- Comment on AT&T customers report wireless service has been down for hours 5 months ago:
I thought it was just me and my old iPhone, but I’ve also been having a lot of trouble connecting for the last few months. Since May, really.
- Comment on Xbox Unveils Four New Accessibility Offerings 6 months ago:
I don’t have an Xbox, but I’m thrilled any time companies add good customizable accessibility options. It’s good for folks who really need it, but also usually good for those of us who just like to customize everything as much as possible. Everybody wins.
- Comment on Is there is any modern Reddit alternative on the fediverse? 6 months ago:
I’m no dev, so I can’t speak to the codebase or mod tools, but I honestly don’t think it’s going to get much better than this right now. Lemmy has its issues for sure, but the community has been surprisingly stable, with little growth spurts here and there, and more healthy engagement than I expected. I get frustrated every so often, and there are accounts that make me want to scream, but that’s normal in any place where strangers interact.
I’m curious what other folks have to say, because if there’s a better alternative that I haven’t heard of, then I’m all in, but it’s been pretty hard to keep Lemmy as active as it is. It sounds like you might be a dev? If so, would you be willing to build the tools you want to see for the services you mentioned? It’d be awesome if folks with skills worked to improve existing open source stuff like Lemmy rather than building whole new ones that don’t have any active communities.
- Comment on Let's try something, what was your favourite post(s) from last week? 6 months ago:
Voyager has this, it’s a super useful feature.
- Comment on A bipartisan data-privacy law could backfire on small businesses − 2 marketing professors explain why. 6 months ago:
Nope seems like you understand it perfectly. It’s completely detached from reality. It’s like saying “we know of no rigorous study showing that accurate weather forecasts produced a tangible increase in the number of people who like bagels.” Like, okay, sure, but no one thought there was.
- Comment on A bipartisan data-privacy law could backfire on small businesses − 2 marketing professors explain why. 6 months ago:
That article really rubbed me the wrong way. It was a bunch of marketing people basically saying “privacy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be because it doesn’t make poor people rich” and “you’ll ruin the ability of small businesses to thrive if you don’t allow them to base their businesses on intrusive mass surveillance.”
The arrogance is astounding. If you can’t start a business without invading my privacy, you should rethink your business model. Just because surveillance marketing makes finding customers easier, doesn’t make it right. This part in particular is absurd:
Privacy can be, in some sense, a problem of the privileged. We know of no rigorous study showing that toughened digital marketing privacy policies produced tangible economic benefits for anyone, let alone lower-income consumers.
No, privacy is a problem for all of us, not just the privileged. To suggest otherwise is a deflection. It’s not always just about economics, even the working class have other things we value.
- Comment on 512-bit RSA key in home energy system gives control of “virtual power plant” 6 months ago:
Wow, props to Castellucci for being a stand up person and not using their discovery to control or mess with tens of thousands of people’s power supply. And props to GivEnergy for not turning around and suing them after they reported finding the issue.
This could have gone badly in either direction, but we lucked out that this Castellucci seems to be an excellent and conscientious citizen.
- Comment on 5G network flaws could be abused to let hackers spy on your phone 6 months ago:
Haven’t we always known this? It’s the same concept as a Stingray device, which is used to spy on people because their devices connect to it automatically, assuming it’s a normal cell tower. People don’t know what tower they’re connected to, so if you connect to a “fake” or exploited tower, you’ve basically handed over the keys. This is essentially the same thing, but on a 5g network, which is presumably made up of even more nodes/towers.
- Comment on Meta and Google secretly targeted minors on YouTube with Instagram ads 6 months ago:
The justice system doesn’t apply to corporations, even though they’re people. And since the corporations are run by billionaires, the most peopliest people there are, the justice system definitely doesn’t apply to them. Money = speech, and these corporations have the most money, therefore they get the most speech, meaning they have more rights than us normal people, and can get away with breaking the same laws that would get any of us thrown in jail.
/s but not really…
- Comment on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is coming to last-gen consoles next month 6 months ago:
I had the same experience with pretty much the same hardware. I played right after launch and had one or two crashes and a few stutters here and there, but otherwise I found it to be a surprisingly stable game, especially considering the wildly negative press it was getting at the time.
- Comment on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is coming to last-gen consoles next month 6 months ago:
I played it on my RTX 3070 shortly after launch, and while there were certainly some stutters here and there and the very occasional crash, for the most part it actually ran fine. I think the poor quality of the PC port has been seriously overblown. Granted I don’t care much about sustaining insanely high frame rates, but the game itself was amazing on its own, and even better having played and enjoyed the first one. Well worth any remaining technical glitches.
- Comment on Frustrated by School Web Filters, One Teenager Created His Own. 7 months ago:
I was in second grade when the school district started thinking about providing internet access for a few computers. You could just add a period at the end of a URL to get around the filters. No idea how or why it worked, but I told everyone. Those were the days.
- Comment on What are good options for fans (tower, standing, etc.) 7 months ago:
Thirding this. I went for two of their pricey all-metal tabletop fans. Definitely a luxury purchase, but they’re built like tanks with sleek retro styling. These things will last the rest of my life.
They’re surprisingly quiet on low and medium, and sound pretty typical on high.
- Comment on Why does use the "ML" country code for Mali? 7 months ago:
I had no idea about this, and I’ve been here for just over a year. Also, keep in mind which community this is.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
It sounds like she has some personality issues, but as someone who has lived in a bunch of different countries, I can attest that sometimes I forget how to pronounce certain words, and something weird can come out every once in a while. It’s rare, but some close friends and family have noticed and rightfully made fun of me for it. I really wouldn’t have noticed unless they pointed it out.
