- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year ago:
First party software. I buy Nintendo consoles for their ip, not their power. My desktop is where I do most of my gaming, but I have an attachment to Zelda games that I don’t think will ever go away. I still have my official prima guide for links awakening dx. I have a map on the wall of twilight princess’s over world.
I don’t even like the switch for portability because it feels bulky and uncomfortable. But connected to the dock, I can forget that it’s supposed to be portable and enjoy my Zelda games. My wife also likes animal crossing, and I got her to play her first Zelda and Pokémon games in the last year, and those were games that shaped my childhood.
So I guess my answer is shared experiences and nostalgia.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
My point stands that smart phones and guns comparisons are a false equivalency and should never be made.
I’m curious what you mean by the quality of learning data. People are getting smarter* on average than ever before. Young folk are more inclusive that ever before. As far as mental health goes, the general acceptance of mental health has caused an increase, and I’m not convinced social media has as much of an impact as that.
Access to mental healthcare has been hugely improved in the last two decades, and we no longer assume people are inherently bad or problematic when they have treatable mental conditions.
Either way, there’s just not enough data and understanding to make sweeping statements, and it reminds me of when rock and roll was evil, dungeons and dragons was turning kids into devil worshippers, tv made kids stupid, and video games made kids violent.
*smarter isn’t a great term here. Information and data is becoming widely available, increases knowledge and capability for every generation. IQ score are continuously going up and needing to be readjusted to keep 100 at average, but IQ is hardly a realistic measurement of… pretty much anything more than problem solving skills.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Right? Before that it was tv. Before that it was rock and roll. I was actually told to go outside more because I was READING TOO MUCH. Idk why everyone feels like their way of entertainment is better than everyone else’s. It’s so weird that we can’t let people enjoy themselves unless they do it our way.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Yeah I remember that story about those kids killing an entire school with their smartphone.
That’s definitely not a flash equivalency at all.
Remember when video games were making kids kill each other? Because when I was a kid, that’s what people were trying to ban instead of smartphones.
- Comment on Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value 1 year ago:
Gen X is not boomers. Gen X is the “lost generation” which is ironic considering the context here. They were between boomers and millennials, and are typically the parents of millennials and some gen z.
- Comment on Whats the difference between cheap and expensive modern TVs? 1 year ago:
OLED is a massive upgrade. Each pixel is its own backlight instead of having an array of leds. So you get actual black, because there is no light there. The contrast and color is amazing.
But OLED is the new plasma. They don’t have burn in anymore, but if you don’t have it in a very dark room, the glare will make you go insane.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
Yeah I do t use it for anything other than messages on my phone. I think the new ui is a huge improvement personally.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
I actually like it lol. I guess I’m in the super minority.
- Comment on Thomas 🔭✨ ( 23andMe just sent out an email trying to trick customers into accepting a TOS change that will prevent you from suing them after they literally lost your genome 1 year ago:
Couldn’t the same be said about the TOS updates though? Would they not need to prove it was delivered?
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
When I am comparing branches or working on multiple tickets at a time, separating each instance of my IDEs, as well as Jira tickets and Confluence documents related to the specific projects into their own little sandbox. This way I can more easily remember which windows and browser tabs go with each project.
- Comment on A recent Grand Theft Auto 6 leak on TikTok may have come from a Rockstar Games employee's kid 1 year ago:
My dad works at Nintendo!
- Comment on Black Friday not the cheapest time to shop, says consumer group 1 year ago:
Honestly the biggest reason was that college kids are more likely to buy the accidental damage warranty or have parents that will.
- Comment on Black Friday not the cheapest time to shop, says consumer group 1 year ago:
I used to work at Microcenter for awhile. The best time to buy was always back to school. Holiday deals start at the beginning of November and are the exact same as Black Friday minus a few small door buster deals and maybe a special on a few models of pc. During back to school, pretty much everything is heavily discounted.
- Comment on Rivian blames “fat finger” for infotainment-bricking software update 1 year ago:
I didn’t even know rivian had even made an actual vehicle until I saw one last month. I thought they were still vaporware. Wasn’t there another trunk company that was supposed to have made a truck like 6 years ago? Did they ever do that?
- Comment on Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem 1 year ago:
Nothing is new here.
This isn’t that different from when I was a kid twenty years ago. Only instead of phones (though we all had phones back then too, even if they weren’t smart), it was game consoles, or Pokémon cards, or beanie babies or whatever.
- Comment on Why American manufacturing is becoming less efficient 1 year ago:
It’s also easier to be a software developer now than 10 years ago. Modern languages do a lot more of the work for you.
