ello! :)
- Comment on Protection zones around abortion clinics in place by October 5 months ago:
If you deny women access to abortion related healthcare, they die. Abortion bans ruin lives, and if you really have to protest abortions (which you shouldn’t), direct your attention towards politicians, instead of harassing women who need healthcare and are already having a horrible time.
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
the wet bulb temperature^1^ is just the temperature of a wet thermometer, and varies with humidity and temperature. Wet bulb temp is never higher than the dry bulb temp, so (entertainingly) you’re proposing that the meaning of 100° varies wildly and is always lower than the true temperature, effectively making the air temperature always ≥100°, and increases when the air is drier, like some sort of inverse relative humidity.
^1^(I’m aware you probably didn’t mean wet bulb temperature here, but let’s have fun with the idea) :)
- Comment on Secretary Birbs 6 months ago:
video of secretary bird with a fake snake
- Comment on Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online 6 months ago:
Hugely agree, those would all be fantastic additions.
- Comment on Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online 6 months ago:
Yeah, there’s definitely a difference between curricula, what’s focussed on in classrooms, and exam assessment criteria, but they’re supposed to be cohesive.
I remember one of my big pieces of coursework was “writing from the perspective of an advertiser,” and we had loads of lessons on identifying bias. I was taught in school that “red top magazines” are “less honest and more emotive” than “broadsheet newspapers.”
Presumably not everyone had the same experience though: I mentioned this offhand and my friend told me “surely that’s illegal to teach in a classroom?!”
- Comment on Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online 6 months ago:
This is actually a very minimal change to the already existing curriculum - the (compulsory) English Language GCSE is 50% “Critical reading and comprehension”
Gov UK states all specifications must include:
“identifying bias and misuse of evidence, including distinguishing between statements that are supported by evidence and those that are not; reflecting critically and evaluatively on text”
Most people presumably… “forgot”? but this has been in the curriculum for decades
- Comment on Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms 6 months ago:
I don’t have a telegraph account - someone summarise?
- Comment on Tawny Frogmouth 7 months ago:
not to be confused with Potoooooooos !
- Comment on First-time buyers spending 40% of pay on mortgages 7 months ago:
My first thought was that 40% was low… but I suppose I’ve never been a first time buyer, so they probably have higher salaries than I do
- Comment on Stonehenge tunnel scheme scrapped by government 7 months ago:
When I saw Stonehenge as a kid, we just drove past it really slowly, with my dad saying “don’t worry, everyone else wants to slow down to look too!”
Now I make that drive every few weeks 🫠
- Comment on The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found. 7 months ago:
Fact check: the guardian has completely messed up their reporting here. The paper they’re citing attributes a 9.7% decrease in children’s total sugar consumption to the sugar tax.
The “sugar consumption halved!” is more accurately: “free sugar from soft drinks only” dropped from 22g per day (pre-tax) to 12g per day (post-tax).
- Comment on UK weather: snow threatens travel disruption as temperatures drop 1 year ago:
I’ve been keeping an eye on the ensemble since early last week - at one point it was forecast that Cornwall was going to get 6 inches of snow! Snow is notoriously tricky to forecast unfortunately