- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 3 months ago:
I was REALLY patient for this one but: Silent Hill (ps1). I tried to play it last year, ran into the creature in the alley at the very very start and immediately turned it off. Too spoopy for me. Finally decided to try again because the Silent Hill lore is just way too fascinating. Have made it through a lot farther this time (just passed the dog house now) and still going strong.
- Comment on Older patient gamers: what is your preferred gaming platform? 10 months ago:
I use a sbc device with emulators now a days. It’s the perfect “pick up and put down” situation for me. I’d really recommend looking into it especially for quality of life things like save states and being able to pick up where you left off exactly.
As for deciding what platforms to play, my biggest advice is looking at how many buttons a controller has. I don’t see people talk about this a lot, but when I’m looking to play a simple game, my first thought is “how many buttons do I feel like using?”
With this thought in my mind I’ve been gravitating towards things like GBA, SNES, N64, and when I want something a little more complex, Ps1 or Dreamcast.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months ago:
Custom Robo for N64. Cute little 3d shooter where you have a robot made of 5 customizable parts that you can mix and match to build the strongest robot and be the greatest “robo commander”. I think people say the idea was a “sci-fi collectible game loosely similar to pokemon”.
I know it’s late but posting for content.
- Comment on Now that search engines suck, people will start to bookmark again. 11 months ago:
Excuse me, my 783 loose bookmarks and I would like to have a word.
- Submitted 11 months ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 25 comments
- Comment on Decisions decisions 1 year ago:
That’s the secret to seeing them move.
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Oh shit
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Don’t think its considered retro yet, but I wish I could forget every second of it I played. The complete emotional Rollercoaster I went through playing that game was incredible.
One of the few games where I really felt like I was the “super important protagonist” and the world really depended on me.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 49 comments
- Comment on Change my mind 1 year ago:
- Comment on This is a PSA 1 year ago:
Thank you
- Comment on I was gonna make a celebration meme, but then it's not shitposting 1 year ago:
Similar feeling for my family’s plum tree. I’m glad I could remind you of a nice memory :).
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 12 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Comment on You can hold a poop while peeing but you can't hold a pee while pooping. 1 year ago:
Oh man I understand your pain brother. Have the same issue but I got “lucky” and was forced out of it. Was in a situation where I had to piss/shit in a public bathroom for 4+ years. Still happens sometimes when I’m in unfamiliar places and there’s more than 1 other person in there. Don’t know what it is about the anxiety man. Just feels impossible sometimes.
- Comment on First garlic harvest! 1 year ago:
Wow they look incredible. Good job!