- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 16 hours ago:
I finally got a message from them 3 min ago. I was worried I wasn’t cool enough 🥲
- Comment on Just watched the movie Hacksaw Ridge. Got me thinking can people in the military turn down an order because they disagree with it on sensible grounds? Like Trump ordering them to invade CN? 1 day ago:
Not active duty or a vet, but have had a lot of family in the forces;
Their duty is to uphold the constitution and protect the nation ostensibly, so they’d be obligated to refuse an illegal order. Realistically you won’t see that play out amongst the rank and file in part due to the culture of ‘discipline’ in the US military, and also the reality of court martial/dishonourable discharge. If something like this did occur it would likely be the five and/or four star generals that make the call. Now you have two powerful factions at odds with potentially catastrophic results.
Either way there’s gonna be court martials.
- Comment on Church of England refuses call for gluten-free wafers and non-alcoholic wine 3 weeks ago:
CoE doesn’t participate in the practice of transubstantiation as far as I know. It’s usually the more orthodox branches of the church.
- Comment on B5 crossover 3 months ago:
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 4 months ago:
‘If infinite monkeys type everyday they might accidentally write Hamlet the play. But they’ll probably just shit on it and throw it away; in the infinite monkey cage!
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
Is there a way to see this as four? I’m assuming so but legitimately can’t see anything other than three. Is that the joke and I’m overthinking‽ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on unzip 5 months ago:
sigh I’m not happy I’m doing this either; maybe it’s the stress
I know the trope that this is playing on. I’m in collections myself for a lot of money for a partial heart attack scare (monitor your potassium levels!). It just feels icky to me since sexual assault of hospital patients absolutely does happen.
I guess for me it’s one thing to portray a doctor with a cheese grater (or the tens of other absurd variations on this meme) compared to an honestly more plausible sexual assault.
Then the double whammy of states just not helping women who want to carry to term but can’t.
All to say I see what the meme was aiming for, but I don’t love being raped as a punchline.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 6 months ago:
There’s a really well done VR mod for this game. It’s actually the only way I’ve played it so far. If you can run Steam VR I highly recommend it! I had to do a reinstall of some stuff so haven’t finished the game yet, but it’s been high on my ‘to-do list’.
- Comment on Day 12 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
I keep coming back to Skyrim VR. Great mod options that make it far more playable than base VR. That and Walkabout are the two VR games I’ve really sunk time into
- Comment on Warframe Staff Reveals Intel's 14th & 13th Gen CPUs Responsible For Instability Issues, i9-13900K Takes Up A Major Portion 7 months ago:
I have an older Ryzen and had no problems with FD until recently. I’m not doubting your personal rig has issues likely tied to this faulty chip, it’s probably also being made worse by their servers.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I think it’s a combo of the two. I watch a lot of panel shows and the first thing that comes to mind is pandemic filming. It actually was a bit awkward at first not to have the studio laugh at first because it was traditionally filmed with a live audience. That’s still half an argument as certain shows will have cues for the audience.
At the end of the day we are very social animals and appreciate feeling emotion together so if we find something funny/scary/exciting we get positive feedback when others around us (at least sound like) they feel the same. It’s the main reason a decent amount of people enjoy going to the movies.
This will fall flat when laugh tracks are added over frequently; but when used properly (and with actually good jokes) they encourage the audience to fully engage.
Imagine the embarrassment of being the only person to clap/laugh/scream at a performance; thats the intended buffer for ‘canned’ responses.
- Comment on NOW GIT! 10 months ago:
- Comment on Don't worry, I'm locked away in a dank basement somewhere 10 months ago:
Dara Ó Briain getting frisky in his later years
- Comment on Next on the hydraulic press channel! 11 months ago:
Y’all need tag out clasps
- Comment on Just imagine 11 months ago:
- Comment on xkcd #2905: Supergroup 11 months ago:
I totally forgot 1000 miles, my brain was stuck on 500 miles (and it’s now stuck in my head)
- Comment on Those lights were actually that guy's low beams. 1 year ago:
LED headlamps don’t bother me as much when I’m driving in a lit area. My main issue is driving in more rural areas (most of my driving) and it takes my eyes a moment to adjust back to the ambient darkness. You’re saying that’s a me problem? I was under the impression that was a pretty normal physiological response?
- Comment on Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song 1 year ago:
He’s actually a 40k character. Still can’t bear to listen to him haha
- Comment on YouTube Premium announces 100 million subscribers 1 year ago:
I was in the same boat for ages and was happy paying as I kept the original rate. Then they bumped it by almost 50% end of December. Quit before the change took effect and have been using ad block ever since. The ONLY thing I miss is YouTube music as I’ve gotten too lazy to rip the remixes/soundtracks that aren’t on other streaming services.
- Comment on A more relaxing way to play text-based games? 1 year ago:
Man, I miss Legend of the Green Dragon
- Comment on The Day Before Offline Mod in the Works For Those Still Interested in Playing This Troubled Game 1 year ago:
For free? Absolutely me, I knew well enough not to purchase the game, but I am curious just how bad it is.
- Comment on Mint Mobile discloses new data breach exposing customer data 1 year ago:
Yeah, some youtube videos that cover basics and hiring a firm after a breech is pretty standard it feels.
- Comment on makes sense 1 year ago:
Surprised the dude didn’t have them fax it in at this point
- Comment on Amazon scammers used hacks and bribes to make millions off fake returns 1 year ago:
Only as strong as your least paid worker.
- Comment on The Game Awards 2023: List of Winners 1 year ago:
Honestly disappointed with the combination of batch awards and probably the shortest acceptance speech timer I’ve seen. This game awards felt solely for producers and publishers, not for the people who actually made these games. I get not wanting another 8 min speech, but it left a bad taste in my mouth
- Comment on Jailbroken AI Chatbots Can Jailbreak Other Chatbots 1 year ago:
Oh cool, rampancy is contagious
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Reminds me of that older Odin meme;
“Odin promised the end of all frost giants, and I don’t see any frost giants.”
- Comment on is a new level of Reddit crossposting spam 1 year ago:
I’ll paste what (looks to be an admin) commented after you posted;
“Not just spam, it is also using system resources as high as big instances. I just defederated from it.
I wish someone made this integration in an app, that shows both Lemmy and Reddit feed, without an instance.”
So seems like you were right
- Comment on It's Jeffery Combs. It's always Jeffery Combs. 1 year ago:
Best part of Murder, She Wrote was seeing all the cameos. Vividly remember Q and Vir Coto popping up haha