“I cried as I felt the cats also suffered from the war. They cannot speak to ask us to help them; they only came here and slept,” a boy said to TNA.

As Israel’s indiscriminate onslaught on the besieged coastal enclave continues, cats have snuggled up alongside displaced Palestinian children under flimsy tents as a means of refuge from the harsh, cold weather and brutal war.

Separately speaking to The New Arab, several children said they are doing their best “to protect stray cats from death from the cold weather or starvation.”

“These poor cats cannot save themselves from Israel’s attacks. They cannot find food in the streets. They also are victims of the Israeli war against us in Gaza,” said Subhi Elian, a 12-year-old boy displaced to Rafah, located in southern Gaza

read more: newarab.com/…/midst-genocide-gazas-cats-warm-chil…