- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 4 weeks ago:
So to actually be helpful and answer op’s actual question.
Any physical activity will help to an extent.
What will help more for weight loss is counting calories and expending more than you consume.
But if you want to have any kind of actual muscle tone you need to do resistance training, wrenching alone isn’t enough.
If op is cool being skinny/ low muscle tone, then diet and cardio will do it. If op wants muscle tone then they should lift weights or do some resistance training like calisthenics.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 4 weeks ago:
Nope, diet and exercise.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
Bad posture is also a symptom of a greater muscle imbalance or weakness, not necessarily something you should focus on changing on it’s own.
I had very bad posture, but once I started going to the gym and strength training and built a more balanced base of strength, my posture improved greatly on it’s own. At least I have noticed significant difference.
Hunched shoulders can be corrected somewhat just by exercising the back with pulling exercises like lat pulldowns, pullups, and rows.
Lower back issues can be helped by training dead lifts, good form for that exercise is extremely important though.
Of course you should also include some yoga and stretching in your routine too, that has numerous benefits. I would recommend getting a personal trainer if you’ve never been to the gym before to teach you to do exercises correctly until you’re comfortable on your own.
- Comment on When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less? 5 months ago:
Helium by volume is lighter than air. That metric is called density.
So if you displace the volume in your lungs with helium that weighs less than the air that’s usually there, you will weigh less.
- Comment on Is there such a thing as an automotive relay with no resistor? 6 months ago:
Automotive relays have built in back emf protection diodes.
- Comment on Is there such a thing as an automotive relay with no resistor? 6 months ago:
You need to put in a double throw relay. Disconnect the horn from the original switch entirely and connect it to one of the relay throws, connect your circuit to the other.
Or just use a single relay and put the horn and your other load in parallel as long as they both run on 12V.
The horn button gets connected to the coil of the relay.
Relays don’t have resistors necessarily in their coils, but the coil is designed to draw a certain amount of current at a certain voltage. In essence it is a resistor. If it were to pass the full current required to drive a car horn through the coil, it would catch fire.
- Comment on Do any "thickening" products actually work to prevent hair loss/thinning? 6 months ago:
Minoxidil and finasteride will prevent further hair loss and thicken up what you still have. I highly recommend them.
Finasteride is a hormone based therapy which prohibits the production of DHT which strangles hair follicles, but it can effect male reproductive health so I recommend taking it typically instead of orally to prevent systemic exposure.
I have been using a combo spray for almost a year with great results.
- Comment on I mean have they seen our stipends 10 months ago:
Hehehehe doodoo
- Comment on My take on selfhosted photo management 11 months ago:
Film based DSLR huh?
- Comment on Inspired by Swift Memes 1 year ago:
In the works? It is well established. Image
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
I used to use Google Play music back in the day. It was also nice to upload your own music and then be able to stream it anywhere.
Now I use Plex with Plexamp which works almost as well.
- Comment on Math question: how do we get an irrational number pi from the ratio of circumference and the diameter of a circle? 1 year ago:
He’s out of line, but he’s right
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
It’s not free though.
- Comment on NYPD faces backlash as it prepares to encrypt radio communications | New York | The Guardian 1 year ago:
They already find any reason not to release body camera footage. You really think they’re gonna release all policy activity after 24 hours?
- Comment on Amazon Video Ad Push Seen Generating Extra $5 Billion in Revenue 1 year ago:
I’m 100% with you. All for buying anything you can, not from Amazon. But for some people, especially here in the United States, Amazon has become the only option to buy certain items. Just trying to get people alternatives to paying $160 a year for a service that doesn’t really provide much of anything in my eyes.
- Comment on Amazon Video Ad Push Seen Generating Extra $5 Billion in Revenue 1 year ago:
It doesn’t provide anything. They already offer free shipping on orders above $25. If you insist on buying from them, just wait to buy stuff until you need $25 worth, then check out.
- Comment on Milking machine 1 year ago:
Search “banana cleaner” on Amazon
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
Squidbillies did it
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
They did the math They did the monster math
- Comment on Your car is probably harvesting your data. Here's how you can wipe it 1 year ago:
Ford owners know all about using their legs
- Comment on They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed 1 year ago:
Or if you want to downshift before a corner…
- Comment on They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed 1 year ago:
I think you’re flexing the fact that you have three legs tbh.
Life pro tip, you don’t have to push the clutch if you’re in neutral.
- Comment on Amazon made $1 billion through secret price raising algorithm -US FTC 1 year ago:
- Comment on The average car purchased in 2023 emits higher levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) than its 2013 equivalent. This is due to the large proportion of SUVs in the mix, which tend to be bigger and heavier. 1 year ago:
Yes, when the diesel particulate filters clog up with soot, the ECU triggers post injection events so that extra diesel fuel will burn in the exhaust raising the temperature of the diesel particulate filter and burning the soot out. These events cause your miles per gallon to decrease significantly.
- Comment on The average car purchased in 2023 emits higher levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) than its 2013 equivalent. This is due to the large proportion of SUVs in the mix, which tend to be bigger and heavier. 1 year ago:
More interestingly, the emissions equipment which prevents particulate matter from entering the atmosphere does so by burning more fuel. This makes the engines emit even more co2 than they would without the emissions.
- Comment on Google pays Apple $18B to $20B a year to keep its search in iPhone 1 year ago:
Welcome to a mid level sales position.
- Comment on Thousands of Android TV devices come with unkillable backdoor preinstalled 1 year ago:
Good bot
- Comment on Apple will no longer fix the $17,000 gold Apple Watch 1 year ago:
And yet a $17k apple power Mac g5 today barely functions for YouTube
- Comment on C.R.E.A.M. 1 year ago:
30x10^23 atoms according to my calculations.