And don’t get me started on spelling…living in the UK for a while totally ruined my confidence with English spelling and turns of phrase. I also still say ‘cheers’ in lieu of ‘thanks’ more than I’d like to admit, and I’ve been back in the US for almost 8 years…
So yeah, your coworker sounds like a trip, but language is so goddamn confusing it’s totally possible that she has no idea how she sounds. Could also just be looking for attention, as others have suggested.
- Comment on American Pride Remains Near Record Low 7 months ago:
It’s very weird to me that it’s republicans who are more proud than democrats. Republicans are the ones who say the country is a crime-filled shithole full of woke gay black trans people who care about humans rights, and they think those are bad things. So what are they proud of?
I’m proud that we have all those types of people and more, and that we’ve made some progress in getting them a semblance of equality, but I’m ashamed that we’re still not quite there yet and even the pittances we’ve won have taken so freaking long and have been met with such resistance from the right.
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
My whole team and I work remotely, so it’s not the exact same situation as you, but I made a concerted effort from day one to set social boundaries with my colleagues. First week on the job my manager found out I’m single and offered to set me up with people. I acted very weird about it, purposefully exaggerating how uncomfortable the offer made me, and she got the hint. We have a very friendly and cordial working relationship, but she no longer pries into my personal life unless I volunteer information. Been happily working under her for four years now.
That work/life separation quickly filtered down to the rest of my colleagues, to the point where now they act a little weird when a company call starts to get personal. Mission accomplished.
I think the key thing is that you’ll never get through to people if they can’t read social queues. Sounds like your workplace cliques are filled with those types of oblivious folks, so you might just need to be completely explicit about keeping things fully professional. I’m lucky that my manager is emotionally intelligent, but that’s pretty rare these days.
Good luck!!
- Comment on BBC thinks we might as well get comfortable, fellow Zoomers. 9 months ago:
Damn straight. Even my boomer home-owning parents called me up to tell me it’s cheaper to rent than buy right now, and frankly, fuck that. Renting is still basically like cutting my paycheck in half and throwing it out my single-pane poorly-insulated window. Sure, I get a shitty roof over my head, but that’s it.
- Comment on Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambitions 9 months ago:
Yeah I hear you, but I think that’s actually a big part of the problem. We the plebs want AI to free us from slaving away our lives. But Altman and those like him will never have the same motivations as us, so I’ll never trust them to develop the technology in a responsible way that actually benefits the majority of people, not just the tippy top of the absurdly wealthy.
- Comment on Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambitions 9 months ago:
I do not trust this man to do anything in my best interest. He is a disingenuous and untrustworthy messenger, and if allowed to continue unchecked will end up the overlord of a new hyper-capitalist dystopian nightmare. I’m genuinely afraid of this guy and people like him.
I’ll remind folks that this is a man with such appalling hubris that he thinks he should be able to raise trillions of dollars to make his own fantasies come true.
- Comment on Suicide Squad Cost Warner Bros. $200 Million In Revenue 9 months ago:
I just watched it twice in a row, thank you very much.
- Comment on Behold, the $400 red pineapple 9 months ago:
Right? It’s shocking. I only learned about it recently when I started buying pineapples regularly and found out there are only a few companies in the world that produce them. And most if not all of them are incredibly shady and responsible for some truly terrible shit.
- Comment on Behold, the $400 red pineapple 9 months ago:
I encourage folks to search “del monte human rights” and be prepared to get angry.
- Comment on Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain 9 months ago:
I don’t know much about the case beyond some very lazy peripheral searching, but it strikes me that Proton’s compliance isn’t an issue, but the requests themselves are totally unjustifiable and based on malicious prosecutions to nab some separatists on ridiculous terrorism charges for their nonviolent action and protests.
This individual is suspected of being a member of the Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonia’s police force) and of using their internal knowledge to assist the Democratic Tsunami movement.
The requests were made under the guise of anti-terrorism laws, despite the primary activities of the Democratic Tsunami involving protests and roadblocks, which raises questions about the proportionality and justification of such measures.
- Comment on People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you 9 months ago:
I do the same thing, and always wonder that too. These companies have been caught lying consistently and repeatedly about what they collect and how, so even with all the right settings I’m very skeptical that they actually respect my choices.
- Comment on What s the difference between gemini and chatgpt 9 months ago:
Yeah….methinks this site is not of the highest quality.
- Comment on The horrors we've unleashed 10 months ago:
We sure that’s not lost Frank Zappa album art?
- Comment on i have become the gis 10 months ago:
That’s ArcGIS Desktop. Recently deprecated software (depending on who you ask) that is incredibly powerful, but equally infuriating and awful. Has been supplanted by ArcGIS Pro, which is also powerful and slightly less infuriating and awful, but still very much so.
- Comment on The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco 10 months ago:
This is one of the more disturbing things I’ve read in a while, and there’s a genocide going on.
It strikes me that this guy and his followers simply never grew up, because they didn’t have to. Instead of being faced with everyday challenges like the rest of us, their money could insulate them from any degree of hardship or friction. When you live a life where literally everything can be solved with your money, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to never run out of it, there’s no motivation for you to empathize with or even understand other people’s points of view, and thus this scary techno-authoritarianism is born.
These are the people who will prevent us from making any socioeconomic progress. They actually want us all to wear colored shirts and be discriminated against based on our color. Their dystopian vision is genuinely the stuff of my nightmares.
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
I’m all for more trains in general, but $12 billion?? Fucking hell that’s too much money. And Las Vegas??? A city that practically and logistically-speaking should not exist? Building a zero emissions train (theoretically awesome) that goes out into the middle of the desert to a city that is warming faster than anywhere else in America, one that will only need more access to our dwindling water supply in the future, makes zero sense to me.
I’m sure people will hate me for saying this, but we should be phasing out unsustainable cities like Las Vegas, not giving them incentives to build up even more.