Apple is removing PWA(progressive web apps) from EU Which means:
- Your subscribed subs will be removed if you don’t use the app in the last 7 days -
- Your saved posts will be removed in the same way, and all other settings if you don’t consistently use the website.
- You won’t get the options I have added like a fixed header for standalone version.
So any PWA website that you currently use won’t be able to store anything in your localstorage for more than 7 days after you visiting that website.
Reason: Apple confirms: It’s killing home screen web apps in the EU 1 year ago
I use iOS on a work phone and an iPad. PWA is nice on the iPad for connecting to web admin pages of devices/sytems. Its already frustrating that I can’t force it for any web page, it has to be coded on the web server.
Bummer. But also another reason the iPad is a convenience device, and not a “working” device. The size and screen are great, battery life fantastic. But a Lenovo Yoga would blow it away (at 4x the cost).