- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Yep. No artistic skills here, fun shitposts like this one for me are only fueled by some sort of generative AI. In this instance I tried a few different models (initially I got a woman with a red shirt uniform and a bee logo, then a red shirt with yellow and black highlights, a different model gave me a buff, hairy bee in a red shirt uniform… on top of the enterprise, holding a small enterprise in a hand) but had to give up and use Flux even if it’s the most intensive to run. Hardly perfect, but it’s fun and easy to recognize :)
- Comment on Sovol SV06 stringing issue 7 months ago:
A bit hard to tell, as every printer is different, but try a small test file at let’s say 100 mm/s? I use Cura (really, really dislike the Slic3r/Prusa Slicer/Orca interface) and here it’s called “Print Speed”. Changing that will lower the others in the same way, can’t imagine it works differently in Prusa Slicer.
- Comment on Sovol SV06 stringing issue 7 months ago:
True about PETG, but the thing about a specific filament being stringy stands: I have a green PETG that, once it gets some time in the drier, is almost perfect. And an orange one, that can sit in the drier a whole day but still string.
- Comment on Sovol SV06 stringing issue 7 months ago:
This could be two things, aside from what you considered. Did you increase the speed? Because if I remember correctly the SV06 has a bit of a wimpy cooling system, and as opposed to the SV07, no extra fan on the back. Another thing to consider is that sometimes you just have a filament that is stringy, did you try a different one, or so far it’s your only option?
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 9 months ago:
Alternatively: Paris is the fastest lover in the universe.
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 9 months ago:
Dogs pee on sacred trees, they are probably not welcome abroad starships.
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 9 months ago:
Ahh, thank you. I’ll have a laugh once I’ll get around to watching it :D
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 9 months ago:
This is really confusing me. Is it one of the new series? I’m not yet up to date on them, otherwise I’m really, really drawing a blank here XD
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 75 comments
- Comment on pooch/repkord made a printer lift itself 9 months ago:
All I can think is “Do you even lift, bro?” and chuckle.
- Comment on Rant: Cura did the one thing a slicer shouldn't do 1 year ago:
I’ve never had issues with Cura losing my stuff (been using it with an Ender 3 since… 2019 I think) but the backup plugin is connected with your account. It’s a wonderful thing! New computer? Login, restore backup, everything is like you left it.
I do make sure to use it before any update because I have seen the same kind of posts as you have.
- Comment on Where to Watch Prodigy on December 25 1 year ago:
Netflix, in Italy
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on Just get a bigger fence 1 year ago:
Took me a while to remember that one weird episode.
- Comment on Oh, Spock. 1 year ago:
I fully expected this to be about Janeway, but alas.
- Comment on AI memes are probably the freakiest thing I've seen .... so far 1 year ago:
Yeah, I think I overdid the bit with “extra detail” and ended up giving her an older look. Still an image I’m happy to have wrangled out of Stable Diffusion :D
- Comment on AI memes are probably the freakiest thing I've seen .... so far 1 year ago:
- Comment on HE JUST LEFT... WITH NUTS! 1 year ago:
Master, I beg you to reconsider!
- Comment on Here's a Klingon joke everyone can understand the punchline to 1 year ago:
Your cat ran away? So you’re cat less? A word of advice, your sword might become legendary, keep it safe.
- Comment on Alexander the Kid 1 year ago:
Are you sure about that?
- Comment on Guinan has seen it before 1 year ago:
Busting makes me feel good!
- Comment on Guinan has seen it before 1 year ago:
I hate this, it’s fun but I can’t share it with anyone because it requires knowledge of that episode
- Comment on We need to remodulate the phasers 1 year ago:
I’ve been wondering about that too, after seeing this post I watched a 10+ minutes video and it was fine, but I’m not… on an average setup.
So for the moment I’m just going to suppose it’s not active for me yet. Thanks.
- Comment on I'm not kidding when I say for the FIRST time I actually can grasp the size 1 year ago:
Ever played Eve Online? The “Noob ship” you get free when yours goes boom is bigger than a fighter jet, the battleships (fairly big) are about 500 meters and the capital monstrosity stuff gets to a plainly overkill 17 kilometers. And in all of this? It’s hard to figure out the small ships actually need a crew and aren’t just the pilot inside
- Comment on Just a little side effect from Admiral Janeways virus 1 year ago:
Kiss my shiny laminated ass!
- Comment on I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride 1 year ago:
How is nobody doing 2+2 and figuring out we’re the “mirror universe”? At best.
- Comment on Community Creation - AI Image 1 year ago:
I’m just going to drop this here…/id6444050820?l=en-GB for the Apple users among us: fast, powerful on device generation, works on iPhones, iPad and Macs (Silicon only, I think). Free!
- Comment on Dalek - Hydrodipped 1 year ago:
I can only see the Dalek being reeeally pissed off, all “EXTERMINATE!” lol
- Comment on no context 1 year ago:
I don’t remember the details, but I did remember Crusher and Troi looking different…
- Comment on These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its ongoing mission... yadda yadda yadda. 1 year ago:
What is the deal with those Borg? They want to “assimilate”. Fine! Come to earth, we have centuries of tv to show you! See how they’ll run away then…