- Comment on Slint 1.3 Released with Revamped Native Styles and JavaScript API 1 year ago:
This looks interesting. I’d not heard of this before.
- Comment on I'm a hypochondriac, but It's About Programming 1 year ago:
Question marked as duplicate: answered in this thread from 15 years ago with no relevant information on anything you were actually asking and has now been deleted —…/where-oh-where-did-the-joel-d…
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
I guess it is, I just mean it’s not about the App Store itself, so much as the continued costs. I think it’s more the in app purchases that is the problem. Google and Apple don’t allow in app purchases without paying them a huge cut.
Epic doesn’t really have a problem using the app stores. They just don’t want to pay such a massive commission for no reason. Google makes it difficult to use other app stores, and Apple doesn’t allow it. This means that you either pay them in perpetuity for every micro transaction, or you don’t get to push your app.
So I guess my point was just that the app stores are the ultimate root of the issue, but it goes a lot deeper than just the app stores themselves to the predatory pricing structure major companies impose. If this is successful eventually, or if the Apple appeal is, we have the potential to see a real shift in the way compensation for developers is handled. I’m being optimistic of course, but it would be nice.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
I think the way 2k does it is a good model. They release in epic exclusively for like 6 months, and tben steam and epic after. Idk what the different requirements are for the various game stores, but the build version should be the same for a software that large.
It’s also the publishers job to handle marketing, so that would fall under their purview rather than the devs at least. With 2k’s model for the ‘lands series, they get the best of both worlds for the most part. The only customers they lose are the ones who are staunchly against using multiple game portals or just really dislike epic for one reason or another.
For a small developer, I do agree though. It comes down to whether they think a larger audience will benefit them. Sometimes being a large fish in a small pond is better, sometimes not. I won’t pretend I’ve got personal experience marketing and selling a game, but I do believe (and not just because I’m a developer) that the dev companies and publishers should get more of the pie than the platform they are selling on.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
They aren’t cheaper in epic, but more money goes to the publishers and developers. It sucks when a game studio you like goes under.
I’d argue they aren’t profitable because of steam. Everybody uses steam, and most people will wait 6 months to get the epic exclusives after the exclusivity runs out.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
Epic already went to court for the same thing with Apple in 2021. Epic lost. They’ve filed an appeal already. Apple and Google both removed Fortnite from their respective stores within hours of each other.
It’s unlikely epic will win this battle, but if they don’t, they will likely file an appeal against Google as well.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
Apple has already gone through this. Apple won. It’s unlikely epic will beat Google either. When they likely lose, they will file an appeal just like they’ve done with Apple.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
Epic sued Apple in 2021. Google and Apple removed Fortnite from their respective app stores within hours of each other. Epic was ready with lawyers and announced they were going to court. They lost the case against Apple. They’ve already filed an appeal.
- Comment on Apple Music isn't the best streaming music service — it's just the least annoying 1 year ago:
I use it because it came bundled with Apple one. I’ve found it to be really solid personally. I can’t speak to YouTube music as I haven’t used it, but Apple Music is just as good as Spotify and Amazon music in my personal experience.
- Comment on Apple Music isn't the best streaming music service — it's just the least annoying 1 year ago:
Yeah that’s insane to me.
- Comment on Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices 1 year ago:
I don’t think most people have an extra laptop sitting around their home. And they definitely aren’t gonna want to do that to their daily driver.
I just don’t think this is feasible for the average person.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
They didn’t. Epic sued Apple in 2021. They lost. They’ve already filed for appeal. They are targeting Apple and Google for the same infraction. It’s not about the App Store, it’s mostly about the 30% commission both companies take on app sales AND in app purchases.
- Comment on A Jury Will Decide If Google's App Store Is an Unjust Monopoly 1 year ago:
Epic games decided they don’t want to pay 30% of every transaction to Google or Apple. They sued Apple already and lost. They’ve filed an appeal, so we will hear more on that soon ish. I’m not an epic fan at all, but 30% of all sales is ridiculous. Epic themselves take 12% on the epic store. Valve, Apple, Google—none of these companies should get a third of the sale price for everything sold through an app downloaded from there store. Not just the price of the app, but all app revenue. Every in app purchase. All of it.
The $25 registration fee is just for the account. That’s negligible considering Apple charges $100 a year. It’s the commission these companies take that epic is suing over.
- Comment on Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices 1 year ago:
I know. I said standalone pc to fit the earlier commenter’s point. Desktop would have been the correct choice, but I figured the gist got across. If it was unclear to anybody, I apologize.