- Comment on But DrUgS at The Border!! 2 days ago:
And to ruin the US economy, to both destabilize the US so Russia can gain further control, and destabilize western democracies as a whole… so Russia can gain further global control.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] How is everyone doing with their home improvements? 1 week ago:
Had to pay taxes instead of the contractor. Now I’m just trying not to go bankrupt.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 2 weeks ago:
I have not, and I was wondering if that was the case.
Griping (giving it negative reviews) about it not being the same as prior iterations, even though it’s a perfectly adequate and fun game sounds like nitpicking a little to me. Sure, it may not be 5/5 for returning fans, but review bombing a perfectly good game because you wanted or expected something else seems a little much.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 2 weeks ago:
That’s weird, because marvel writing was almost constant one liners. And the joke option is one of three for every decision. But, yeah w/e
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 2 weeks ago:
Can someone explain to me why people think DA:V is bad? I’m thoroughly enjoying the game, I picked it up this last month, and haven’t seen any issue with it. The only thing I can think of is the vocal minority neckbeard gamers complaining about LGBTQ+ narratives… that their character relationship decisions directly influenced their exposure to.
- Comment on xkcd #3034: Features of Adulthood 1 month ago:
Work in HR for a large organization, a thousand or more employees, when you have a handful of John Smiths, the middle names really start to matter. Even with a hundred or more I’ve had 3 people with the same name before.
- Comment on Bat Drip 3 months ago:
I mean, on the one hand, yes. But, we just missed out on the opportunity to relive the carbon monoxide Reddit saga in real time!
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
Oooh, a good dill pickle slice on a pizza sounds good. So do green olives… I have to try these now!
- Comment on Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile? 10 months ago:
Memmy wasn’t even mentioned before me? Is it not good…? Should I change to the top rated iOS app here?
- Comment on How much do people still follow media reviews today? 10 months ago:
Alright, I’ll bite. I actually swing by the rotten tomatoes for a quick half hearted glance to see if even THEY thought it was trash. If it’s trash to them on both of their metrics, I’ll probably mark it lower on my watch list. If it’s mediocre or higher I’ll go in with no expectation of greatness but at least knowing it may be somewhat entertaining.
- Comment on Boston Dynamics introduces a fully electric humanoid robot that “exceeds human performance” 10 months ago:
On a planetary timeline, that’s ok too. The planet will have more and less biodiversity over 100k timelines. Life’s here to stay until the planet itself dies. “Life… ugh… finds a way.”
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
Blocking the website locally doesn’t halt the movement globally. What was Twitter doing before it was bought? Unionizing people around the globe against police brutality, against voter suppression, against protesting raised retirement ages, against protesting hijab requirements and for women’s equality, and more. Now these protests, which were supported globally, have been heavily impacted by the loss of Twitter. Now what we discuss is almost entirely controlled by the media, instead of ourselves communicating across barriers.
Here? Yeah, sure we can still say that we’re getting some discourse and sharing our lived experiences. But, that’s not at all the same as when Reddit was in full swing, or Twitter.
The rich bought out the internet to divide and control the lower class. We were getting too uppity, and they didn’t like that.
- Comment on The Fallout TV show might have answered a decades-old question in the video games 10 months ago:
We have to remember that he wouldn’t wouldn’t have been privy to information suggesting China launched first, and if he did hear it from the news he wouldn’t have believed it because he heard it from the horses mouth, his loved one, that they intended to launch, anyway. Both facts can exist in the same universe.
- Comment on Fallout 4 is getting a fresh update and will be Steam Deck Verified 10 months ago:
I stopped playing after I modded myself into godmode and the challenge went away. Maybe I should start over and find a way to finish this one sometime soon.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I have one of those dumb pornstaches, it’s ridiculous. But, the industry I work in is very specific about allowed facial hair. And I’m bald, so… doubly bad. But, idgaf. I’m in my thirties, most of the people I work with are in their twenties. I only don’t shave it because it’s a pain in the ass Monday morning to shave it after a weekend of not. It’s course and sensitive AF. And I HATE having to buy new disposable razor heads.
If only they’d just get with the times and permit beards… 12 more years of this shit, maybe it’ll happen while I’m still here.
- Comment on Taylor Swift among 141 new billionaires in ‘amazing year for rich people’ 11 months ago:
Should have started with it, though. Consolidation of wealth at the expense of the lower classes at an unprecedented rate.
- Comment on 11 months ago:
What’s a bath?
- Comment on How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. 1 year ago:
With how ‘enshitification’ is happening, I wouldn’t be surprised if back doors and ‘less than above board’ websites are controlled in the future. I, as a laymen who is at least here on Memmy using Lemmy, feel like the internet is going to be consolidated and controlled in the next decade or so. The elites need to be able to stifle any unionization of the populous (look at the purchasing of Twitter during the peak of the BLM movement and anti-hijab movement dying). How else are the elite going to ensure that the populous is easily controlled and they don’t develop empathy for all-people, dissolving prejudices that enable them to more easily control us?
Getting back on track; with how shits tightening down for the WWW, how do you envision piracy still working with the elite uniting against us?
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
That’s so odd, CFA prides itself in their streamlined process in my area, Home of the CFA territory honestly, which is probably the reason they’re so methodical here. Their drive throughs are pretty decent, and designed to perfection. Conveyor belts going through their ceiling delivering to a second drive through lane. It’s wild.
- Comment on What's with the 'Thanks' people? 1 year ago:
Bullets 2 and 3, the please and thank you portions of my email, is one sentence:
“Please let me know if you have any further guidance, questions or concerns, otherwise thank you.”
It’s pretty brief and doesn’t add too much to the email.
- Comment on What's with the 'Thanks' people? 1 year ago:
“Very respectfully” they have signature blocks like this:
Full name Department Address Cell Etc
When you put ‘v/r’ in your signature block, or write it out in the signature block, we all know it’s part of your signature. You don’t mean it, it’s dumb.
- Comment on What's with the 'Thanks' people? 1 year ago:
I always write emails with these items:
Open with their abbreviated title and last name (not ‘ma’am, ‘sir’, or ‘hey’)
End with a sentence that asks for them to please let me know if they have any further guidance, questions, issues or concerns with the topic of the email
And then follow that with ‘thank you’, for having taken the time to read through my email, address my concerns within the email, or provide me with their feedback.
I do this, in every single email, to ensure that no one accuses me of not using their professional titles/names. To ensure that no one accuses me of not being polite.
I’m smart enough to absolutely throw snark into an email, and wrap it in a bow, but I’ll be damned if they call me out on it, because I put ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in there and correctly titled the recipient. They can be fucked how they took the very professional and polite email.
Also ‘V/r’ in your signature block is BS, and everyone knows it.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077: what's included in 2.0 patch vs included in paid DLC 1 year ago:
The game was pretty good ages ago, what’s with the continued criticism?