- Comment on Mainstream media's face when Trump dies of a hamburger heart attack and they have to go back to reporting like they used to. 3 weeks ago:
You mean bargain bin Carmen Sandiego? No, i don‘t talk about the blandest woman on earth like that!
I swear, stereotypical Barbie has more personality at the beginning of the Barbie Movie than the current first Lady!
Btw. First Lady was always a title a woman gained through marrying the right man. But Melania truly feels like what right-wingers call DEI hire.
- Comment on Mainstream media's face when Trump dies of a hamburger heart attack and they have to go back to reporting like they used to. 3 weeks ago:
It‘s spelled HAMBURGLAR you bougie-fatass burger „king“
- Comment on 3D printed 'suicide pod' used by a human for the first time 5 months ago:
Charlie Brooker stopped making Black Mirror because of that user
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
I recently visited a museum and i really loved it. Getting up close to an image and seeing none of the fuzziness, no AI “shimmer” on photos and every stroke made sense (as in you could see that an arm moved a brush and you could see the path it took etc.). Hands made sense. And while tryptichons were not exactly precise when it comes to the anatomy of humans, no humans had anything smeared etc.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
It was the best of times, it was the BLURST OF TIMES! Stupid monkey!
- Comment on Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements 6 months ago:
Microsoft still makes money off the OEM licenses AFAIK. The Linux community had a whole day about this back in the 90s.
- Comment on Big if true 6 months ago:
I stand with Eggman, the only president to PISS ON THE MOON! HOW DO YA LIKE THAT, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!
- Comment on Discover Mario’s Epic Multiverse Encounter with Pokémon, Splatoon, Doom, and Resident Evil 7 months ago:
Can‘t leave Mushroom World without mushrooms 😉
- Comment on xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths 9 months ago:
We would do that of you didn‘t keep stringing me along!
- Comment on Stay on the designated path 9 months ago:
Never knew Madame Vastra had OnlyFans
- Comment on Ripperonis 9 months ago:
(frame shift drive charging)
- Comment on How is the hydrogen made? 10 months ago:
Didn‘t we have a process to electrically synthesize hydrogen out of water?
- Comment on Probably shouldn't be talking to The rapist 10 months ago:
Me: 🎶 Welcome home! I‘m gonna make you wish that you‘d stayed gone! 🎶
- Comment on Life? What do you mean? This ain't life, it's surviving 10 months ago:
I‘ll make my own meaning of life. With blackjack and hookers. You know what? Forget the hookers!
- Comment on once in a lifetime 10 months ago:
Same as it ever was
- Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 10 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
It’s fine. Transitioning to Couchbase was fine. Was a bit weird getting used to NoSQL… Oh you mean my hormone therapy!
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Oh, would you look at the time! It’s the year of the fediverse!
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I had such an apologetic coming up to me. When i told them my name was “‘Julia’); DROP TABLE neighborhoods;” they were immediately irate!
- Comment on What if NASCAR had no rules? 1 year ago:
XKCD basically took Class B Rallys to their logical conclusion.
- Comment on State your music taste chat 1 year ago:
Out of curiosity: What makes The Beatles misogynistic?
- Comment on Apple Wants To Kill PWAs 1 year ago:
Apple cites security concerns for killing PWAs in europe. I mean they could‘ve made changes to the system to allow running PWAs in other browser engines by offering an API in which other applications could hook themselves into, akin to how Android did it with the web activity that is used by other apps.
But then that would mean conceding to the EU and we can‘t have that, can we?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The EU forced Microsoft to offer a browser picker dialog. I’ve been wondering where that went and according to Wikipedia that judgement that compelled Microsoft to make the browser picker has expired. And thus… Microsoft dropped it immediately.
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Humanity shall receive the gift of estrogen!
- Comment on Political discussions on the internet. 1 year ago:
You Scots sure are a contentious bunch
- Comment on Keep the Chryst in Chrysler! 1 year ago:
Happy Hondukkah!
- Comment on I'm Sonic, I hate cops 1 year ago:
Don‘t forget your Miranda rights, because the cops will do and they won‘t get consequences for this at all.
- Comment on Unreal body standards 1 year ago:
How many knees?
- Comment on Thank you plastics :) 1 year ago:
I too would be annoyed if some stupid chemical came around and did what i did but with a mocking tone.
Testosterone: „Allow me to increase sperm production.“
Phtalate: „AlLOw Me tO iNcReASe SpERm prOdUcTiOn.“ - Comment on The barbieheimer debate rages 1 year ago:
My gf and me watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie a few weeks before we got together. I loved both movies equally and my gf definitely preferred Oppenheimer.