- Comment on What's Your Preferred Server Monitoring Method? 1 year ago:
At home, nagios, at work colleagues. (I finally escaped the admin rat race)
- Comment on Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth? 1 year ago:
UTC is most universal, as it’s kinda constant (by lack of/knowing a better word). GMT has DST, so that time changes twice a year, UTC is used as base for al, timezones, no matter if and when they have DST.
In the military Zulu is used as name for UTC.
- Comment on Looking for a music solution 1 year ago:
I have a Squeezebox Classic, so I started with Logitech Media Server. It’snnow slimserver (open source), so I use that. However, it’s pretty end of live, so I’m lookingbfora replacement as well for my player. (Love the device)
- Comment on What is a GPG signature? Does it help us stay protected against deep fakes misinformation, and if so, how? 1 year ago:
To nit-pick a tad more, when they have access to my key and have my passphrase so they can sign with it…
That’s why you set the passphrase on keys, gpg, ssh,… Never use a encryption without a key. That way you need posession (key) and knowledge (passphrase) to identify yourself. When you use ssh, use the ssh agent, when you have automated login which would be better to use without keyphrase, use a different pair (specify wuth -i option) and limit access with that to a fixed ip.
And always protect your key. No cloud backup…
- Comment on What is a GPG signature? Does it help us stay protected against deep fakes misinformation, and if so, how? 1 year ago:
GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It’s signed with the private key and verified with the public key.
It is in no way a method to verify if the i formation is correct or rubbish. I can tell you the earth is flat and sign it, but all you know on verifying the signature is that the info was unaltered, not if it’s correct or not.
- Comment on Bind 9.18.18 dnssec key location and privileges? 1 year ago:
Sorry, totally forgot apparmor. On debian that thing can be nasty, I had to fix those rules as well for bind That was years ago and was added to my Puppet module, so I forgot.
- Comment on If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab? 1 year ago:
Then those disks should have been wiped at the company before they were allowed to leave the building.
- Comment on If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab? 1 year ago:
In defence, the power prizing here is a tad different, €0.45/KWh was the prize here. Also, when those disks are given away, they are usually smaller then the current standard and less efficient. On the other hand, those enterprise grade disks generate some heat, saving on the heating bill.
- Comment on Do you think that there will be another event like 9/11 in the next decade in the United States of America? 1 year ago:
Some external group doing a terrorist attack? Nah, they don’t need to. The US can attack themselves easily and will. With the coming high court ruling coming about Trump being withheld from voting slips (correct term? Not being alowed to be on the list during election) will be a huge thing. Either the very conservative judges he appointed will rule he incited a riot and should not be allowed in office again (according to the intention of article 14 of the US constitution, which those judges say they adhere), or they will say it’s not up to us.
In the 1st case, the Trump adepts will start the 2nd civil war, in the 2nd case, who knows. Leaving it to the states could result in problems in some.
However you look at it, the USA is on it’s way to a massive implosion. With a destabalised political system like that, which state needs enemies. No real democratic system has only 2 parties.
- Comment on Reddit exodus - Using Lemmy from my existing Mastodon 1 year ago:
Welcome and have fun.
- Comment on If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab? 1 year ago:
Sell them and buy low budget low power consumption disks that would fit my purpose.
Enterprise-grade usually has enterprise-grade power consumption. From the power saving alone you can buy nice stuff.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
He doesn’t care about his car, so why should he care about somebody else’s property? Way to many people think like this, that’s why they fail the shopping cart test.
- Comment on Star Trek on LaserDisc, if you've got the right equipment, it looks amazing! (samples in the description) 1 year ago:
I can imagine. I have all films on LaserDisc. (At least those that got released)
- Comment on Which OS do you use for your homeserver? 1 year ago:
Second that. I’m glad RPis are finally supported.
- Comment on Bind 9.18.18 dnssec key location and privileges? 1 year ago:
You need to include the files in the zone file. Bind 9.18.18 is a mess with the changed DNSSEC setup, it broke my domains as well. I’t isn the bind documentation, so I have to refer you there. I have no access to my setup now (or my browser history) as I’m not at my computer.
