- Comment on Persistent problems require persistent solutions. 2 months ago:
Kyle Rittenhouse has entered the chat!
- Comment on Microsoft have blocked their own Windows 11 update after it started breaking Ubisoft games 3 months ago:
I’m getting in new hardware next month, can I still use windows 10 or will I miss something that will benefit the newer hardware by not using windows 11?
I know it’s nearing EOL soon.
- Comment on Nintendo's new music app is a clone of YouTube Music. 4 months ago:
Nintendo lawyers prepping to sue YouTube music
- Comment on More trustworthy than what's currently on the road 5 months ago:
Alright, if it’s been looking for Freedom for so long, I’ll be happy to take him.
- Comment on More trustworthy than what's currently on the road 5 months ago:
I want a K.I.T.T. car from the knight rider show.
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 5 months ago:
My favorite lore about Adam West is that he and the guy that played the riddler got kicked out of a orgy once, because they wore their costumes and didn’t break character.
- Comment on Platypuses 5 months ago:
- Comment on there can be only one 5 months ago:
This is the milkening!
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Oh fuck, muhaha. Yeah, you never heard of it?? Highly recommend it.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
A good comment& conquer game
- Comment on Ant colony RTS 'Empires of the Undergrowth' hits 1.0 in June 9 months ago:
- Comment on Done, what's next? 9 months ago:
Look at mister money bags over here!
- Comment on God damn it 10 months ago:
“that’s the third time this year… I really should stop consuming the blood of Christ so much…”
- Comment on What are some mainstream game series where you really do need to start from the first game? 10 months ago:
Never played them myself, but apparently the kingdom hearts series is one that you should play from the very first entry.
But the series is crazy extensive, it even got mobile games that aren’t available any more but do have important canon lore in it.
- Comment on Ska came before Raggae 🏁>>>🇯🇲 10 months ago:
I was like thirteen and one of my friends had one of those “faces of dead”? VHS.
I remember him handing out envelopes or something, said something and pulled out the gun out. With his free hand trying to keep people away and suddenly put it in his mouth, pulling the trigger.
I still remember the blood streaming out of him.
- Comment on billions and billions. 10 months ago:
- Comment on I don't think this needs explaining 11 months ago:
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Finished playing Return to monkey island. My love for point & click games keeps om growing.
Fun game. Liked the art style, can’t understand what all the fuss was about.
Now playing through monkey island 2 lechucks revenge Special edition.
Also finally finished a run of dead cells with the 1st difficulty token. Been trying to do that for awhile now.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Fuse all kinds of things to make your battles easier.
Fuse bat eyes to arrows to make gleeock fights easier.
- Comment on [GOG] [GAME] FlatOut Free 1 year ago:
But it only takes like a minute to claim a free game, I’m totally okay with that.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
- Comment on bonus if she's real 1 year ago:
I’ll settle for a ai driven robot girlfriend at this point.
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year ago:
Completed both 100% and they’re such great fun games.
Hogwarts was awesome to walk through the wizardry world. Battling wizards, poachers, spiders, etc. Finding all the secrets and going through the story. Finished the game in a week, I just couldn’t put the controller down.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
D4 just needs new itemization 2.0, 2 or 3 dlc’s and about +25 seasons for it to be up to standard.
I’m just being bitter, I will try it out again when I’m done with D3. I’m just so frustrated that all the things we’ve been asking/begging for diablo 3, they took almost nothing from it to D4…
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Blasting through diablo 3 season 30 ssf hc. Great game to play and listening to podcasts.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Last night I finished the last of us 1 remastered. It was my first time playing the game and enjoyed very much. Ellie is such a badass.
Will return to it soon and see if I can get platinum for it.
Grinding levels in Fortnite and annoy people with my Peter Griffin and “bird is the word” song and dance.
Also playing some pinball FX and dead cells.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I’ve played a few hours now of BG3 and i have a hard time getting into it.
I never played a D&D game in my life but want to give this a try.
I’m just so clueless what to do with classes, jobs, etcetera.
But the game looks great and story is interesting so I’m eager to see how it plays out.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I’ve tried it a few times and I have no idea what I’m doing. It seems like a fun game but I’m overwhelmed with everything it’s got to offer.
Think I’m going to use a beginners guide the next time.
- Comment on Awesome Games Done Quick starts tomorrow! 1 year ago:
The only thing that was fun to see were mostly the vr stuff for me. You normally don’t see that during a in person event.
But yeah, in person is way better. I can’t wait for it to start!
- Comment on Someone been stealing ideas 1 year ago:
Little Timmy could be a dumbass sometimes though. Lassie had to get help to rescue him for falling in the well again for the umpth time