- Comment on may you live in interesting times 6 months ago:
Why is this is n shitpost? Go crosspost this to /comics or /memes or whatever, it’s great.
- Comment on I have become all things to all men 6 months ago:
So I guess past experience, basically? We’ll see. Political violence is not justifiable, but no one really likes that orange prick except his little goon army so we’ll see how long the sympathy lasts.
- Comment on I have become all things to all men 6 months ago:
I don’t necessarily see any proof of this, either. I’m not sure where this narrative is coming from, it’s very strange.
- Comment on 6 months ago:
Oh yeah? It’s great for porn, Goldman Sachs, you bunch of suit wearing degenerates. I bet a lot of people would argue that’s pretty freaking useful.
- Comment on USA | What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and more 7 months ago:
This is just not true and courts have rules the opposite of what you’re spewing for ages.
- Comment on OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.) 7 months ago:
Thanks for sharing this!
- Comment on DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb 8 months ago:
People spending that much time one their work can and should create things in meat space.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 9 months ago:
I thought you were being racist until you said that thing about public transit, so we’re good 👍
- Comment on What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you) 9 months ago:
Canonical have a long history of making decisions for corporate reasons, then using their popularity to try to force the larger Linux community to adopt their way of doing things.
Currently, they’re pushing their closed source Snap packs, which are frankly inferior to the open source Flat packs, but it’s just the latest example of their shenanigans.
- Comment on Adobe’s ‘Ethical’ Firefly AI Was Trained on Midjourney Images 10 months ago:
Okay so that cuts it. Every single AI engine should be open source as they ALL use our collective knowledge. They should be treated like libraries, as publicly owned stores of knowledge for everyone’s use
I thought maybe Firefly was the one exception, although I suspected some kind of shenanigans. But nope. These corpos stole our collective knowledge and culture and are now ransoming it back to us for profit.
- Comment on Amazon is now automatically playing fullscreen video ads on Fire TV 1 year ago:
The enshittification will continue until moral improves.
- Comment on YSK that SLS, an ingredient added to most commercial toothpastes, causes canker sores 1 year ago:
Try Biotene.
- Comment on YSK that SLS, an ingredient added to most commercial toothpastes, causes canker sores 1 year ago:
This is true! In the US, I use Biotene. It’s unfortunately somewhat expensive, (I think I pay around $6/tube), but I will fork it over for no fucking canker sores.
- Comment on Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way 1 year ago:
Whoops, I dropped my Monster Linux I use for my magnum PC 🐧
- Comment on What a great deal 1 year ago:
Hey guys, I think I may be dyslexic. I’m really proud of myself for making it this far in life without really noticing before or my disability causing any outstanding issues.
- Comment on LOTRMEMES is preparing for war 1 year ago:
Can’t we just torpedo their ass from space? Hell, let’s slap 200 kilograms of trilithium on those bad boys really fuck them up. What are they gonna do, cast a spell? Hahaha!
- Comment on Microsoft now thirstily injects a poll when you download Google Chrome 1 year ago:
People learned Chrome. What’s the difference? 80% of folks need to know where the browser button is and that’s about it. The rest of them are savvy enough figure Linux out.
- Comment on Just sayin'... 1 year ago:
Is it possible the stock photographer was referencing this film?
- Comment on Tiktok's most popular painter sends followers after art critic for negative review of gallery exhibit 1 year ago:
Wow, what a cool “artist” making 30 grand a day shilling fucking cheetos online drawing lame shit an AI could crank out in 2 seconds. Truly a revolutionary thinker that will be talked about for generations to come.
- Comment on Mastodon actually has 407K+ more monthly users than it thought 1 year ago:
I’m a little confused. What’s the point of this?
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
Look, I’m not going to argue. People are incredibly emotional about this and it’s exhausting. What I’m expressing are not “my ideals.” I don’t give a fuck about stupid sex work. Like, at all. But a lot of people are taking a very adult oriented view on this and not thinking about the kids’ rights to have a safe relationships with adults that are not complicated by sex. Go ahead and down vote and say what you will, my stance is not radical or strange. Being a teacher doesn’t mean you need to live a chaste life, but if something you do outside of school directly affects your students, you should probably consider a different career. Like I said, part of a teacher’s job is “think of the children.” That’s why teaching requires a license, there are ethical standards that need to be followed. It’s definitely not for everyone and that’s why no one is forcing anyone to be a teacher.
Also, the teacher from the article agrees she cannot do both at once, probably because she understands it’s not an appropriate situation. You all are furious with me, but I’m not really sure who you think you’re white knighting for.
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
“Think of the children” is literally what a teacher’s job is.
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
Well you sure as hell aren’t going to hear any arguments from me on that one. I think that’s the real story, here. That woman was making an embarrassingly small salary for her service. Missourians should be ashamed of themselves.
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
I’m not advocating enforcing any “conservative” ideals. I’m not sure where you all lost sight of the fact we’re talking about children, here. They are not in a place in life where they can make healthy distinctions about sex like you and I can. They should be focused on other kids their own age. If you introduce a sexual angle into the power dynamic of a teacher/student relationship, how on Earth is that going to improve the child’s life in any way? The kids’ lives are what we should be focused on, here, right?
Anyways, you can get mad all you want at my, frankly, appropriate and reasonable viewpoint here. The teacher herself stated she knows she cannot do both at once. Like, she knows that. She’s not asking for you or anyone else to come gallivanting to her defense because, as a teacher, she understands it’s not appropriate ('cause it’s not).
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
She was teaching high school. Those kids would get access to her videos one way or another. Do you honestly feel like that’s a healthy situation for anyone involved? Like, get real. I understand your perspective, and in almost every other profession it would not be a problem, but in real life, you don’t put kids in a situation like that, it’s not okay.
- Comment on Authors Are Furious After Finding Their Works on List of Books Used To Train AI 1 year ago:
Oh, okay. Well you should tell IBM that, they’re clearly confused.
- Comment on Authors Are Furious After Finding Their Works on List of Books Used To Train AI 1 year ago:
Yup! My ideas about what should happen are so far removed from what will actually happen they could be Planet X.
But that doesn’t make me wrong, dammit!
- Comment on Authors Are Furious After Finding Their Works on List of Books Used To Train AI 1 year ago:
My friend, there are already numerous open source models out there. It’s a thing.
- Comment on The Best Thing About Amazon Was Never Going to Last | If shopping on the site feels different now, that’s because it is 1 year ago:
I think Jeff Bezos down voted you.
- Comment on Authors Are Furious After Finding Their Works on List of Books Used To Train AI 1 year ago:
No it’s not, it’s exactly the same thing. What if you go to an AI image generator and tell it to make a cat in the style of Picasso, Van Gough, and Todd McFarlane? What then? Who’s art is it “stealing”? Is it not creating a transformative piece of work? That’s exactly how the human brain works. I think the real issue is the greedy fucks hoarding the models being closed source projects and trying to bleed everyone else for access to them. The models should be available to anyone for any reason since they used the common knowledge and general advancement of society. They’re like a library, and they should be public like libraries.