- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
You’ve made my point well.
Absolutely I’ve already learnt it, and I don’t intend to stuff around translating. At first it’s one thing, maybe not cumbersome but then many things become a hassle.
Master and slave are not in and of themselves offensive words. You just assign offence to them, based on certain specific context, again proving my point.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Sometimes it’s not about typing.
In the electronics works the us a serial protocol called SPI Serial Peripheral Interface.
In schematics we might have a micro controller that connects to several sensors or memory chips on a pair of pins, 1 each for transmit and receive.
The micro controller is the master and the common nomenclature for the pin names is MISO and MOSI MasterInSlaveOut and MasterOutSlaveIn.
This overcomes confusion with regard to using things like TXD and RXD.
Wokeness has now suggested a bunch of alternatives.
PICO PeripheralInControllerOut and POCI… are the 2 leading alternatives.
Problem is I now have data sheets and schematics going back to the 1980s
It’s bullshit to me.
Words can have more than one meaning. Context and meaning matter.
I just want design cool electronics.
- Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago:
Yep. There was an assumption 20 years ago when common switches were 100Mbps and running cat5e that you’d have to upgrade cable to get the next speed tier, 1Gbps.
It propagated wildly, but was always incorrect. Cat5e was very much capable of gigabit Ethernet by design.
It was only beyond gig that you’d need cat6, and even then at short lengths 2.5/5/10Gbe has a good chance of working on cat5e anyway (but don’t do it).
- Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago:
High quality cat 5e weighs have done the job.
Original cables must have been faulty.
- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
This is verifiable in manufactures data sheets.
Efficiency at less than 20% and greater than 80% loads isn’t great relative to in between those ends.
This is compounded by lower wattage PSUs being more limited with regard to features and benefits.
If you end up with a 650w PSU and your system idles at 80 watts for the bulk of a working day you spend long periods of time in this less efficient window.
We need to see some quality 300w to 600w designs come back onto the market.
- Comment on The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake 9 months ago:
Cheap shitty knockoff reboots of a product are not newsworthy or even post worthy.
Is my opinion unpopular?
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Right… Gotcha. So you’re a ‘change the goalposts to keep making me right as the argument and evidence changes’ kinda person.
No point engaging with your type.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Not sure what you mean.
The US was inhabited last I checked.
- Comment on Peak technology 11 months ago:
I’m with the others recommending Brother. They aren’t perfect, but they’re the least bad.
Running about a 10 year old MFC 9349 CDW here, only changed the black toner so far. Used a cartridge reset truck I found on YouTube to get more life out of the original black before that.
Scans to network nicely, does 2 sided prints etc.
Go for a Brother.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Unless that was sarcasm that I missed… 100’s of weapons have been tested on US soil.
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 11 months ago:
Great… And and will this abundance be shared or hoarded for profit like everything else that is abundant already is?