- Comment on New Xbox 360 Recompilation Tool Will Give Lost Classics Another Chance To Shine | Time Extension 36 minutes ago:
The Darkness, Skate 3, Amped 3, Perfect Dark Zero + the remaster of the original, Crackdown, Fable II, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (1+2), Condemned 2…
Just a handful of games that I’d love to be able to revisit on Steam Deck.
- Comment on AMD's new RX 9000 GPUs only officially support UEFI systems 4 days ago:
This is going to be interesting
The diagnostic software environment I use to test graphics card VRAM only boots in legacy mode. TServer and Memtune are both internal AMD Tools that have leaked. So far, older boards that support Legacy / CSM have been the ideal platform as a test bench for graphics card repair.
Probably going to be quite the shakeup in the graphics card repair community’s toolkit if the updated version of Memtune for 9xxx cards ever leaks.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 1 week ago:
I meant that I was on the beta branch for SteamOS / Decky Loader, thoygh perhaps Junk Store too. I figured it was likely a conflict with another plugin (probably something in CSS Loader) but hadn’t bothered to diagnose which.
I’ll totally be giving it another shot since it seems awesome :)
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 1 week ago:
Seems like I should give Junk-Store another shot I had installed it back when I was on beta branch and it was… funky. It had me sign in to Epic and then the frame / overlay wouldn’t go away, I had to force restart my Deck just to make it usable again.
I tried a few times here and there and ran into the same issue, so it’s just been sitting installed as a spooky button.
- Comment on Shift 2 Unleashed has aged incredibly well (and also a wall of text about racing games) 2 weeks ago:
Absolutely love Shift 2. I feel like it really captured the intensity of Battlefield 3, but transposed to the Racing genre.
Recently revisited it on the Steam Deck and was worried that it wasn’t going to be as good as I remembered, and I’m pleased to say that it has remained every bit as amazing as it was.
Also makes me wonder what the hell simcade games have been doing the last 14 years. Nothing else really matches the sensation of speed and intensity that Shift 2 has. It’s also weird to me that the reactive helmet cam is not a staple in every single racing game.
- Comment on Soldering/De-soldering USB flash-drive Plugs 5 weeks ago:
Soldering the connector is very low risk. No need to worry about heat from an iron. In manufacturing, modern PCBs have their lead-free solder flowed in an oven at temperatures in excess of 220 C.
Reconnecting or accessing the files using just office supplies is possible provided there is access to a fine-point soldering iron or the means to DIY one. In this situation, I’m thinking of office supplies as “things you might find in an office” - not just rubber band, paperclip, eraser, pocket lint.
I’ve cut USB cables and soldered the 5V, D+, D-, and GND wires to corresponding pads on the flash drive to recover data plenty of times.
When a connector is torn or snapped off, it is not uncommon for those pads to be lifted and even for some of the traces to get peeled off the board. 5V and GND are usually pretty big, but the traces for the data lines are often hair thin.
In those cases, someone in the scenario you describe would need to attach the wires to another point that those traces origin connected to, or they might need to scrape away some if the mask (green layer) to expose a contact point to solder to.
Worth mentioning that those four contacts make a USB 2.0 (500Mbps) connections. For USB 3 (5Gbps) there are 5 more contacts, for a total of 9.
USB Type C has 20 contacts and will require a microscope to work with.
Since the USB standards are backwards compatible, you could still recover data from a USB-C device by recreating just the four USB 2.0 contacts - albeit slowly.
- Comment on First Look: Loops, by Pixelfed 3 months ago:
They side they roll out of, evidently
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
In terms of storyline, it doesn’t really matter too much.
I still think you should play through the first one. If you need something that feels less 1998, Black Mesa is a remake of the original Half Life and it is very fun.
- Comment on Steam drops Windows 7 and 8 support with the latest client — users told to ‘update to a more recent version of Windows’ to continue gaming 3 months ago:
Windows Centric
You do realize what platform/company we’re talking about, right?
- Comment on The Magic Keyboard and Mouse now use USB-C! 4 months ago:
Notice that it’s never people who have the mouse complaining about the port location.
A brief 1-2 minute charge nets you hours of use, it’s really not a big deal.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
Just got admitted to the closed beta a few weeks back and have been absolutely loving it :]
This is everything I want from a gamified step counter with none of the things I don’t want!
Looking forward to push notifications to help me remember to queue up the next activity when the last one is complete
- Comment on Banjo-Kazooie N64 Decompiled: PC Ports on the Horizon 6 months ago:
Beautiful, I was just thinking about playing through this again!
Hopefully this paves the way for an easier Conker decomp too :)
- Comment on Microsoft is enabling BitLocker device encryption by default on Windows 11 6 months ago:
It is, Secure boot and the TPM must both be enabled.
If you check Msinfo32 / “System Information” with admin rights, there is a “device encryption” listing that maybhave additional information.
There are rare instances where a device won’t support automatic encryption due to “Un-allowed DMA capable bus/device(s) detected” which requires a registry tweak to work around
- Comment on Microsoft is enabling BitLocker device encryption by default on Windows 11 6 months ago:
It backs up to the Microsoft Account
Still, some people create an email, set up no recovery options, forget the password, and find themselves locked out.
- Comment on Microsoft is enabling BitLocker device encryption by default on Windows 11 6 months ago:
[…] device encryption will be enabled by default when you first sign in or set up a device with a Microsoft account or work / school account.
For devices with a TPM, this has literally been the case since Windows 10 1803 back in 2018.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
It’s not, but it is one of the best single player campaigns I have ever played.
