- Comment on ‘What Was She Supposed to Report?:’ Police Report Shows How a High School Deepfake Nightmare Unfolded 1 year ago:
Correct. Most states' laws do not envision the situation we are currently seeing, let alone what's coming.
Check your state. What constitutes harassment, and can you think of harassing things that could be done without violating the law? I can for my state.
- Comment on How Australian undercover police ‘fed’ an autistic 13-year-old’s fixation with Islamic State 1 year ago:
Same with pretty much every saying that regressives steal to justify their shit.
"Blood is thicker than water" does not mean family is more important than friends. The full saying is "Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." So it means the exact opposite.
"Spare the rod, spoil the child" is actually from a poem by Samuel Butler in the 1600s. The poem is about spanking your lover. The actual bible quote that the poem is satirizing is, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him." Nuanced difference, but doesn't advocate beating the same way the shortened one does.
- Comment on Teen deepfake victim pushes for federal law targeting AI-generated explicit content 1 year ago:
I think you're right if the goal is to stop them all together.
But what we can do is stop people from sending them around and saying that it's true/actually the person.
Once they've turned it from a art project into a weapon, it should have similar consequences to "revenge porn."
- Comment on Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value 1 year ago:
Wonderful in theory, but in practice it's a dumpster fire. Quick, mainstreamm-acceptable takes are incentived, and nuanced, alternative viewpoints are nearly impossible.
If it were all for hobby stuff, it would be fine, but when this is how most people get their news, it's not good.
- Comment on Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported 1 year ago:
These folks won't witness it either. Not with that eye anyway.
- Comment on Boffins convert typing sounds into text with 95% accuracy 1 year ago:
Not the original person you responded to, but I type 120ish wpm. The trick is to try to tap into the same part of your brain that verbalizes words when you talk, rather than the part that composes stuff when you write.
- Comment on Why people say good morning (or something like that) on chat after a night? 1 year ago:
Most people consider conversations ended if neither party adds anything for a space of time.
A reasonable space of time is definitely overnight.
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
Rob's is assuming he 1) sees everything, 2).didn't or can't miss anything important, and 3) that his interpretation is correct.
That's why it's arrogant and stupid and people get annoyed.
Seriously, have you never been upset or hurt and had someone try to tell you that you're not?
- Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
Anecdotal. 1.2 trillion in infrastructure spending barely touches the overall need. If that were all used to fix what is breaking, it would just do that. But then it wouldn't cover new projects, projects in planning stages since they like to fund "shovel ready," and it doesn't touch the shit show that is private utilities.
It's a start, but we've got decades of catching up to do. Also consider that your 1.2 trillion figure is a multi-year cost.
- Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
We have backlogged projects, let alone maintenance on existing infrastructure, not even getting to the costs of upgrading ancient infrastructure - a lot of municipalities still use clay pipes.
Right now deferred maintenance is roughly a trillion dollars.
- Comment on 'They Want To Be The Gatekeepers': Car Dealers Are Stopping Customers From Buying EVs 1 year ago:
As with most things, "free market" is what they demand when they don't get have access to the market or can't command the whole market.
Once they have access or enough of a percentage to set the prices, suddenly the best thing is high barriers to entry and whatever else will help them maintain inelastic demand.
- Comment on Don't tell The_Picard_Maneuver... 1 year ago:
Janeway beats them both
- Comment on Elon Musk under investigation by US agency for $44bn takeover of Twitter 1 year ago:
It's all the same thing. He "offered" to buy Twitter and then tried to back out. Market manipulation.
The board of Twitter forced the sale, because they had every right and responsibility to their shareholders to do so.
Now he's wrecking the company seemingly on purpose. Market manipulation.
- Comment on Elon Musk under investigation by US agency for $44bn takeover of Twitter 1 year ago:
True. And we can't legislate our way out of this. Any legislation we proffer and make happen will be weaponized against the poor.
- Comment on Elon Musk under investigation by US agency for $44bn takeover of Twitter 1 year ago:
I don't think anyone told him he couldn't buy it.
