- Comment on Media center under 100€ capable of 4k video 11 months ago:
So are you looking to connect storage to it and run local media or are you looking more for a streaming thing to play Netflix and such?
- Comment on Meat stuffed inside an animal intestine 1 year ago:
You got the Quote wrong. This was actually said by St. Ulrich of Augsburg… gosh damnit! This shit isn’t hard to look up, people!
- Comment on Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times 1 year ago:
Yep. Got such a service as well. I’ve got this one docker container that’s supposed to connect to a VPN and provide access from the outside to another one. The bitch keeps just crashing to a point where even “restart policy: always” will give up on it. Doesn’t matter too much usually, since I can start the container before I need it, and it will usually run for half a day or so, yet still
- Comment on German Art 1 year ago:
That’s Australia, mate! You got the two confused!
- Comment on German Art 1 year ago:
Spotted the Austrian
- Comment on German Art 1 year ago:
My theory: OP is Austrian. Notice how they go out of their way to claim Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German.
- Comment on Accessible data 1 year ago:
Unreadable! Needs even more jpg compression!
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
Really? Never seen or eaten boiled chicken? Where do you think chicken broth or chicken soup comes from?
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
That’s not raw,.it’s fucking boiled. No frying pan in sight I guess.
- Comment on Pray for their safety 1 year ago:
That’s why they, just like elevators, need overspeed brakes. They are not required to have those in all places sadly.
- Comment on NASA has some explaining to do 1 year ago:
God: Almighty being that just blinked everything into existence in a.week Also God: me am no completent enourgh to strip theses sattrilghts
- Comment on The American mind cannot comprehend this 1 year ago:
Well, I was in a student exchange to Boise, Idaho about 20 years ago and did a daily walk around the neighborhood for some fresh air. Three days in, I was stopped by a frantic police officer with his fucking gun drawn because someone had reported me as some kind of child molester who was scouting for victims, because someone just walking was a completely alien concept there.
I was taken to the fucking police station because the policeman thought I was making shit up either. My host family had to wiggle around with my German passport and threaten to get the Embassy involved until they decided I wasn’t worth the hassle and dropped the whole thing… So I learned two things from that exchange:
- 'Muricans do not know what “walking” is
- US police is next level power tripping
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on makes sense 1 year ago:
So those who misuse company assets to enrich themselves b mining crypto get rewarded by larger bonuses? Sounds like the way the world works for those super rich fellas like Elon “Edgelord” Musk.
- Comment on An easy way to enlarge a photo 1 year ago:
Zoom in, Abby!
Zoom factor increases by 100000% and numbers on a smartphone become readable
Here you go, Gibs!
Slurps weird poison that’s sold as drink somewhere
- Comment on You go to this link and give me one good reason why civilization isn't long past its peak. 1 year ago:
It’s not at it’s peak because shit like this still exists. Captain Picard, where art thou?
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
What’s that in hogs hair lengths?
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
Maths is important to get what the frick a 7/16 inch unit is supposed to be and how to calculate just about anything with it.
- Comment on My children will refer to me as father. 1 year ago:
Ah, too formal. Herr Papa.
- Comment on My children will refer to me as father. 1 year ago:
Time to turn to tradition. Herr Papa (Mister Dad) it shall be.
- Comment on My children will refer to me as father. 1 year ago:
Nya UwU daddy!
- Comment on We live in a society 1 year ago:
So I either have to die from needlessly over caffeinated soft drinks or deliver my own son to a molestation orgy club? What fucked up kind of choice is that?!
- Comment on Risks of CPR 1 year ago:
You need to always remember that the patient in such a situation is at the lowest possible point. You cannot make “dead” any worse. So “risks” don’t apply in that moment.
Or, as a paramedic I knew said when someone asked him about the same question: “Whatever happens, it won’t kill him”
- Comment on What the hell! Let's all just go crazy! 1 year ago:
Oh you must be joking.
There is absolutely zero system in half of French’s letter salad!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Can someone explain Pipe's LBRY usage to me? 1 year ago:
thanks for your detailed answer :) So it’s really just another “Solution in search of a problem” kind of deal, since the whole concept “decentralises” a conecpt that is already decentralised (BitTorrent) but with a little Cryptocurrency because of course it has Crypto.
Now I just need to find out what Piped does with it, since all it’s content is supposed to be on YouTube, right? So searching for content can’t be it’s purpose… I think.
- Comment on Can someone explain Pipe's LBRY usage to me? 1 year ago:
Well… that’s one way to answer someone who very clearly asks “I did some searching but couldn’t understand the results, please explain what’s going on to me”.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on According to google... 1 year ago:
Isn’t that overthinking overthinking a little?
- Comment on My Home Server software stack 1 year ago:
Yeah, that goes for any data though. The question was more if Immich is really so unstable that it might just shred your images because it had a bad day. And to that I can say: no, it won’t. Yet, photos are very important to many people, so they put that warning there.