- Comment on The series of anti-Semitic attacks that have shocked Sydney 1 month ago:
You’re welcome
- Comment on The series of anti-Semitic attacks that have shocked Sydney 1 month ago:
Lol, graffiti. Didnt they get some terrorism task force involvement with the afp
What a beat up. Spraying angry messages, who cares. I guess people are unhappy with Israels actions
- Comment on 6 months ago:
Love seeing all the extra security features in Coles and Woolies. It makes me almost forget who the actual thieves are…
In the same breath they tell us their profits arent unusual but also really good for shareholders
- Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 8 months ago:
You always know when the coalition is in opposition- that’s when you hear about their nuclear plans. In power, it’s crickets.
It’s all noise, distracting us from other more important things which need our attention now
- Comment on aussie zone's anniverssary date? 9 months ago:
Look at this guy showing off, 3!
I’m from Adelaide and don’t even know if we have an Adelaide thread
- Comment on don't tell iceland 10 months ago:
100% that someone has tasted/drunk/chewed whale milk. In fact I don’t think there would be many species that haven’t been milk tasted by a human at this point
- Comment on Clive Palmer says Labor’s plan to cap political donations would silence ‘diversity of ideas’ 11 months ago:
If a billionaire disagrees with an idea my new baseline response is ok, maybe this idea has merit. As you rarely hear a billionaire speaking altruistically
- Comment on Why didn't anyone warn me!? 1 year ago:
Hahaha that’s hilarious you heard it often but never took them seriously
- Comment on Coalition tells Cop28 it will back tripling of nuclear energy if Peter Dutton becomes prime minister 1 year ago:
Liberals have been in power most of the last 2 decades. They only spout this bullshit in opposition.
Nuclear was the way to go 20+yrs ago.
- Comment on COP28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels 1 year ago:
This arsehole could be a visionary leader. Instead he’s there because he’s employed by mutual interest to not change anything too quickly. Still gotta squeeze every drop outta the black gold
- Comment on Discord rule 1 year ago:
Go away, baitn
- Comment on An extremely high-energy particle is detected coming from an apparently empty region of space 1 year ago:
Bad bot, needs more creativity
- Comment on Ebay Could Owe $1.9 Billion in Fines for Allowing Sale of 343,000 Emissions Defeat Devices 1 year ago:
Just a shame we don’t have great emission standards to begin with. Apparently we use the cheap and dirty fuel of the world. Gotta sell it somewhere!
Shame its connected to thousands of deaths each year
- Comment on “Lies and fantasies:” Bowen puts $387 billion price tag on Dutton’s nuclear plans 1 year ago:
You always know when the liberals are in opposition. They spout this nuclear bullshit everytime.
Nothing gets done when they are in power, nor mentioned in the media to any great extent.
I’m sure it’s to muddy the debate on baseload power knowing full well that it’s too expensive and long term to be useful in the current situation.
I wish we went nuclear at the turn of the century, it would have solved many issues. But now it’s a scam. They know it, there have been countless assessments on its viability
- Comment on Earth is outside its 'safe operating space for humanity' on most key measurements, study says 1 year ago:
Is someone tracking the billionaires yachts and jets? Might need to see where they have their bunkers and hideouts
- Comment on Climate change: UN says world way off course to meet Paris goals 1 year ago:
It would be so nice to believe it’s all fake news. To live in that false bubble of safety.
I hope there will be a tipping point in the world psyche. That to actually reduce or prevent mass human and non human suffering we need to think and act differently.
I think personally holding the leaders of countries and corporations for the environment damage they enable/cause would go a long way.
You won’t pollute a waterway or drain a river if you know that it could bankrupt you and get 20 lashes in the town square for being a greedy kunt
- Comment on Climate change: UN says world way off course to meet Paris goals 1 year ago:
Anyone surprised? Or just disappointed, exasperated, frustrated, anxious, mixed in with a little bit of hope that not too many life sustaining systems will be altered
- Comment on Star Trek and The Orville, which is better/worse? 1 year ago:
I really enjoy The Orville, I like Star Trek.
I dunno if its the levity in The Orville but it just feels wholesome. The right balance between science, space and entertainment.
Both are my ideas of utopia. I think thats what draws me into each series separately