- Comment on "Yeah, but what if we used AI?" 10 months ago:
I am very much in favor of using violence to take resources from people that don’t give back to the community they rely on. It’s a good thing to take money from the rich and greedy using violence. There is no imaginable society where people should be permitted to not contribute when they are capable of contributing.
If people are permitted to not contribute excess power, it places more of the burden on everyone else to make up for it. On top of that, as the tax dodger accumulates too much control over resources(wealth), they can use those resources to hire people that then impose violence on the community when they try to take the resources back.
If anything, an anarchist society should be more vigilant of resource accumulation, forcing each other to contribute through violence and ensuring that large power imbalances don’t emerge. There would be no state to handle redistribution, so it’d be the responsibility of every individual to make sure everyone has enough. There’d be no justification for anyone to have too much exclusive control over important resources, nor would there be a justification to not give excess resources to ensure everyone has the essentials.
In a society that prohibits excessive wealth imbalance or centralization of control, there’d be power inequality, but there’d also be a well established ceiling and floor to the inequality. That will always require some form of progressive “taxation” or system of redistribution. There’d also need to be taxation on almost all worker productivity to help develop public goods that everyone will benefit from. Everyone would need to chip in what they can if they need a new communal well, or if they need to maintain the roads, or need to put someone’s home out if it caught fire. People would need to contribute even if they don’t benefit from the particular public service, as they might benefit from another one more than others.
A well functioning society must require people to contribute what they can to maintain & improve the community, must take from those that don’t contribute by force, must tax people even if they don’t consent. This isn’t optional for any system, state or no state. If it fails, exploitation, abuse, and suffering will destabilize the system until it falls apart from under its own weight. A society that taxes properly can minimize violence, maximize efficiency, and be far safer for everyone without exception. Even those on top are constantly in danger of being deposed by someone who wants their position, as well as the people they exploit.
Tldr: Yes, we must use violence to force contribution. Not doing so only causes more violence. Violence is unavoidable, and can only be minimized by ensuring no one gets too powerful to oppress.
- Comment on The full source code for GTA 5 has been publicly leaked 1 year ago:
You could buy it in GTA Online.
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
If they did care and tried to improve it, they’d ruin it.
- Comment on ‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity 1 year ago:
Appreciate how good you have it. In America, child sex abuse material is only illegal when children were abused in making it, or if it’s considered obscene by a community. If someone edits adult actors to look like children as they perform sex acts, it’s not illegal under federal law. If someone generates child nudity using ai models trained on nude adults and only clothed kids, it’s not illegal at the national level.
Fake porn of real people could be banned for being obscene, usually at a local level, but almost any porn could be banned by lawmakers this way. Harmless stuff like gay or trans porn could be banned by bigoted lawmakers, because obscenity is a fairly subjective mechanism. However, because of our near absolute freedom of speech, obscenity is basically all we have to regulate malicious porn.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Both those jobs require PHDs, something only 2% of Americans ever get. It would be inaccurate to claim that there’s only a 1% chance of both your parents being doctors, but it is more exclusive than 1 doctor. They were definitely millionaires by the time he was an adult, and could probably afford excellent education for him since birth. The key thing is that closer you start to the bottom, the harder it is to become ultra wealthy.
- Comment on Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ 1 year ago:
It’s honestly amusing to see what batshit strategy Musk will use next to fuck up Twitter. It’s like he’s trying to force every smart employee to leave, drive away every advertiser possible, and get users to find other homes.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
Men are 12 year old boys, women are adult men, and children are either FBI agents or catfishing pedophiles.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
It obviously hasn’t worked.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
I think he heard some philosophy stuff out of context or over simplified, and was knee deep in inferences when he tweeted that. Something like:
The only thing we know with certainty that we exist.
So we don’t know if anything, including what we perceive, is real.
If our perception could be fake, we can’t even know that our sensory organs, like eyes, are real.
However, in my perceived life, I can look at myself in a mirror, and see my own body and my own eyes.
If my perception isn’t real, and my eyes aren’t real, how can I see them in that mirror?
If our eyes aren’t real, we wouldn’t be able to see them in a mirror for… some reason.
But my name is Jaden Smith, and I can’t understand that a fake reality could trick me into thinking I see my own eyes, so I think being able to see my eyes in a mirror means my eyes must be real, the mirror must be real, and the physical world exists with certainty. I disproved solipsism guys!
In all seriousness, I don’t think he believed his eyes weren’t real, he was asking a rhetorical question that he thought proved something deep. However, because he was a dumb teenager, he thought he could figure out something no one in history ever considered, and was thus making some grand contribution to society.
- Comment on Nokia to cut as many as 14,000 jobs as profit drops by 69% 1 year ago:
That’s just how the internet do. Not unique to lemmy.
- Comment on 22 Democrats Sponsor a Bill That Could Censor Abortion Info From the Internet 1 year ago:
LGBTQ rights activists were complaining about this already, and people didn’t listen. Using a more highly motivating issue like abortion is sadly necessary to get people to care. It could censor so many important issues, it’s a travesty it’s gotten this far.
- Comment on Windows 12 May Require a Subscription 1 year ago:
Video editing and compositing are the main things. These don’t seem to specialize in those tasks, while Adobe offers too many features and has too many quality 3rd party plugins to really be replaced. Even if there were programs that could compete, learning how to do things you know how to do in another program is a pain in the ass. The way programs work together is also a key thing Adobe can offer because they own multiple programs. Ideally there would be common standards to allow programs from different teams to work together just as well, but I’ve yet to see it.
- Comment on Windows 12 May Require a Subscription 1 year ago:
Bigger thing for me is the Adobe shit. Those fuckers have monopolized creativity tools, and I haven’t heard of good alternatives for Linux.
