- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
I’ll never be able to get over the opening cinematic to the first Kingdom Hearts. Having played mostly Game Boy Color prior to that, I had no idea that graphics could look that good.
- Comment on Unrealistic Body Standards 8 months ago:
Then I have a problem with the jaaawwwwwwww
- Comment on The Kingdom Hearts games are now out on Steam, don't ask me to explain them 8 months ago:
Boy with key sword uses it to repeatedly beat up old wizard in different bodies to save the multiverse. Goofy almost dies.
Now that wasn’t so hard was it?
- Comment on What are you playing this week? May 13 2024 Edition 9 months ago:
Delta emulator really helped boost my retro gaming so I’m playing through Pokémon Silver for the umpteenth time. What’s striking me on this playthrough is how good the soundtrack is.
- Comment on Lore accurate Kingdom hearts or something idk 11 months ago:
Say fellas, did someone mention the Door To Darkness?
- Comment on OpenAI introduces Sora, its text-to-video AI model 1 year ago:
Only the third most confusing entry in the Kingdom Hearts series
- Comment on What were some of your favourite Australian TV shos?w 1 year ago:
The Chaser’s War on Everything
- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure what you’re getting at with the food analogy.
Your question is like asking ‘Why hasn’t there been another good band since Green Day?’ Some people don’t think they are a good band, some people like them but think other stuff is way better, ect. Again, because good is a subjective measure and (artistic) taste really isn’t quantifiable.
- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
Because good is an entirely subjective measure. Ask a 5 year old what the best tv show is and you’ll get a different answer than if you asked a professional critic. There have been loads of shows since X-Files ended that are entertaining and have engaging characters. It’s okay to have a favorite.
- Comment on Unreal body standards 1 year ago:
Then I have a problem with the jawwwwwwww
- Comment on Jingle bells Batman smells robin laid an egg... 1 year ago:
A for the cowl B for the Bat-Nipples
- Comment on You can never be too safe 1 year ago:
But for Texans
- Comment on Wholesome shitpost 1 year ago:
go and recreate that one scene from Kingdom hearts in a Walmart parking lot
Jeez, did you have to call me out in particular?