- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
It’s funny, I think Vegas is perfectly fine as the city of sin so things like this really don’t phase me. It was built on the idea of crime and excess.
What does seem weird to me is how in a desert, why isn’t everything solar? The sun is their only natural resource besides sand. Every rooftop and parking lot and flat surface possible seems like it should be a panel.
- Comment on Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them 8 months ago:
It also feels like their insistence is doing nothing but hurting them. The average consumer who doesn’t know the difference between a local account and a Microsoft account won’t know or care about MS doing this.
But the users who do have a preference and do want a local account are just going to be irritated at it and give them bad press. They’ll eventually figure out how to make a local account anyway and it may be the push they need to migrate off of Windows.
- Comment on 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances 9 months ago:
The things you listed are not only staples, but also pretty basic and essentially the foods when trying to eat on a budget. What about beef, chicken, eggs, etc?
- Comment on 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances 9 months ago:
Being an idiot in that situation is true, but in your example is also true that the item he was buying has gone up 50% in price. It doesn’t matter that the item is extravagant, it still has gone up significantly. That’s pretty much across the board with food.
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 9 months ago:
Ah, gotcha. Makes sense.
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 9 months ago:
Is there anything about Aegis that makes it better than Authy? Just looking at the page for Aegis, I’m not seeing a lot of difference. And it being Android only limits it.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 9 months ago:
That’s a principled stance.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
It has definitely become more noticeable on Reddit that huge numbers of either compromised or sold accounts are being used by bots to sell shit. They are in basically every thread now, getting upvoted to appear more legit until someone calls them out and they delete their content.
Reddit is definitely on the way down. And a decent amount along the way. But unfortunately, it still is the best option for a modern day message board. I want to use Lemmy more, but there just isn’t enough content being posted by enough people.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
The break down of the content isn’t my biggest issue. The problem is that there just isn’t enough content.
Thankfully some mobile apps besides the official still work and Old Reddit still works on desktop.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Via context clues I think this means conversations that have a high likelyhood of buying something.
Like a thread asking for a phone recommendation is likely going to end in a sale. But it’s written by a PR drone and thus doesn’t look like English.
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 10 months ago:
If Roku actually does this I would definitely never use them again. Completely asinine behavior. Especially because most people aren’t even using stand alone boxes with their smart TVs.
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 10 months ago:
To be fair, this is just a patent, not Roku saying they will do this. But if they do, then absolutely.
- Comment on is this the moment spez became Heisenberg? Reddit CEO warns users: "We know your dark secrets' 11 months ago:
Proving all of it is authentic would be difficult, but I don’t think that is necessary. It isn’t really disputed that reddit is the largest repository of human generated content currently. It was one of the reasons the whole reddit protest thing was even as big as it was, because when the reddit results left Google, searching for real information from people became a lot harder
- Comment on is this the moment spez became Heisenberg? Reddit CEO warns users: "We know your dark secrets' 11 months ago:
Not a smart move, right before the IPO.
Really? I think the opposite. He said this in a profoundly stupid way, but what he is saying is that reddit is still the largest collection of human generated content. And not just the sanitized stuff you post on Facebook or LinkedIn, but your actual political opinions, your fears, your hobbies, the totally real secrets you posted to the weekly “What is your darkest secret” AskReddit post, your porn preferences, etc. And that is likely very valuable.
- Comment on OpenAI introduces Sora, its text-to-video AI model 1 year ago:
What it was the end of was talentless painters who were just copying what they saw. Painting stopped being for service and started being for art. That is where software development is going.
I think a better way of saying this are people who were just doing it for a job, not because of a lot of talent or passion for painting.
But doing something just because it is a job is what a lot of people have to do to survive. Not everyone can have a profession that they love and have a passion for.
That’s where the problem comes in when it comes to these generative AI.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
The people who buy something like this (hopefully) have enough money where $3,500 doesn’t matter or are developers who want to get in early on something that might be big in a few versions.
Everyone should avoid.
- Comment on Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever” 1 year ago:
This is nothing new. Buying digital and streaming only versions of media just means you are licensing it. If you care, either break the DRM and reencode, or just pirate it directly.
