- Comment on FTC accuse Microsoft of breaking promise not to raise Game Pass prices after Activision Blizzard deal 7 months ago:
No one saw this coming. Just wow.
Except for the vocal people that saw it coming, and were constantly shouted down as ‘Sony fanboys’, and Sony this, Call of Duty that.
The Bethesda acquisition has shown all we needed to know about how an Activision Blizzard acquisition would go. I hated seeing every pro-acquisition argument being about Sony and Call of Duty, and promises for Call of Duty to be on PlayStation.
I don’t play Call of Duty, I don’t care about it, I don’t even game much, but when I do, it is PC. Allowing further consolidation of Microsoft and Sony of other games studios is just not good for consumers or the market, it doesn’t matter which ‘team’ you are on.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
but this whole discussion could’ve been in agreement
From my point of view it was, but if someone just wants to fight about something and be right, even if you’re agreeing, best just to move on with life and not waste time on it.
Either way, predictions are not guaranteed, but looking optimistically forward to the election tomorrow.
Cheers and enjoy your night/day.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
My reply said nothing about only Tories being solely responsible, only that they have been primarily in charge/in power for the last 14 years and are about to take a major fall from power in the upcoming election this week.
I didn’t praise Labour, merely said they will be the primary benefactor of the change in power, and that they are the UK equivalent of Democrats in the US (a simplified comparison for a non-UK audience, that happens across this thread); which isn’t untrue in general, even with your above complaints.
This is indeed a UK thread, but JK and Tennant are world renowned, and having them both in the title will draw in a larger audience.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
I think this is a good place to add context for those outside the UK that don’t pay attention to politics, especially foreign politics:
The UK is having elections on July 4th. The House of commons has… 650 seats, of which the Conservatives (Tories, equivalent UK version of US Rupublicans) have ~350 seats.
They are expected to literally lose hundreds of seats in this elections and fall out of power. Labour (UK equivalent of US Democrats) has not been as progressive as people expected/wanted, but they are expected to be the big winners. Hopefully the UKs situation improves from the past 14-15 years of the Tories rule… seems like they’ve gone scorched earth, and the UK is a shadow of what it was even a decade ago.
Those same whiners in power, are about to experience a near political power extinction event.
- Comment on Russia Is Making Its Own Gaming Consoles 11 months ago:
Russia actually does produce their own CPUs:
- Comment on Say Hello to Biodegradable Microplastics 11 months ago:
- Comment on Toddler gets stuck after climbing into a claw machine looking for a toy in Australian shopping mall 1 year ago:
I mean, it’s even a trope. TV series, like How I Met Your Mother, do it all the time.
Honesty surprised these things haven’t been made ‘child climbing in proof’ yet.
- Comment on BVG out here recommending the best 2FA Apps! 1 year ago:
I’d love to know as well.
Been using it for a while as the 2FA app used and recommended by Leo Laporte. I’ve had a good experience with it, but if it has any issues, I would love to know.
- Comment on It's that time of the year again! 1 year ago:
That SELECT and WHERE are all caps, but from is not is bugging me.
I don’t care if you choose to uppercase keywords or lowercase, but consistency please.
Also, great, love it.
- Comment on "Players have no patience", says Blizzard president - "they want new stuff every day, every hour" 1 year ago:
No… I just want to buy the game, and occasional expansions.
I don’t want everything to be monetized.
Buy game + expansions + recurring battle pass + cosmetic shops +++.
I feel like games should limit their monetization to 2 methods, and not utilize FOMO like a battle-pass does. Any cash shops should be designed to be accessible to players not wanting to spend real money (either a game system to handle in-game currency exchange, or have players work it out by allowing players to directly trade in-game currency for either cash shop currency, or cash shop items directly - ensuring there are worthwhile things to purchase both with in-game currency as well, so cash-shop players are encouraged to participate).
Guild Wars 2 I feel does a good job of it. Occasional expansions to purchase, no sub, a cosmetic+convenience shop, but everything in it, can be purchased by converting earned in-game currency into cash-shop currency.
- Comment on Fahrenheit vs. Celsius vs. Kelvin 1 year ago:
I don’t science anymore, but living in a F country, I keep in mind for conversions:
0C is freezing point of water ~32F 20-22C is room temp ~68-72F 30C+ is Unhappy temperatures/hot.
Really only things I need to remember, and gradient based off of. It can get up to 45C where I live, but that would never be important to me. I hate the heat, if it’s 30C+, the degree to which it is hot matters little, I’m going to just want to stay out of the sun or go inside.