- Comment on What's your favourite Star Trek theme? 6 months ago:
First Contact main theme > all
- Comment on Have you ever realized just how broken you are? 6 months ago:
So I deleted the story before I posted it, and began to realize that even though I’m 40, and should be past all this, it still hurts, and I’m a deeply broken person.
The thing about trauma (and it likely is trauma) is that it often just doesn’t go away on its own and you need to do work on it. So, why should you be over it?
Should is a loaded word as it pretty much always comes from what you learned as a child. I you should do that. You should be like this.
That “should” probably comes from your father when he told you how you should be as a child.
It sounds like you aren’t over it now, but that’s ok. It’s ok not to be over stuff that happened in childhood. But the important thing to understand is that you can get over it with work. Being aware of that is the first step on that road.
- Comment on Microsoft points finger at the EU for not being able to lock down Windows 7 months ago:
Apparently it’s because CrowdStrike installed their device driver as one that must start when Windows starts.
Explained here:
I’ve linked to the specific time where he explains that issue, but tbh the whole video is worth watching.
- Comment on On the end of Discovery 1 year ago:
And at this point, the extended crew of the Discovery was thoroughly sidelined: Burnham’s personal relationships took priority over everything else.
This is the part that I’ve never got on well with in Discovery.
In TNG, it’s not a show about Picard, or Riker, or any of the other individuals. It’s a show about the crew. I’ve even seen it said that the actual star of the show is the ship.
Whereas, with Disco, it’s a show about Michael Burnham and everyone else has a bit part. That always felt weird for a Star Trek show. I want to see how the crew works together to solve problems and overcome things with everyone on an equal footing regardless of their rank in the show.
And I think that’s why there was such a warm reception to season 3 of Picard. It brought the crew back together. Picard alone isn’t satisfying enough. What we wanted was him as part of the crew.
- Comment on I'm a hypochondriac, but It's About Programming 1 year ago:
And he created Trello