- Comment on Shrimps 9 months ago:
It is. And yet, it just harvests upvotes. I don’t get it.
- Comment on Giveaway! Win your Steam Copy of the 'Captain’s Edition' of Star Trek: Resurgence! 9 months ago:
I’m just really looking forward to that optimistic feeling of looking into a bright future. It’s what I always loved trek for and from the looks of it, Resurgence captures it.
- Comment on chapter3_finalfinal8FINAL5.docx 9 months ago:
Meh, use latex and git. Then you won’t have those stupid file names.
Tags on the other hand are the gift that keeps on giving.
git tag -a v0.999c -m “really the final draft this time, for sure”
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
If the alternative is Windows which is increasingly filled with ads or Linux which shifts the burden of computer administration to a user who might not have a clue about what they’re supposed to do if their WiFi doesn’t “just work”, paying for a managed walled garden that doesn’t try to install candy crush without you asking for it isn’t such a bad option.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
I really don’t get why the time machine would have to do any calculations at all. The time machine is in this reference frame. You seem to assume that by going back through time you’d be teleporting through time, which leaves the open question of where you’d appear. However, I’d much rather assume that you’d actually be “going” through time. You wouldn’t cease to exist until you reappeared somewhere. Instead you’d be in the machine for some time until you’d get out of the machine again. That’d mean neither you nor the machine ever leave the reference frame.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Since I stay on earth now when I’m moving forward in time why wouldn’t I stay on earth when I move backward through time?
- Comment on “Untitled Star Trek Origin Story” film officially added to Paramount Pictures' 2025-2026 lineup. 10 months ago:
You know, the universe doesn’t offer much beyond that ship called the Enterprise… What could they possibly do?
- Comment on Indeed it is. 1 year ago:
A hug without you is version control
- Comment on The story of how the SSH port became 22. 1 year ago:
What part of the story are you referring to? The part where he asked for port 22 or the part where he got it?
- Comment on The story of how the SSH port became 22. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Let me just move this project to the "unfinished" folder 1 year ago:
That’s only because the fifth half usually is as difficult as two halfs at once.
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
Yeah, I’m writing this on an s10e but the battery really isn’t that good anymore and the lack of security updates doesn’t feel good either. The current s series phones are roughly the same size as the e though, so I hope it’ll be okay.
That said, even the e is a bit too large for my taste. The top left corner is pretty much out of reach without adjusting your grip, so about half an inch less of screen would be preferable imho. Samsung’s one handed mode is much better than the android default though, which kind of makes up for it - and there’s just nothing smaller available.
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
This. I just ordered an S23, just because it’s pretty much the smallest phone you can get (apart from the zenfone, which has a worse update policy).
- Comment on Digital pound should not be considered until risks addressed, MPs warn 1 year ago:
I think he just did.
- Comment on Super Metroid 1 year ago:
Infact, I’d say the only other Metroid game that holds up to Super is Metroid Prime.
What about Zero Mission?
- Comment on Du, du duras 1 year ago:
Thought this was supposed to be the melody of “Rasputin” and didn’t get why the last line was repeated instead of outlining some Klingon love affair.
- Comment on Works on my machine 1 year ago:
Man, I really was interested in that topic, but that guy really can’t do talks.
- Comment on Nuclear power? That's just steam power with extra steps! 1 year ago:
Technically, as long as there’s more than zero percent humidity I guess wind turbines are still powered by steam. And hydro is essentially steam, too, just the cooler version.
- Comment on Nuclear power? That's just steam power with extra steps! 1 year ago:
It doesn’t rotate to generate electricity? Must be blasphemy.
- Comment on What if Amish people immigrate into Europe. Would it help Europeans avoid the forced “digital transformation”? 1 year ago:
and they are rightfully granted their religious freedom
Great, so your hypothetical Amish have already been granted all their hypothetical wishes, so you answered your own question. You didn’t post this for answers or discussion, you have all that already. You only posted this trainwreck of a thread to have an outlet for your anger. And now that you have been mad and answered your own question, why don’t you bake some bread or do some other useful stuff after maybe deleting this whole episode from lemmy so you don’t waste other people’s time?
- Comment on What if Amish people immigrate into Europe. Would it help Europeans avoid the forced “digital transformation”? 1 year ago:
This is not a philosophical question so I’m not sure if it fits this community. Even worse, your wording is highly suggestive. If you’re so mad about your government “steam-rolling over elderly people” why don’t you vent somewhere else?
- Comment on Weird, right? 1 year ago:
They did. By introducing red uniforms.
- Comment on It has been a long day 1 year ago:
“It has been a long day”…
Getting from there to here?
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
As I have a tau army, I just so happen to know that they just look much better than those crumpled pieces I thought I’d seen in the thumbnail.
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
Saw the thumbnail and thought those were W40K minis and “muting the next table” would be everybody leaving the café as soon as you pull out some awesome orks and a measuring tape.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I hope somebody replied with “hi bias, I’m dad”
- Comment on Ford lays off 600 workers at plant targeted by UAW strike 1 year ago:
Man, the US really are a dystopia.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This is now canon. At least for me it is.
- Comment on Obscure games talk 1 year ago:
TIS-100. I saw a friend play it and got it shortly afterwards. Essentially, you have a bunch of small compute units with a few available instructions each that can pass data to adjacent ones and have to solve “puzzles”, which are essentially assembly programming assignments. Despite the game being rather new, distributed e.g. via steam and gog, all you get is a full screen console line interface to code in. I love it.