- Comment on See? You still have a chance! 1 year ago:
That’s assuming you’ll meet literally every person on earth
Let’s say you will have a meaningful interaction with 1000 people ever, 1% of that leaves you with 10
If you’re not bi make it 5 before you even start considering wether you also find those people attractive back, if they’re single and in the right age range
So get that confidence back down. Statistics are a bitch
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
They can also make artificial diamonds that are good enough for jewelry, the perception that lab made diamond is different/worse than diamonds pulled from the ground is just propaganda to keep the artificial scarcity
- Comment on Locking myself out of the Ghost achievement in Dishonored, I might have made the game more enjoyable to me by accident 1 year ago:
I used to get myself into traps like that a lot, “I need to get that impossible achievement”, “I need to play only at the highest difficulty”, “I need to get 200% completion”.
At the end of the day video games are just toys, play them as you like and if you’re not enjoying it just do something else instead. After I realized that games are fun again.
This ghost achievement in particular is a very hard challenge run, the kind of thing you go for after you finished the game and want more with an extra twist, trying to force it on your first tine playing is guaranteed to be frustrating
- Comment on 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!! 1 year ago:
Meta has no interest in being part of the fediverse, it only wants to eliminate any posible competition.
The usual MO of buying the competitors isn’t posible on the fediverse, so the way to do it is embrace, extend and extinguish
Defederating is important because is Metastasis is allowed in the fediverse it will consume the fediverse, and then we’ll be right back at the corporate social media we’re trying to break away from, with the surveillance, ads and nazis being welcome as long as it’s profitable
- Comment on Its diving speed during flight is more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour, making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal. 1 year ago:
To be faaaair, the cheetah reaches 100+ km/h on it’s own merits, the dumb falcon just falls really fast If you drop a whale from space it will probably beat that speed record while falling, the falcon doesn’t get extra credit just because he can get up there and survive without help
- Comment on Here we go again 1 year ago:
With the way every site is these days, removing adblock is worse than not functioning
- Comment on Surprise me 1 year ago:
In a few billion years when the sun swallows the earth. Getting surprise cremated at that moment would be anticlimactic. And kinda redundant