- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
I played it both at launch and a year ago with the DLC. It’s alright - 6/10, but pre patches like 4/10.
The gameplay is fun because of how customizable your build is now, after the skill system was completely reworked.
The story is shallow, the characters forgettable and the open world really doesn’t fit the urgency the story is supposed to have and ruins the pacing. The DLC is much better, but there’s some parts where I don’t really like how V is written, especially at the start, since it forces a specific personality I don’t think fits them.
I remember the sidequests being generally entertaining, but I wouldn’t call any of them special, just kinda average.
It feels a lot like a Far Cry game, but with much better build customization.
- Comment on No Man's Sky The Cursed Expedition 4 months ago:
Same. I generally like exploration but it didn’t feel rewarding in NMS.
- Comment on Leaked Nintendo Switch 2 chassis "almost certainly real," analysts say | TechSpot 5 months ago:
I did, lol.
But there’s still gonna be Switch games I already own and don’t wanna rebuy or exclusives I wanna play.
- Comment on Leaked Nintendo Switch 2 chassis "almost certainly real," analysts say | TechSpot 5 months ago:
That’s a shame if it’s true. I found the original uncomfortable and painful to hold, I was hoping for something more like the Steam Deck.
- Comment on Day -3 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
Recently played through I and II and they were great. Kinda wanna see the bump combat in more games: it was really satisfying.
- Comment on What do you think about random encounters? 5 months ago:
I don’t hate them, and actually think they improve dungeon crawlers like Etrian Odyssey.
But for other games I think they slow down the pacing too much, especially when you want to get back to an older area.
- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 6 months ago:
A few I’ve played with a friend of mine: the We Were Here series, Portal 2, Monster Hunter World, Factorio and Deep Rock Galactic (which we both didn’t like, but it’s pretty popular)
- Comment on [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over? 8 months ago:
I’ve been having trouble focusing on a game and finishing it, but I’ve recently played God of War (2018) which was quite disappointing, and last week I’ve played Trails in the Sky which I enjoyed, except for ::: spoiler the :::
I’ve also been playing the original FFVII.
- Comment on Games with graphics resembling PS1 or PS2? 1 year ago:
Signalis is very good. It’s an re1-style survival horror but with a more scifi setting.
- Comment on TIL Press win + k to quickly connect to a bluetooth earphone in Windows 10 1 year ago:
I always interpreted as X because it looks like a pair of scissors, C for copy and V just because it’s close to the others.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
Recently completed Dark Souls for the first time. I’m not sure if I enjoyed it, but it was a unique experience.
Started Monster Hunter Rise on PC. Some things feel a bit “off” but it’s enjoyable (I actually tried playing on Switch when the game released, but it was miserable)