By novel I mean not emulating an existing popular platform, e.g. Lemmy-Reddit, Mastodon-Twitter, etc.
Socialhome with its tiled display of posts
Bonfire, which is modular, and will be available in many flavours (for Open Science, organisations or simply a social network)
Mobilizon - events and groups.
Gancio - events, published anonymously. Instance can be followed from Fediverse as an account.
Bookwyrm for books
Postmarks - a federated bookmarking website
Funkwhale - for uploading and listening to music
Castopod - Wordpress but for podcasting?
Misskey and its forks - more than Twitter emulation - includes emoji reactions and animated text! 10 months ago
There’s actually an exhaustive list of Fediverse software and tools listed on Fediverse.Party.
You can sort by category, protocol, license and code language. 10 months ago
Any in particular you’re fond of but don’t see mentioned as much? 10 months ago
Perhaps BookWyrm for keeping track of the books and such that I read and would want to read.