Hej everyone, in the past few weeks, I’ve been digging my hands into TrueNAS and have since setup a nice little NAS for all my backup needs. The drives spin down when not in use, as the instance only recieves/sends backup data once a day. Howevery, there are a few periodic tasks which wake my drives. Namely:

catalog.sync	                Success	26796 	12/03/2024 18:06:54 	12/03/2024 18:06:54 		
catalog.sync_all	        Success	26795 	12/03/2024 18:06:54 	12/03/2024 18:06:54 		
zfs.dataset.bulk_process	Success	26792 	12/03/2024 18:06:43 	12/03/2024 18:06:43 		
pool.dataset.sync_db_keys	Success	26791 	12/03/2024 18:06:42 	12/03/2024 18:06:43 		
certificate.renew_certs	        Success	26790 	12/03/2024 18:06:42 	12/03/2024 18:06:43 	
dscache.refresh	                Success	24991 	12/03/2024 03:30:01 	12/03/2024 03:30:01 
update.download	                Success	25027 	12/03/2024 03:46:01 	12/03/2024 03:46:02 

I spend the last hour searching online and digging through files and checking cron. I found the dscache.refresh and the update.download. I can’t find the first five. At least one of them wakes my drives. Does anyone have an idea? There used to a periodic.conf, but I can’t find it on my system. Thanks!