- Comment on Is turn into authoritarian? 1 year ago:
Most don’t want to move. Immigrants die to get in because their homes were destroyed by global capitalism. Despite all the shitty things about the US, people wanting to leave isn’t a big thing yet. I don’t personally know of many prisons that people are dying to get into. America is more like a casino anyhow.
As far as communists not having power, I can’t say it’s surprising. ML communism has been an absolute failure, poisoned from early on. The only kind of ML state that has survived without totally embracing capitalism is Cuba, and that’s depressingly thanks to the USA keeping them isolated. Besides, Cuba mostly swore fealty to Marxist-Leninism because of shared interests.
Communism is dead in the US because it’s dead everywhere. With few exceptions, every so called “existing socialist state” has embraced capitalism and done more to reinforce classism, imperialism, and nationalism than eliminate these vices. Socialism is about getting rid of class differences, uniting the working class across the globe. Most of you self proclaimed “communists” are deluded cultists who make a mockery of the ideas that you claim to represent.
I’m not blinded by liberalism so much as I’m disillusioned with supposedly communist movements. I will never follow a movement that demands its followers reject reason and evidence in favor of dogma and genocide denial. If not following the divine unquestionable wisdom of Vladimir Lenin constitutes not being left wing, then the left deserves to fail.
Unfortunately for chuds like you, the left is bigger than your stupid fucking cult, and leftists will make the world a better place with or without your help. No matter how many communities you infiltrate and take over, leftists will just gather again elsewhere. This is because leftists are people who try to make the world a better place rather than falling into cynicism and tribalism. People don’t need Marx or Lenin to know how things suck or how things can be better. Your hero worship is less than worthless.
- Comment on Is turn into authoritarian? 1 year ago:
I don’t know, I’ve met plenty of American tankies, anarchists, socialists, and communists. This is some real “reject the evidence of your eyes and ears” level shit. I can’t twist reality into enough of a pretzel to make this viewpoint have any validity. It’s laughable.
- Comment on Is turn into authoritarian? 1 year ago:
I don’t know, claiming parts of other counties as their own on official maps seems pretty imperialist to me. I also don’t know what your definition of totalitarian is if you believe the US is totalitarian. I’ve heard claims of authoritarianism before, but claims of totalitarianism make even less sense. It seems like an effort to render a word meaningless by misusing it.
America is imperialist, as is China, Russia, and every other major world power. It’s just what large states tend to do. I suspect MLs view imperialism only through the lens of capitalism, when imperialism far predates capitalism. Capitalist imperialism is only one form of an empire projecting its power.
- Comment on it's weird that we are prepared to die for democracy, yet willingly enter dictatorships daily for work and spend the majority of our waking lives with people we vaguely know 1 year ago:
To the level that the corporation has control over your life, yeah. What do you think banana republics are? The more the company can control your life, the more its undemocratic nature becomes apparent. Working for a small company in a competitive market might not look like a company town, but it has the same fundamental structure as one. The main difference is that the small company has to offer a good deal to their employees compared to competitors. If the company is the only hirer in town, then they’ll suddenly not have as much motivation to treat you well. If they control the housing, means of travel, and cops as well, you’re basically enslaved.
- Comment on They are watching 1 year ago:
I never said we’d be able to understand or prove everything, just that there is some logic underpinning reality. It might be that some things are fundamentally unknowable, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist to be known, just that we’ll never know it.
I also don’t get what the halting problem proves about reality. It might be possible that infinities or unresolvable results are real, so long as we can still exist. The cosmological principle proves that we have to live in a reality that it is possible for us to exist in, otherwise we wouldn’t be here to observe it. So long as the infinities or uncomputable problems don’t prevent our existence, it might represent reality. If the equation doesn’t allow us to exist, then it doesn’t represent reality.
- Comment on They are watching 1 year ago:
Magic is just what you don’t understand. Everything is a mechanism. Even if there was magic, a human soul, the afterlife, God, it would still operate under certain logical rules and principles. Eventually, unless there was something keeping us from obtaining knowledge, we would be able to apply science to magical forces. Science will eventually understand everything it is possible to understand, which might honestly be everything.
- Comment on They are watching 1 year ago:
We know that the universe was much denser and close together based on measurements, but cannot truly see the beginning. We think it’s most likely that the big moon in the sky most likely came from another planet hitting ours, but we don’t know exactly how the collision went down. Science is our best understanding, not some absolute source of knowledge. Our interpretations are often incorrect and updated accordingly, and even the most accurate theories are known to be an incomplete understanding. Until we understand everything, science is the search for knowledge, rather than knowledge itself.
- Comment on The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. 1 year ago:
I don’t know what “willing cooperation” has to do with anything. The US government has the willing cooperation of millions and had the willing cooperation of a majority of Americans in the past. That doesn’t mean the US government didn’t do some of the worst shit ever during the peak of their popularity. It’s also not like consent isn’t manufactured in China.
If anything, it’s my belief in the similarities of the Chinese and US governments that makes me think they would do hateful things with their power. People in China are the same as people here. I don’t have a rose tinted view of people here either.
- Comment on The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. 1 year ago:
Except the Chinese government has way more control over their companies than the US government does. In fact, there has been an explicit push recently by the government to increase their control and ownership of companies. It’s also consistent with how most large states operate, especially ones with a history of trying to control ethnically Chinese people outside of their borders.
That isn’t to say that a ton of anti China sentiment isn’t racist; it’s just that one doesn’t need to be racist make such a prediction. It’s true that many people who hate China hate it for the wrong reasons, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things to take issue with.
- Comment on DON'T 1 year ago: