- Comment on Why is Google allowed to remove purchases from our Play Store accounts without telling us? 1 year ago:
Nice try, Google
- Comment on Why is Google allowed to remove purchases from our Play Store accounts without telling us? 1 year ago:
Get a custom OS on Android and install free standing apks. Actually, many apks are hacked anyway. So find and just install them. No need to change OS. But rooting+custom OS might offer ways to make it way easier.
- Comment on Hyperloop One to Shut Down After Failing to Reinvent Transit 1 year ago:
Who knew Elon had no engineering degree in reality?
- Comment on Of the tens of thousands of lies told, I wish this one was true... 1 year ago:
It’s time for a fairness doctrine in every country. And curriculum that teaches you what fake news is, how to spot it on social media etc.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
My solution is to block all that content on routers and using a Raspberry Pi. I will even offer my services to hospitals and nursing homes.
- Comment on The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not. 1 year ago:
I’m down
- Comment on YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker 1 year ago:
Until an alternative to Youtube happens, then this will continue.
- Comment on Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM 1 year ago:
I use Fennec (fork of Firefox)
- Comment on Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM 1 year ago:
This should never be left up to Chrome. We need antitrust laws.
- Comment on Remember when Target blamed theft for closing stores? It's all lies. 1 year ago:
So you’re saying that I should go to corporations with flyers and give them to employees so they’ll unionize? I’m just asking questions!
- Comment on Circle of life 1 year ago:
One of the larger problems is the government of the USA anyway providing zero healthcare/mental healthcare or any social help/care to it’s own citizens then somehow expecting in the future to have a functioning country.
- Comment on Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia 1 year ago:
Media’s fault for covering him and the cheeto every five seconds
- Comment on Pfizer says it will price Covid treatment Paxlovid at nearly $1,400 for a five-day course, which researchers estimate only costs Pfizer $13 to produce. That's a 10,000%+ markup. Shameful. 1 year ago:
Block his router of the content
- Comment on Fears of employee displacement as Amazon brings robots into warehouses 1 year ago:
B-but the billionaires will get angry you have your basic needs met despite it not hurting them whatsoever! You might actually not be a slave for a few seconds!
- Comment on FCC moves ahead with Title II net neutrality rules in 3-2 party-line vote 1 year ago:
If another Republican administration happens, it will be the last you ever see, because they will seize power as the fascist they are. So yes, never stop voting. We simply can’t allow it to happen anymore.
- Comment on IRS will pilot free, direct tax filing in 2024 1 year ago:
Yes and so are 97 other senator including Republicans like Lauren Boebert (who didn’t even disclose their stock trading) that exists beside Nancy Pelosi, including constant stock acts which are violated primarily by Republicans, so I don’t know what point you think you’re making.
**Lauren Boebert didn’t file required reports on stock and cryptocurrency transactions **…/lauren-boebert-stock-trades/
**These 97 Members of Congress Reported Trades in Companies Influenced by Their Committees **…/congress-members-stock-trading-list…
2** Republicans in Congress just violated a federal conflict-of-interest and transparency law**…
78 members of the 117th Congress violated a federal conflicts-of-interest and financial transparency law
- Comment on Blue-Checked, ‘Verified’ Users on X Produce 74 Percent of the Platform’s Most Viral False or Unsubstantiated Claims Relating to the Israel-Hamas War 1 year ago:
Demand USA lawmakers make a fairness doctrine for media and social media. We used to have a fairness doctrine. Tweak it though.
The fairness doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows, or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented. The demise of this FCC rule has been cited as a contributing factor in the rising level of party polarization in the United States.[5][6]
- Comment on IRS will pilot free, direct tax filing in 2024 1 year ago:
I don’t know. Would you mind explaining to me what she’s done with sources?
- Comment on IRS will pilot free, direct tax filing in 2024 1 year ago:
So basically never vote for Republicans!
- Comment on The FCC is Expected to Propose the Return of Net Neutrality Protections Oct 19th 1 year ago:
Burning in hell would be better
- Comment on Putin 1 year ago:
Forwarding this to my aunt and uncle so we don’t all die of the Egyptian curse
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to merge humans with AI. How many brains will be damaged along the way? 1 year ago:
Hopefully his own
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
Gen Z discovers the joy of revolution
- Comment on What is the best website to search for scholarly articles? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What is the best website to search for scholarly articles? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What is the best website to search for scholarly articles? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What is the best website to search for scholarly articles? 1 year ago:
I use standard Google. Should I just use scholar? I’m trying to reduce my use of Google’s services though.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Some Walmart employees say customers are getting hostile at self-checkout — and they blame anti-theft tech 1 year ago:
I’d get hostile too. This wastes literally everyone’s time, employee and customer. Walmart and other companies already write off all their losses as tax write offs. It would actually be more cost efficient to do literally nothing.
- Comment on 22 Democrats Sponsor a Bill That Could Censor Abortion Info From the Internet 1 year ago:
If dems could actually move the needle on policy impacting the general population noticeably, far right repubs wouldn’t stand a chance.
You also have to ask yourself: why do we have a populace that might vote for a party that will do literally zero for them and will impose a dictatorship (Republicans) vs. a party that has actually passed some decent legislation despite barely having a majority (Democrats).
Democrats aren’t perfectly progressive, it’s true. It’s annoying, but at least still keeping our democracy to gradually change things over time is the logical thing to do and not the emotional one, I guess is what I’m saying.
And we have gotten progressive Democrats in FYI. We just need to add more of them in state races.…/democrats-progressive-candidate…
Trump’s presidency was incredibly damaging. The propaganda is incredibly damaging. It isn’t going to be easy but it’s gonna take some time.