- Comment on Fucking leeches 1 day ago:
I somewhat agree with you. And I 150% agree that “rent seeking behavior” doesn’t add to society.
But what if you want to sell a product you designed but can’t afford to create it or to setup a factory for it, so you want funding, so you try to get investments, maybe by selling equity in your company. Is that not valuable to society? The people that take the risk that your product may not sell?
- Comment on To what do blind people jerk off? 9 months ago:
Or like this
- Comment on Logical. Flawlessly logical. 10 months ago:
Ok, I get it, you have great memory, but where is the scene from?
- Comment on Am I? Who knows 1 year ago:
and duplicating it would require knowledge of every single atom in a person
I think that’s how a replicator works when you ask it for a dish.
- Comment on Apartment furnishings should cost credits, not resources 1 year ago:
Pff, my ship is my home.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Tom uses a shuttle to travel to warp ten. Once he reaches the threshold he’s everywhere at the same time, becomes Kwisatz Haderach. When he comes back he starts mutating, loses his mind, kidnaps the captain, they fly off at warp 10.
By the time voyager finds them they’ve devolved(or evolved) into small amphibians, luckily the do has a magic serum that will fix them. As the crew are about to leave they notice a bunch of tadpoles. Basically Tom and Kat had tadpole babies.