- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 2 weeks ago:
As a long time plex pass user, is there anything there that would make me want to switch? Plex has just plain worked for me for years. mobile apps, everything is just great. Why should I look around?
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 2 weeks ago:
My best friend at work is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. He will never not be - and I rush to profess that he is not an asshole…he just thinks conservitave/republican is the side he needs to support probably because that’s what daddy did, dunno. We see eye-eye on most other things.
We do not agree on anything political except that everyone is way too heated up over everything. We are still friends, regardless.
My point in responding is that his gay daughter disconnected from him after Trump v.1 - would not take a call or interact in any way. This is painful for my friend and he has been confused by it but does not realize why his daughter won’t engage. I think she is offended that his political choice doesn’t allow for her right to exist and, frankly I agree with her.
I think my friend has lost his daughter forever because he is a stubborn man. I hope your dad can open his heart to accept you.
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
The dumb motherfucker who did this was just a homicidal twat. There was no “reason” or manifesto that was given, it was just some whack-job wanting to kill lotso-people.
Gun control is a joke in America…I’m sad about that.
- Comment on What does "araffe" mean? 11 months ago:
I think, based on responses indicating AI influence, that this is a a worthwhile filter/exclude keyword. I have only encountered the word while viewing /all and it is normally in the /garterbelt forum. Perhaps there is a bot a play?
- Comment on Ditching MyQ for OpenGarage - Open Source Garage Door Control 1 year ago:
The cheap-as-dirt meross does, it has an open/closed sensor.
- Comment on Ditching MyQ for OpenGarage - Open Source Garage Door Control 1 year ago:
Most openers have a dumb switch interface. A simple close-to-change circuit - I’ve never had one that wasn’t that way. If MyQ is so complicated (serial interface!?) then it needs to go anyway.
- Comment on Ditching MyQ for OpenGarage - Open Source Garage Door Control 1 year ago:
lol, just get a dumb opener and a shelly relay or use a meross unit. Super cheap and flawless local control that is cloud-connected if you want it.
- Comment on How to build fire protective battery charger enclosure? 1 year ago:
You are wise to be concerned but I think you will not design an “enclosure” that will prevent further damage if it is inside a wood frame house. There is a house near me that burned down because of a single power brick for a tool in the garage.
Your better approach would be to make it so that power delivery is monitored and regulated automatically. That or manually just unplug after charging.
Thermal runaway happens on over-discharge or overcharge of the battery pack. Each pack has smart circuits to regulate this but they are designed at scale with a squinty eye at overall product cost…cheapest circuit available gets used even by well-known manufacturers.
Place power draw monitoring on the delivery circuit and when the draw lowers to maintenance level (batteries have recharged) have the power delivery automatically cut off. This can all be automated with freely available smart home products. You can even get some temperature sensors to monitor for overheat conditions during charging.
- Comment on What should I do about cracks in the foundation/crawl space? 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t be overly concerned that the concrete cracked…it does that sometimes. Be concerned if you have heaving/unevenness in the support of your home. As others have said - contact a professional. I would suggest an engineer, not a foundation repair salesman…you get where I’m going with that - the foundation company will always suggest large-scale repairs. An engineer that has no financial dog in the fight will cost a bit but will give an hones opinion.