The board of Twitter is who sued to force the sale, since musk had kicked himself in.
That doesn't mean his offer and subsequent behavior with the company isn't market manipulation to be investigated, which is being done by the government.
Both things can be true. He stupidly kicked himself into a deal he was forced to complete, and his behavior since has indicated that he's just gaming the market since he had to complete the deal.
- Comment on Elon Musk under investigation by US agency for $44bn takeover of Twitter 1 year ago:
Some countries make their penalties a percentage of income. Makes the sting equal for everyone.
- Comment on Google goes to trial in biggest US challenge to tech power in decades 1 year ago:
Sometimes, and I don't know if that's possible here, it's best to go after the current thing on its way out than to try to attack a brand new thing that is gaining influence.
Depends on how specific the scope is, and whether this will set precedent for future issues.
- Comment on A.I. tools fueled a 34% spike in Microsoft’s water consumption, and one city with its data centers is concerned about the effect on residential supply 1 year ago:
It probably doesn't make sense to do infrastructure -wide duplication for a greywater system. That would be a lot of pipe and possible leaks in places where that resource isn't needed.
Smaller loops make more sense for specific needs like this. It just needs to be legislated - over a certain size, you need to pump, filter if required for your application, and then dump in accordance with whatever rules we set. If local governments want, they can subsidize this through tax breaks - we already have robust systems for giving corporations money back, we just need to tie it to the types of performance we need to see, whether that be environmental improvements, job creation/retention, etc.
- Comment on Danny Masterson Is Sentenced to 30 Years to Life in Prison for Two Rapes 1 year ago:
I'll withhold judgement when the people telling me to withhold judgement actually withhold their own judgment of women, brown and black people, lgbtqia+ people, etc.
Anyone who's ever told me to just wait and see has turned out to be an agent of the status quo at best. Often they are active fascism cheerleaders.
- Comment on It's real. Twitter Shadowbanning is back. 1 year ago:
While you're right, I think the issue here is the hypocrisy of Musk claiming to be pro free speech (specifically on his platform) only to then repeatedly limit speech he doesn't personally like.
- Comment on It's real. Twitter Shadowbanning is back. 1 year ago:
Overpaying and then destroying the value means that eventually, he will be able to claim losses on his taxes. This will allow him to reduce his tax liability for his profitable businesses.
- Comment on Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law 1 year ago:
I see what you're saying about it not being good for democracy...we shouldn't have politicians making decisions based on their personal use, and trying to avoid scrutiny of that use...but at the same time, we have that anyway. Honestly, at this point, burn it all down. Make the entire apparatus of government so transparent that the shitheels currently in office can't justify staying on. Make it to where the only people who can function in elected positions are political monks.
- Comment on Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology? 1 year ago:
Because most religious conservatives don't think beyond "what is acceptable to my group" and do that. Or appear to do that. And not rocking the boat is highly valued in those communities, so people who want to abuse others financially find ripe ground for it.
- Comment on Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology? 1 year ago:
Because most religious conservatives don't think beyond "what is acceptable to my group" and do that. Or appear to do that. And not rocking the boat is highly valued in those communities, so people who want to abuse others financially find ripe ground for it.
- Comment on TikTok is the most popular news source for 12 to 15-year-olds, says Ofcom 1 year ago:
Sinclair media is equally disturbing, but very few people question the reach it has into American homes.
Not to mention the consolidation of the rest of the news landscape.
There's several levels of trust here. I don't trust TikTok to serve me anything critical of China, and I know they tend to downshift certain lifestyle creators. But I trust TikTok to give me better on the ground information about a current/emergent event than I do our American corporate media companies, who regularly black out certain topics with near impunity.
- Comment on I wonder where police cars get their gasoline from? 1 year ago:
They maintain their own fueling depots around their jurisdiction. One of ours is down the block from a Walmart, on the back side rode without much other development.
They do this to get cost savings on the fuel, maintain a segregated supply for themselves in emergency, and to avoid being near us plebs in a vulnerable (unfueled) state.