- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
An article on Ars Technica, complaining about advertising.
What hypocrite posted this?
- Comment on The Amiga Is Getting A Dune II Remaster From One Of The Original Developers | Time Extension 8 months ago:
An early 16 bit home computer based on the 68000 microprocessor. Versions released from the late 80s to the early 90s. It earned a cult following because it was the first home computer to have arcade quality graphics and sound (80s and 90s arcade games, obs).
It had a decent OS and business software, but at heart it was a gaming computer. It lost out to the home consoles, partly because as a fully fledged computer, piracy was rife, so big games developers moved to the very locked-down games consoles instead.
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 10 months ago:
“the sudden announcement of Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun’s resignation by the end of 2024 was interpreted as a response to the company’s persistent safety issues.”
I hope Boeing has serious bonus claw-backs in their contracts, because this idiot’s “cost-savings” have actually cost Boeing a fortune, and destroyed their reputation. The entire board should go.
- Comment on Journey from Programmer to Manager 1 year ago:
Of course, it is not always possible to avoid over-committing as sometimes the business calls for it.
Well that sounds like lazy acceptance of a bad situation for your team.
No mention of fighting for better terms for the team. If the business calls for over-committing you team, you or someone else in management have failed. Such a commitment may be indeed be unavoidable in that situation, but your job as a manager is to fight for your team to be additionally compensated for such an over-commitment.
- Comment on What is your favorite programming language? 1 year ago:
If your CV contains absurd claims about having learned all programming languages, I’d be surprised if you even got through to an interview.
- Comment on What time do you have your daily stand up? 1 year ago:
12:15, which is great as we break for lunch at 12:30. It prevents the time-wasters blathering on endlessly, as they are focused on lunchtime. A maximum of 15 minutes of wasted time.
- Comment on iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F 1 year ago:
Some context:
At 116F you would require firm, continuous contact for more than 20 minutes to produce a 2nd degree burn, and over 45 minutes to produce a 3rd degree burn.
- Comment on Got laid off my first job out of college after three months, Help! 1 year ago:
You should also try and get a letter from the company explaining that it wasn’t for performance reasons.
Excellent advice.
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
What did they think Unity’s investors plans were, to endlessly subsidise a constantly loss-making platform just for the fun of it?
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
Unity have lost huge amounts of money, in fact never made a profit for a single quarter, while establishing more and more market share, and their customers never asked themselves how or why?
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
If your vendor is constantly making huge losses while establishing more and more market share, your guy in charge of the financial decisions should be asking themselves what the investors long term plans are. That’s not rocket science.
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
Not pro-corporate in any way, I don’t see how you could possibly read that into what I posted. But if you choose to sup with the devil, best use a long spoon.
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
Unity have already established market dominance, if not effective monopoly, as the mobile gaming development platform. They are in a position of power, they have invested large sums of money to get there, and there is really very little game developers with a product 1 or 2 years in development can do about it.
While this is going to be difficult for Indy developers, they really only have themselves to blame. Part of the task when you are making a major software platform decision as a company is to research your vendor’s financial strategy - that’s basic due diligence. Unity has been loss making for years, which either means they are not financially viable (and not a safe bet), or they are engaging in a strategy of establishing an effective monopoly position to later squeeze dependant customers until the pips squeak.
This is likely just the start, whether it’s through runtime charges, Unity control of in-game advertising, or huge hikes in seat license fees. Possibly all three.
- Comment on A metric tonne (1000 kg) should be called a megagram (1 Mg). 1 year ago:
Coming from the UK generation that grew up during the decimalisation process, and therefore being equally comfortable with both systems, imperial measures are far less intuitive than metric. Don’t mistake simply being being used to something as it being intuitive.
We use a base 10 numeric system because that’s how many fingers & thumbs we have. Having a system of weights and measures based on that decimal system, is far more intuitive than a system that scales up through orders of distance using different scaling factors at ever order, is so unintuitive as to be absurd.
- Comment on Screen time linked with developmental delays, study finds 1 year ago:
Both measures were according to the mothers’ self-reports.
In other words, this study has no real scientific value.
But there are many more problems with this “study” than just that.
- Comment on YouTube Channel Linus Tech Tips’ Inaccuracies And Sexual Harassment Allegations, Explained 1 year ago:
Not everyone be any means, but if you admire narcissistic extroverts then sure, you’re always going to be disappointed.
- Comment on Oil companies are hiring TikTok influencers to court young people 1 year ago:
Social media influencers are money-grubbing low-lives who will promote anything for some cash? Well colour me surprised.
- Comment on ‘Flying aliens’ harassing village in Peru are actually illegal miners with jetpacks, cops say 1 year ago:
Just FYI, there are some really wild drugs available in the Peruvian jungle.
- Comment on Another good reason not to open port 22 1 year ago:
But if they don’t know they have to knock “shave and a haircut” first, your job gets a lot easier and you’re dealing with a lot fewer nuisance password promptings.
Very good explanation. And the benefits are even greater, because there is absolutely no response until the entire secret knock is correctly used, the random guy trying to get in doesn’t even know if there’s anyone at that address. (In fact, set up correctly, they won’t even know if there’s really a door there or not)
- Comment on Another good reason not to open port 22 1 year ago:
If you want to go down that path, a password is only security by obscurity.
Port knocking is an extra layer of security, and one that can stop attackers from ever knowing your private server even exits. A random scanner won’t even see any open ports.
Always bear in mind that any random guy advising people not to use port knocking msg be doing it with malicious intent. I’m sure there’s someone out there advising that random passwords are a waste of time, and everyone should just use monkey123.
- Comment on Google Launches Project IDX, A web-based IDE 1 year ago:
All your code are belong to us.
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
With that write-up, I’m disappointed that there isn’t even one Delorean.
Mind you, parking at 88 mph might explain why the 1st car is waaayy off-centre.
- Comment on The world’s largest offshore wind farm is getting its first turbines 1 year ago:
It’s not the worlds largest windfarm if that’s the 1st turbine going in. And that’s the 1st turbine of the 1st of 3 planned developments, which will be the worlds largest windfarm when all 3 developments are completed.
What the hell are they teaching journalists these days, because it sure isn’t the tenets of good journalism:
- Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.
- Comment on The Fall of Stack Overflow 1 year ago:
Not really. A question that’s simply closed as a duplicate isn’t going to get any answers, and the answers to the original question, while they may have once been reasonable enough to be accepted, might be outdated.
Languages move on and add features, and closing any question as a duplicate precludes new, modern features that provides better way to answer the original question.
A lot of content on SO is dated to say the least, precisely because reputation harvesters with a dated knowledge of the language are overly keen on closing questions.