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- Comment on how does a tote bag work? 6 months ago:
You can double up the handles, which also spreads the load a bit so they don’t cut into your hand as much. It is mainly for compactness and easy marketing
- Comment on [Troubleshooting] Clog Guy is back, and things have completely ceased making sense. 9 months ago:
It might be an issue with concentricity. If the nozzle is not perfectly centered it creates a step that the filament can snag on. It can then cause the already softened filament to bunch up during deretraction forming a plug in the heat break. I had this issue with cheap nozzles. Everything starts fine and after a few layers it all stops for apparently no reason. Cranking up the heat makes it better for a bit, before making it worse
- Comment on What are your thoughts on photosynthesis ? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
Almost perfect! Of course Akansas should be Nebrahoma. Rookie mistake, but great work otherwise! Gold star
- Comment on Rishi Sunak Reportedly Said "It Was Okay To Just Let People Die" Rather than Impose a Second Lockdown, Covid Inquiry Hears 1 year ago: