that you disagree with? 9 months ago:
The only good reply in the thread. Thanks for saying this
- Comment on GitHub - jeena/fxsync-docker 1 year ago:
you are literally just posting buzzwords. You can be lean with mysql, you can write bloaty programs with rust. I would argue most rust webservices are shittier than java ones
- Comment on Systemd: Hidden Gems for a Better Linux 1 year ago:
Guys, downvotes are not the DISLIKE button, let’s not become reddit please
- Comment on Is it possible to have just one DB across all services 1 year ago:
Not only it can be done but I think it is the way to go. You then have to manage permissions and backup only on one database, and the performance improves given that you let postgresql manage it’s own IO. It goes without saying that you should use postgresql instead of mysql