My partner and I often play through single player games together in tandem, waiting for one another at each checkpoint.
There is a co-op PvE mode if that’s your speed.
- Comment on Can the SATA-to-USB adapter affect the result of the bad sectors scan? 8 months ago:
You should, it’s quite powerful and can work in tandem with both DMDE and UFS Explorer!
Power cycling the drive reboots and reinitializes it. I’ve mostly seen it with SSDs - you get a few dozen MB worth of reads before it drops out, unplugging and reconnecting a SATA power connector that many times would be real tedious so you automate it with a relay.
- Comment on Can the SATA-to-USB adapter affect the result of the bad sectors scan? 8 months ago:
I own a repair shop and use USB to SATA adapters all the time. Sector scans, imaging/cloning, and booting live environments.
It has less to do with the medium and more to do with the quality of your chosen adapter.
I have one of the adapter you pictured, ordered it to test it out because it was comparatively low cost. Did not order more.
I have about a dozen of the Sabrent adapters and they see daily use.
- Comment on Can the SATA-to-USB adapter affect the result of the bad sectors scan? 8 months ago:
USB can actually be ideal in some data recovery scenarios. HDDSuperClone / OpenSuperClone support a relay mode that turns a disk off and back on to regain access after they drop out, and that is reliant on a USB connection.
- Comment on This tool for finding bad USB-C cables 1 year ago:
Mine didn’t come with a case, it’s a very simple circuit so not much concern of ESD causing a problem.
It basically just runs power through every pin on the cable to illuminate corresponding LEDs.
- Comment on This tool for finding bad USB-C cables 1 year ago:
Here’s the one I use:…/treedix-usb-cable-tester-board-usb-…
The exposed pads are also fantastic to break out data lines for measurement when performing electronics repairs.
- Comment on This tool for finding bad USB-C cables 1 year ago:
There are superior versions of this that include every physical USB port (A, B, C, Micro, Mini, and even lightning) so that you can test any cable instead of just type C to type C.
- Comment on Creating a torrent that includes all of humanity's knowledge/art/entertainment? 1 year ago:
Not quite what you’re getting at, but the entirety of Wikipedia without images is available as a 20-30GB download:…/Wikipedia:Database_download
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
My partner was never really into games growing up, and especially had trouble with the spatial aspect and controllers.
The tipping point came when we played Minecraft together and they got to use a keyboard and mouse rather than a controller. Since then, they’ve done tons gaming on their own with hundreds of hours in Stardew Valley and a more recently a deep dive into Fallout 4.
Destiny 2 played a big part in learning shooting mechanics, sense of space, and especially precision platforming.
Thrilled to see that you’ve found and enjoyed It Takes Two because that’s our all-time favorite co-op game and we recommend it to everybody.
Since yours is into puzzling, I want to second the recommendation for the We Were Here series. The first one is free and each is better than the next. It’s an asymmetrical puzzler that requires two computers with each player unable to see the other’s screen. Communication is critical to solve each of the puzzles.
- Comment on I hate that I am become this person but: are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now? 1 year ago:
Was a friend’s house recently when they ordered a case of beer.
It showed up 3 hours later. Delivery guy said “Sorry it took so long, I had to go home to charge my phone”
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly auto-installing the HP Smart app on Windows 10 and 11 PCs 1 year ago:
Most of HP’s printers have a “Basic Print and Scan Driver” that is listed as “For IT Professional use only” on their support page. I fear the day where HP Smart is the only option.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I got blind-sided by having Windows 11 pushed onto my workstation
The upgrade is not automatic. You interacted with a prompt to approve the upgrade, you just might not realize it because it may have been on impulse.
I manage Windows installations for tons of folks and I’ve never seen the level of repeated prompting / nagging you’re describing.
For anyone who has wanted to stick with 10, it has been enough to decline the upgrade from the full screen prompt and then choose “Stay on Windows 10 for now” from Windows Update.
It’s possible that your registry changes had something to do with your unusual experience. I run into a lot of folks who complain about OneDrive “ruining their computer” after they’ve tried some obscure method of disabling it when all they had to do was uninstall the program like any other.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty Microsoft does wrong but compared to the Windows 10 shitshow I’ve found they’re actually handling this transition quite well.
Reminder that a lot of these design trends are intended for the average basic user, not power users with strong preferences. They make up the majority and need quite a bit of handholding.
- Comment on Microsoft won’t let you close OneDrive on Windows until you explain yourself 1 year ago:
Why yes, yes you can.
You can even just sign out and remove it from the startup list.
But people are still going to find ways to fuck around in the registry or use some random Powershell script and then blame Microsoft for “ruining their computer with OneDrive”.
Ironically, these same people often end up paying to get their own files back.
- Comment on Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support | PCMag 1 year ago:
Just about anything from 2018 or newer meets the hardware requirements, but at time of release (October 2021) that was just over 3 years. Ryzen 2000 and Intel 8000 are the initial entry level.l that meet the requirements.
Unless you used 2+ year old parts for you build, you just need to go into UEFI/BIOS and enable the firmware TPM (fTPM) or perform the BIOS update that switches that to being on by default.
I’d recommend the latter since you are likely to also gain stability and/or security improvements going that route.
- Comment on Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support | PCMag 1 year ago:
You’re right in that this isn’t true of your typical working folks who use Microsoft 365, Sharepoint, or specialized design software.
There are a lot of folks who just use their computer for a web browser. When you tell them that their hardware, some of which is as young as 2017, will lock them out of security updates in two years, they’re pretty receptive to alternatives like ChromeOS or Linux.
For some of the older population, the simplicity of such options is a huge perk.