- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
Steam, I can install the Steam client without any problems on moat distros, also Valve has done a lot of things to make the Linux gaming better.
Gog doesn’t have a desktop app for Linux, they’re focused totally Windows so I don’t care about it.
If I want “DRM free” games, then I pay for the original version with DRM and then pirate it to play whenever I want.
- Comment on Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) 1 year ago:
Me, tbh I don’t like meta but the groups in facebooks is probably what keeps me there, for example there is a group about an anime and the guys there literally translate the new volumes of the novel months faster than other piracy sites, almost in the moment, there is also the memes and other posts that only appear around those groups. Not even reddit has that content, so what keeps me attached to facebook is mainly anime groups
- Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago:
Try using japanese subtitles in animes you have already seen, it helps a lot honestly.
- Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago:
I can’t stand dubs, I think that japanese VA are a lot better. Anyway, I have been reading subs since I was 8 years old so I read them so fast that it doesn’t bother me.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
Then in that case the rational violence would have been totally against the government, instead they damaged things used by low/middle class citizens and not things that actually would piss off politicians, they also damaged small businesses (literally run by families)
If they are going to use violence against citizens then they have no justification.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
What I mention is what happened in October of 2019 in Chile.
Yeah, I know that they need to attract attention to a protest to be listened. BUT by no means it justifies destroying and robbing small businesses, burning churches and destroy schools (while asking for better education)
They literally went and made a mess of things. They could have just made a crowd, block the road, go to the government institutions but they choosed violence to other citizens. After that they left things even worse than they were, that’s a sign of lack of common sense and responsibility.
Many people lost their jobs, schools ended with heavy damag, the Metro stations where I live ended up in a mess, and for some reason they burned churches. Yeah.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
Both far left and far right are always stupid. At least here in my country Far left: Burns and destroy local business and destroy public transport used by all citizens just to protest and then for some reason blame the police for that. Far right: Constantly having hallucinations about the United Nations being controlled by far left and vaccines = poison.
Both are in a competence to show who has less neurons.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
Well, if they have been voting the same for two decades and everything has gone wrong, at least something different may change things,but they cannot be worse lol.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
I know a few Argentinians and since I live in Chile I know a lot about what’s going on there. They have a lot of useless ministers for almost everything, at this point the previous government could have easily added the ‘ministry of non-important matters’ Their state manages the education really bad, many Argentinians complain about that, all those things managed by the state work really bad and are fueled by taxes. I agree that Milei’s ideas are crazy, but seeing the options in Argentina, he was the less bad option there.
Imagine a state sucking almost every currency from every citizen just to fuel useless state institutions. I hope Argentina will recover with this change.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
I know but … YouTube belongs to YouTube, and I’m sure google is already making tons of money selling/using the data of all their users so… I would not have a problem with one or two ads, but they often put three or more annoying ads per video.
- Comment on Kids and teens are inundated with phone prompts day and night 1 year ago:
Thanks to the damn notifications now I HATE modern phones, I have uninstalled nearly every app from my phone, deleted mail accounts and set some tools to make my phone a normal phone again, nowdays smartphones are just a source of annoying ads. I installed an app (I think the name is minimalist phone) and it has a function to create a “box” for low priority notifications.
- Comment on The Minecraft wiki has been moved from Fandom to 1 year ago:
I have been using it a lot lately, I did not know about that thanks to Firefox + Ublock
- Comment on Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history 1 year ago:
I can’t find it on firefox, probably it’s not easy to find. In floorp is: Settings -> Profiles -> -Create, switch, config…
- Comment on Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history 1 year ago:
I just use one browser actually, Floorp. What I like about it it’s the ‘Profiles’ feature, before Floorp I used Firefox, Librewolf, etc.
With Floorp I can just create another profile that it’s like another browser. It’s probably the best Firefox based browser but it’s not very known.
- Comment on Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history 1 year ago:
firefox based browsers, ublock, and I avoid using google accounts.
- Comment on Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history 1 year ago:
I’m glad I stopped using chrome / chromium a long time ago.
- Comment on would would the average skin tone and facial features after 300 years? 1 year ago:
Idk, but I’m sure that in at least 200 years genetical modifications will be accessible if everything goes fine. Probably it will apply to skin tone and facial features and there could be a strange variety of new colors or most people would pick whatever is considered ‘the best looking’ features in 300 years.
tbh the idea of having the choice of changing genetics sounds good, but it’s impossible to know what will happen in 300 years.
At least that is what I think possible in the next 300 years.