- Comment on Major depression on recent events 10 months ago:
What I mean is that I would not want to spend a transparent chain coin from my own wallet because any further activity from that wallet is linked to you.
I would rather convert it to Monero then convert it to another coin and spend it right from that conversion. - Comment on Major depression on recent events 10 months ago:
All crypto should be converted to Monero before you attempt to spend it anywhere. Never send any other coins as payment for anything that can in any way be associated with you. This should be common knowledge by now for anyone using crypto.
Monero is the safety bridge between crypto and the real world.
- Comment on Should we deactivate downvotes? 1 year ago:
Leave them on. It will be a good indicator of sentiment change once the majority of people realize Monero is their friend and will start to upvote anything Monero related. 😉
- Comment on Should we deactivate downvotes? 1 year ago:
If you do not like something best thing to do is just go away. You do not see any of us lurking around lemmy and downvoting posts about the best new ways to lick govt. boots.
- Comment on monero.town over ipv6 1 year ago:
Would be better to have monero.town over I2P
- Comment on Has anyone noticed a downtick of discussions on the monero subreddit? 1 year ago:
Yes, I have noticed fewer and less interesting posts there. Used to check it everyday, now maybe every 3 days.
- Comment on It appears to me that some users are being targetted with a downvote brigade... 1 year ago:
It is a good metric to see if over time the downvotes decrease, then weknow more people are waking up to the necessity of Monero.
- Comment on It appears to me that some users are being targetted with a downvote brigade... 1 year ago:
I am sure any user posting that is from this instance will be downvoted once the bot farms realize what this instance is about.
- Comment on Is the rslashmonero experiment funneling our community back to Reddit inadvertantly? 1 year ago:
I think this place was fine without any reddit posts. However it is OK to have them just in case something interesting pops up that is not on here, it’s rare.