- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 3 months ago:
Honestly, just engaging a bit would help a ton. Some people aren’t good conversationalist so they use memes to try and bond.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
I think they call it “analog horror noise” now, along with vhs cassettes.
Feel the passage of time XD
- Comment on I realized why I like friendships with lesbians 1 year ago:
Imagine you could only have one friend for the rest of your life. If you don’t find one then you will be left alone.
For many, that’s a important decision, so they are always attentive to potential friend candidates. You don’t want to humiliate yourself in front of them, so you shy away. You want to show them that you are good friend candidates, you try to show off. Someone else is a good friend candidates, you feel insecure. Someone gets angry at you because you were apparently showing off without realising it and feel threatened.
Its a competition that your body compels you to participated, and it gets exhausting at time.
Now add “and make babies”, remove being able to verbalize this, and you got sexual desire.
It should be noted do, intensity varies from person to person. Those that have it set too high cause problems to themselves and others.
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
You have me sold on the game.
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
Short answer, yes.
Long answer, it’s easy to say you will die for a cause while in a cushy position. Sometimes you will have to do things you don’t agree with to provide for your loved ones. My current job allows me to provide without compromising my morals, but it would be dishonest of me to say I wouldn’t if it didn’t. As such, I don’t blame the people who have.