- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
It sounds like setpoint is a pretty old software. Can you use Logi Options+? I was able to install that one and skip the login step.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
What’s the name of the software?
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Woah, can you elaborate on this please? I haven’t heard of this, and we use a lot of these devices at work. Which devices are affected? What’s the software/chrome thing?
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Do you realize you’re using their bandwidth, too? They have to pay for upload/download just like you do.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Can I ask why people act like YouTube is so evil for trying to make money off their site? They provide a service I value and it costs money to do so. No disrespect to anyone who doesn’t want to watch ads or pay (like I do, I use it a LOT) but I don’t understand why some people seem to be personally insulted by the idea that they can’t get it for free forever with no strings attached.
Honest question, please don’t flame me 🙏
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3 8 months ago:
I’d barely heard it mentioned before now, but the magic infused smithscript axe was doing CRAZY damage for me and a friend. Like 1.5 the amount of the Darkmoon great sword at 80 int, I think the number was ~950 ar between phys and magic damage. I’ll have to hop in again and see how bad it is now.
- Comment on Does there exist a factory game or zachlike that's like this?: 1 year ago:
Check out SpaceChem, matches most of your bullet points. It’s a level-based puzzle game like Opus Magnum though.
- Comment on What is your gaming "comfort food" and why? 1 year ago:
I have over 500 hours in Particle Fleet: Emergence. Very chill level-based game where you can slowly move forward and beat a map over an hour or so. All the Knuckle Cracker games have tons and tons of user content available so there’s no shortage of maps to play.