- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Didn’t uninstall any of my AdBlock layers, but YouTube didn’t survive.
Even though I actually never saw the famous popup, the whole thing made me take steps after months of feeling that the recommendations sucked and I was often wasting lots of time watching stuff I didn’t even like.
Now I’m actually getting back into reading and audiobooks, and using invidious for the occasional watch.
- Comment on Could you stay in the roundabout indefinitely? 1 year ago:
Probably there are many places with no specific provisions against that but surely that would count for authorities as some sort of disruption of traffic, which are intentionally vaguely defined to cover such ambiguous eventualities.
A shame, I think it would be neat.
- Comment on Why Shoes Left Unworn for a Long Time Get Broken Easily When Finally Used? 1 year ago:
Probably not what he meant, but it has happened twice now to me that I wear shoes that had been stored for a year without use, but in good condition. After I used them for half an hour or an hour, the rubber sole crumbles literally in little pieces.
- Comment on Tesla may have picked an unwinnable fight with Sweden’s powerful unions — The first ever strikes and a solidarity blockade against the US carmaker could force it to rethink its entire anti-union model 1 year ago:
that would be great of course but you know who’s very ready to double down and lose billions instead of saying ‘uhmm you know what I think I was wrong and I need to correct course’?
yeah that guy
- Comment on Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome 1 year ago:
The tragedy of edge is that it is technically a fantastic browser for windows but made by Microsoft.
Just thinking about the engineers that built such great memory management and security features that no other browser has just to have the marketing guy come in and say ‘yeah put these three layers of bloat on top oh and don’t forget to add the new backdoor we need…’ only to see that all their work is basically a tech meme…
I guess they must get home and cry while hugging their stock options and 300k/y contract the poor guys…
- Comment on Former soldier searched Google, Reddit for spying tips, prosecutors say — Investigators say they found a document on the man's computer titled: “Important Information to Share with Chinese Governme... 1 year ago:
Remember Jack the Dripper?