- Comment on SR-72: US secret hypersonic jet to allegedly break sound barrier in 2025 | Believed to be a top-secret project of the US Air Force, the SR-72 is touted to reach over 4,000 mph (6,437 kph), making i... 1 year ago:
Aren’t the Russian hypersonic missiles essentially just regular ballistic missiles? I remember reading something saying that calling them hypersonic was a stretch, and they have been intercepted by standard missile defense systems which actual hypersonic missiles wouldn’t be.
- Comment on SR-72: US secret hypersonic jet to allegedly break sound barrier in 2025 | Believed to be a top-secret project of the US Air Force, the SR-72 is touted to reach over 4,000 mph (6,437 kph), making i... 1 year ago:
It might even be from before then. I could swear I saw this copypasta back on the GameFAQs message board in the early 2000’s.
- Comment on Threads is officially starting to test ActivityPub integration 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t call it an obsession, but there does need to be a critical mass of users before a social networks become useful.
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
It’s definitely more than the market is not large enough or willing to pay enough to make it worth while. A phone with 3 USB ports, a physical keyboard and a huge ass battery?
That’s not a phone, that’s a laptop. The amount of people willing to pay for that is going to be miniscule.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
In my state, stores already scan the ID when buying booze. It isn’t all the time, but it’s fairly requent.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
I used to hate self checkout. I was a cashier at a grocery store back in 2004-2005 and I found self check out slow and finnicky.
I’ve gotten used to them now and it seems like newer ones have resolved most of the speed and weight sensing issue. Now I prefer them with small trips.
My biggest problems now are that I still need a person for booze and coupons. If I could just scan my damn ID when I’m buying beer, and then scan and insert my own coupons, I’d be set.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
It’s fairly new in my area, but it’s great. That and contactless payments (Google and Apple Pay) are nice.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
Probably because it sweats and the pure white nature might make the laser more reflective? Only thing I can think of.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
We’re talking two similar but different issues. The first one is support of the OS in general. The OS released 10 years ago, MS supported it for 10 years. The second is how do they handle people who bought computers a year or two or three or whatever after Windows 10 release that had an older CPU. That is where I think there should be some wiggle room. Just put in an easy way to check in the install for example that the user understands that they’re on borrowed time, but they can update to Windows 11. Or if they have to, extend Windows 10 security updates for another year or two. My preference would be allow Windows 11 upgrade, but I’m not hard line on it.
The important part is that there has to be a middle ground. Every OS can not be supported indefinitely on every permutation of hardware without cutoff. But there needs to be flexibility for reasonably modern hardware that can run an OS while maybe not supporting some features or just being old enough where support becomes overly cumbersome.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
They can keep supporting windows 10. They made money when windows 10 was installed on that computer, so they should support it.
They have though. For ten years.
I’m sympathetic to MS trying to force updates along. One big problem especially in Enterprise is that the requirement to support ancient OSes and hardware causes unnecessary work, and holds back progress. Look at IE. Or Vista’s performance issues caused by underpowered GPUs.
The question is how long do you support and how forceful are you on requiring upgrades? Linux distros have LTS releases and generally do a great job on long term support, but even they will start deprecating branches.
There has to be a middle ground.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
Good point, although by then we’re getting to variables that MS can’t control.
I know people have bypassed the spec check to get 11 installed, I think MS should just allow people to bypass it officially for a certain length of time. It’s a pain in the ass to support older machines and OSes, but striking a middle ground is good.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
Windows 10 came out in 2015 and eighth gen Intel and 2nd gen Ryzen came out in 2018. So it would be 7 years of support unless you bought an older computer then.
- Comment on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Devs Say Miles Morales Is the 'Main' Spider-Man From Now On - IGN 1 year ago:
I’m not finished with the game yet, but I’m a decent chunk into it.
They have really focused on his development more. In a way they’re copying the normal Spiderman story (how to cope with balancing being a super hero versus having a regular life) but they’re changing it a little bit by having him deal with emotions and plot points from the Miles Morales spin-off. And he’s also balancing Pete who is going through the classic symbiote stuff.
I’d consider him a more interesting Spider-Man than the last game, but his regular life development isn’t any more interesting. But I’m probably about half to 2/3 through the game so that could change.