- Comment on What does "araffe" mean? 11 months ago:
What’s the old lingers?
- Comment on Air Canada must honor refund policy invented by airline’s chatbot 1 year ago:
“According to Air Canada, Moffatt never should have trusted the chatbot and the airline should not be liable for the chatbot’s misleading information because Air Canada essentially argued that “the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions,” a court order said.”
Can you imagine the hellscape we’d be living on if precedent went the other way? Companies could just run every unsavory decision through some machine learning system and then wash their hands of it afterwards.
“Oh you were illegally fired? Sorry, that decision came from the Overmind, not from us.”
- Comment on Do you think that there will be another event like 9/11 in the next decade in the United States of America? 1 year ago:
A majority of Americans want stricter gun laws, and that’s been consistent for quite a few years.
We also have a dysfunctional political system that prevents popular ideas from getting anywhere, but we’re not really unique in that I suppose.
- Comment on The New Luddites Aren’t Backing Down 1 year ago:
Yeah cool, don’t explain or anything
- Comment on Google may let you choose which of its services are linked, thanks to EU 1 year ago:
I’m sure they’ll do it in a way that’s convenient and doesn’t require 14 clicks through obnoxiously designed popups every single time you use a Google service. Yep, certainly no way this could go wrong.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
General strike/protest? Get enough people making noise on the street and people will have to listen. With a presidential election coming up, Dems won’t be able to fully ignore it either.
- Comment on YouTube Video Recommendations Lead to More Extremist Content for Right-Leaning Users, Researchers Suggest 1 year ago:
Yeah I’ve gotten similar results too. Fwiw, I don’t think downvoting is a good way to change your results. It seems to key into any interaction at all and also watch time. As soon as I see certain people I started just swiping immediately
- Comment on Suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police, court rules 1 year ago:
I think we’re sort of deciding that right now? Lots of new technologies are getting out ahead of any substantial laws that would protect human rights in these situations.
- Comment on Suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police, court rules 1 year ago:
What if you have face unlock?
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
It takes mental effort to defend a group, or to engage in good faith discussion at all, really. People tend to pick up on key buzzwords that get thrown around a lot by certain groups and use those to gauge whether the discussion is going to be worth continuing. Concern-trolling and “I’m just asking questions” is quite common in these contexts, so both sides do this, to be honest.
- Comment on Senators Introduce ‘Fans First’ Bill Intended to Reform Live-Event Ticketing System 1 year ago:
I think the divide is bigger on more important issues, so compromise and bipartisanship are more likely on less headline-grabbing issues.
- Comment on Maria 1 year ago:
Last is usually the best place to be, honestly. No stress from the rat race. Free sweet items you can use to play kingmaker. Ambition is for fools in MarioKart
- Comment on The Techno-Optimist Manifesto 1 year ago:
Sounds pretty culty, tbh.
- Comment on Now that the Middle East conflict is back. Was wondering why they call them settlements instead of towns? 1 year ago:
The US forgets about everything on pretty much a weekly basis. Blame the 24 hour news cycle, I guess.
- Comment on Israel Deploys Semi-Autonomous Machine Gun Robot to Gaza Border 1 year ago:
Targeting for the weapon itself is done by a human remotely at least right?
- Comment on LPT: Never get a tattoo in a language that you don't understand 1 year ago:
To be fair, those kind of mean the same thing
- Comment on How did Synthwave end-up associated with Cyberpunk ? 1 year ago:
I suspect Vangelis’s work on BladeRunner had a big part to play in this
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Yeah, don’t expect funding for AAA games!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The author made a point of calling the head of the foundation “her” repeatedly after making clear they’re non-binary. I’m sure this article has no agenda or anything.
- Comment on Parents Upset Over New Nintendo Console - Super Nintendo - Circa 1991 1 year ago:
The shade those parents must’ve felt to have their interviews used in what turned out to be free marketing for Nintendo lol
- Comment on There's Nothing Green About Socialism - HumanProgress 1 year ago:
The article keeps referring to “socialism” and then referring exclusively to communist societies, and so can safely be disregarded entirely if you are pursuing absolutely any form of democratic socialism.
- Comment on Stanford researchers find Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem 1 year ago:
Shouldn’t it be possible to create open-source bots that use the same databases as the researchers to automatically flag and block that kind of content?