- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 1 month ago:
Solar manufacturing is not destroying China’s environment, fossil fuels are. By a massive margin.
They need to get off that merry go round as quickly as possible. While the efforts they’ve made are incredible it needs to continue to accelerate.
I wouldn’t say they’ve achieved these prices through subsidies in the way many people think. government support pushed their entire renewable industry ecosystem, western manufacturing went belly up, and now they are reaping the benefits.
- Comment on Facial Recognition: Coming Soon to an Airport Near You 10 months ago:
I know what happens. I put on a bunch of weight, the automatic immigration gate wouldn’t let me through and I got sent to the desk with a person. they told me it was because my face has changed too much grin they made a new picture and I was fine after that.
I lost a bunch of weight recently and while the machines let me in they wouldn’t let me out without going to the big desk again for a new photo.
- Comment on Chinese Carmaker Overtakes Tesla as World’s Most Popular EV Maker 1 year ago:
There’s a bit more to it than that. But yes EVs are subsidized in China.
I worked in a business where we had one product that was useful for automakers but especially useful for EVs. About 8 years ago the EVs in China were mostly cheap shitty BYDs.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the government changed a bunch of rules and regulations for new cars. Within a month design teams were being established at every major automaker in China focusing on EVs. It was a great year for us.
Key EV components, especially the materials to make batteries, started to come down in price.
Then the green plates started turning up. Every city has its own rules for car registration, some places like Shanghai, would auction new number plates each month resulting in a low supply and high demand. It was possible to buy a car cheaper than the number plate. Then if you register an EV you can get a green plate for almost nothing.
About 3 years ago the cities started requiring new taxis and busses to be EV. Places like shenzhen just converted everything to EV. Released licenses for training and testing self driving.
Charge stations started popping up everywhere. There’s no way a shopping mall or new residential development could avoid having at least a large section for charging. My own home, converted an entire floor to charging parking stations in the underground car park.
Finally tesla set up Shanghai giga factory. I have no idea how they managed to make that deal but not long after they started shipping model 3s domestically they slashed the prices down to cheaper than a niceish BYD.
If you go to Shenzhen today about a third of cars are EV and you will see a dozen brands you’ve never heard of before (some are terrible cars, but most are reasonable quality and a handful are bullshit luxury)
As in tradition in China, the government will now let them go into a price war to push the manufacturers to find cheaper ways to make them. Many will go bust or give up.
- Comment on What got you into coding ? (aside from money) 1 year ago:
my mum bought me a vic-20. it was beat up and didn’t have a tape deck.
I had type my games in from a magazine in basic for a summer, I was hooked.
My uncle gave me a photocopy of a book about assembly for c64 and showed me intros on his c128. He had no idea about programming, he just figured I’d be into it. I worked my heart out to get the cash together for a c64 AND a disk drive.
- Comment on Cities: Skylines II - Performance, Post-Release Plans & Goals 1 year ago:
yeh but I got ten years of a really great game, with a really great community. It took a long time for me to care that the lane change mechanics weren’t optimal.
that ten years buys a fuck ton of good will for me. Life doesn’t run on legal obligations.
- Comment on Cities: Skylines II - Performance, Post-Release Plans & Goals 1 year ago:
Yhey optimized and expanded the last CS game for like ten years. It was driven by DLC but the entire time CS vanilla was getting fixes and improvements.
There were some pretty lame limitations to the core simulation that stayed there the entire time but at least the devs were pretty open about having no plans to change them.
The CS2 story won’t really play out entirely for a year or two yet.
- Comment on Authors Are Furious After Finding Their Works on List of Books Used To Train AI 1 year ago:
I have to assume that openAI also paid for the books. if yes then i consider it the same as me reciting passages from memory or coming up with derivative text.
if no, then by all means, go after them and any model trainer for the cost of one book.
Asking an LLM to recite an entire novel isn’t even vaguely a thing yet.
- Comment on China sentences Uyghur scholar to life in jail 1 year ago:
As a percentage of population (incarceration rate) its way way down the list, like 129th.
As a count of prisoners,its number two. USA is number one.
- Comment on Former Australian PM wins $715,000 settlement against Google/YouTube for enabling comedian and journalist Jordan Shanks aka FriendlyJordies to mock him 1 year ago:
I didnt like friendlyjordies brand of humor. not one bit.
when he started going after that dog cunt broz I couldn’t help myself. I had to watch.
by now I love him, he’s become a hero of what free speech (such that it) is in Australia. served with a massive dose of sarcasm and ridicule.
I’ll keeping giving him money and watching his shit while he keeps going there and calling out all the bullshit that goes on in australian government.
- Comment on TSMC is delaying its Arizona foundry over a lack of skilled workers alongsde a $5.85B income slump 1 year ago:
maybe I misinderstand your meaning but at its heart the real problem is that chip engineers salary has been stuck at ten years ago for about twenty years. Like 50k usd.
This in and of itself is not a huge problem but with no downstream opportunities there isn’t enough talent considering a career toward the top of the value chain.
The 1980s and 1990s saw alot of people come back to Taiwan, but the 2010s and 2020s sees it happen in another direction (mainland, the salary is awesome).
Of course many will say factory workers don’t need to smart enough to do design. but IC production is complicated and needs skilled labor with some understanding of what they’re doing.