- Comment on Rate my Tinder profile 1 year ago:
“Goodbye Horses” intensifies
- Comment on Playing Ocarina of Time on my Nintendo 64. 1 year ago:
The N64 was the only Nintendo console I skipped. I just couldn’t afford two consoles and the PlayStation was obviously a better choice, but I still kinda wish I had gotten to experience Ocarina and Majora’s Mask when they were brand new and not years later on the GameCube. I played at my friend’s houses, but just hated that controller. The Wavebird made it a bit more palatable, but it was still just too “avante garde” for its own good. Feels like I needed yo shove a mop handle in the expansion port and use it as a trident.
- Comment on Immune to marketing 1 year ago:
Same. Almost every autist I know who has any interest in politics is very strongly leftist. It’s the sense of justice and disdain for obvious bullshit, I suspect. At least it is for me.
- Comment on ::slurping noises:: 1 year ago:
Bad Moopsy! Leave Bones alone!
- Comment on Share your tips and tricks! 1 year ago:
I don’t have access to wired internet where I am. I have a 5G household wifi hotspot at ~100 Mbps, and it has actually worked great for a lot of other games. I play Hardspace: Shipbreaker and Everspace 2 on it without issue. I’m not really sure what the specifics are, but I’ve had issues every time I’ve played Starfield. I went from Everspace 2 without issues to Starfield playing like a Vaseline smeared sideshow and right back to Everspace 2 with no issues, so I suspect it may be related to something about this specific game, or massive coincidence. I get occasional hiccups in other games, rarely. Starfield has been pervasive lag issues without fail.
- Comment on Share your tips and tricks! 1 year ago:
My valuable tip: resist the temptation to play on the cloud. It’s frustrating to the point that I put the game down until I can afford a Series X. My PC won’t run it, and my One X can only play cloud, and it’s just so damned unreliable with constant lag spikes.