- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 4 months ago:
I’ve read about the lightning reversal before I knew he would use it, so I know what to try. The one time I had the opportunity, I timed it completely wrong, jumped too early and was on the ground again by the time it struck.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 5 months ago:
I’m at the top of ashina castle. Spent a good couple of hours on that boss, was super happy to get past it. Then he threw off his clothes and got all lightningy. Haven’t managed to get back to that phase yet.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 5 months ago:
Yep, first time. It feels so good when it clicks!
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 5 months ago:
Sekiro is really testing my patience with my own skills
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Yep, I really hope a future will become reality where Adobe has some competition and/or an incentive to port the suite to Linux. I just can’t help but cheer on the sounds against Stockholm syndrome. So much of these “it doesn’t work on Linux” is just the company intentionally trying to prohibit integration with open systems (looking at you HDMI forum). In the end I agree, though, when giving advice, it’s best not to assume the “only gaming” use case.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
From my experience it’s still a common misconception and I think it’s the largest potential group that can switch. Sucks that your usecase is unsupported, though. Just out of interest, what software can you still not run?
- Comment on futurism 10 months ago:
Except it’s barely in your hands because your surroundings have vastly more influence over what you actually become.
What a metaphor.
- Comment on Scientists Develop New Dirt-Powered Fuel Cell That Runs Forever 1 year ago:
I’d say a battery is at least something that should be “chargeable”, either one time or rechargeable. I dont think you can use solar cells to store energy back into the sun.
- Comment on I'm at a roulette table. I only bet on red. When I lose I triple my bet, when I win I restart. Is this a roulette strategy? 1 year ago:
I thought this was a pretty good in-depth explanation of the infinite case and the finite case: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTsRGQj6VT4
- Comment on [help] Are there tools for documents manipulating that can provide an approximate size of components (text included)? 1 year ago:
I would look into a library that does manipulation of odt (or docx). Code whatever algorithm you need to do the restructuring. Now your left with an in memory representation of the document that you can hopefully figure out how many pages it spans, or save it to a temporary file.
All depends really on how feature rich the odt libraries are and/or how deep you want to dive into the spec.
I feel like this is an XY problem. Is there an underlying issue your trying to resolve?
- Comment on With the creation and use of ChatGPT and Bard, I bet ELI5 community and subreddit have had less posts, because people can just ask them instead. 1 year ago:
Interestingly, as ChatGPT might be trained on these ELI5 questions and as a result they are asked more infrequently, it might get worse over time or out of date on these types of questions by its own doing. I especially wonder how bad this influence will get on subjects that you’d normally search stackoverflow for.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 1 year ago:
Just thinking. Maybe there’s a non linear relation between the uptake and the amount of alcohol. As for other products, they usually have a nutritional information table per 100g that you can thus read as percentages.
- Comment on Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage 1 year ago:
If what the first commenter said is true. They will just implement RCS or an alternative in the EU and make up some reason why they can’t or won’t for the US market.