- Comment on How can you drive off a gas station with the hose still connected? 1 year ago:
Yep, the pin is removed. There are tools to act as pin available. (Nails for one)
- Comment on How can you drive off a gas station with the hose still connected? 1 year ago:
In the US and other countries you can lock the noozle and fill up without holding the hoze. In EU you need to hold the hoze to fill up or press a button when you need LPG. It’s pretty hard to forget something when you’re standing next to it. (And still some people manage to do just that)
- Comment on How does ripping a CD/DVD work exactly? Is it similar to copying or does it leave the CD/DVD unusable? 1 year ago:
A CD/DVD is a read only digital information carrier. It holds files which you copy when you rip the DD/DVD. The data is stored as indents in the surface marking untuched surface as 0 and indents as 1 (or the other way around).
The only way to damage CD/DVD data is physical, scratching the surface (changing the path of the laser light needed to read the data) or breaking the disc (making it unusable in the drive).
- Comment on Will people show off their old computers and phones in say, 30 or 50 years in the future? 1 year ago:
Depends I guess. I still have a ZX81, Atary TT, STfm, STe and Falcon. The original PC will probably be spared, as will Commodore C64, 128, Amiga,… Current PC hardware probably not.
Old cars can still be repaired and used for their original function. Also, their looks are still pleasing to some. Cars from before they added computers to them are also a lot easier to repair and for those enthousiasts a hobby to have fun with.
With electronics (all, not just computers) it’s usually replaced when broken instead of repaired, so I guess most will be lost.
- Comment on, a Mastodon instance, has been killed by the Taliban 1 year ago:
Yep, never came to updating the site, it’s my email/network domain. Maybe Imshould change the 1 into a 2 ;)
- Comment on, a Mastodon instance, has been killed by the Taliban 1 year ago:
No need to limit yourself to US tld’s, country ones for funny domains can be stable as well. My domain ( in Dutch), registered in '98, is still going strong. I just hope the rising sealevel won’t wipe away the country any time soon.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
That takes me back… I’m feeling ancient.
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
Hell no. School was the worst time of my life, I was glad I could decide to skip school days when the education was hugely lacking and study quietly at home. The school system held me back hugely, as the higher level kids were kept back by the kids strugling. Also the constant bullying at school made me hate being amongst people.
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
I guess because they think they are superior and forget that human rights include their own rights.
So yea, the “because they’re stupid” answer sums it up nicely.
- Comment on Honda's commercials saying they are going to be carbon neutral by 2050. What? 1 year ago:
They can, when they limit CO2 emissions as much as possible and compensatw for the remaining emissions by planting trees and other tricks.
Also, ‘being carbon neutral’ can mean several things:
- ensure the company doesn’t produce CO2 (net)
- ensure the company and the commute of the employees doesn’t produce CO2 (net)
- … plus suppliers
- … plus transport of the goods produced
- …
And so on,… it all is just how you define it.
My house is the greenest in the neighbourhood and probably in the country. That it has nothing to do with being eco friendly but more with the paint on it is just a minor detail. ;)
- Comment on Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default 1 year ago:
I’m not sure about the latter. I get drowsy when drunk and fall asleep. Others have a ‘bad drunk’ and get violent.
- Comment on BVG out here recommending the best 2FA Apps! 1 year ago:
According to (Wikipedia)[……/Comparison_of_OTP_applications] it’s based on google authenticator. Is it known how much google code is still in there?
- Comment on Why people say good morning (or something like that) on chat after a night? 1 year ago:
Most chat people live in the UGT timezone. ;) It’s easier to say morning when joining a chat and evening when you leave then try to figure out the timezone of everybody. That was on IRC.
Most still use it in other chats, when joining the 1st time that day (usually after a night of sleep), you greet.
- Comment on Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default 1 year ago:
You could build something that prevents people from being offended. Let them answer simple questions like are you offenden by . If they answer yes, no allowed to join.
I get the feeling that more and more snowflakes are easily offended and the nastiness is partly trolling as they like to offend. (and sometimes the offended like to be offended)
Maybe the only solution is sulfuric acid. (or alcohol)
- Comment on Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default 1 year ago:
Make it impossible for people to use it?
Wherever there are people, there will be nastiness. No matter the reason, some are jerks just because they can.