I’m currently beating my head up against Authentik. What I’m trying to do is to use Authentik to secure an unsecured service, like VS-Code server. Supposedly I can do this by pointing the domain to the Authentik server and then Authentik’s proxy points to the Code Server, but everything that I try either redirects back to Authentik or just gives me a blank screen.
Authentik and VS-Code are both running on the same system in docker, with my reverse proxy on another system.
The DNS (pihole) for both code.test and auth.test point to my reverse proxy running Caddy, and all of this is running local network only.
Any ideas what I am missing? Any help would be appreciated.
code.test.example.com { tls internal reverse_proxy auth.test.example.com } auth.test.example.com { tls internal reverse_proxy }
Authentik Proxy Provider:
External host: https://code.test.example.com Internal host: Internal host SSL Validation = false
VS-Code Server docker-compose.yaml:
version: "2.1" services: code-server: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/code-server:latest container_name: code-server environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Etc/UTC #- PASSWORD= #optional #- HASHED_PASSWORD= #optional - SUDO_PASSWORD=Password #optional #- SUDO_PASSWORD_HASH= #optional - PROXY_DOMAIN=code.test.example.com #optional - DEFAULT_WORKSPACE=/config/workspace #optional volumes: - ./config:/config ports: - 8443:8443 restart: unless-stopped
Authentik docker-compose.yaml:
--- version: "3.4" services: postgresql: image: docker.io/library/postgres:12-alpine restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -d $${POSTGRES_DB} -U $${POSTGRES_USER}"] start_period: 20s interval: 30s retries: 5 timeout: 5s volumes: - database:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${PG_PASS:?database password required} POSTGRES_USER: ${PG_USER:-authentik} POSTGRES_DB: ${PG_DB:-authentik} env_file: - .env redis: image: docker.io/library/redis:alpine command: --save 60 1 --loglevel warning restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "redis-cli ping | grep PONG"] start_period: 20s interval: 30s retries: 5 timeout: 3s volumes: - redis:/data server: image: ${AUTHENTIK_IMAGE:-ghcr.io/goauthentik/server}:${AUTHENTIK_TAG:-2023.8.3} restart: unless-stopped command: server environment: AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST: redis AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST: postgresql AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__USER: ${PG_USER:-authentik} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__NAME: ${PG_DB:-authentik} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD: ${PG_PASS} volumes: - ./media:/media - ./custom-templates:/templates env_file: - .env ports: - "${COMPOSE_PORT_HTTP:-9000}:9000" - "${COMPOSE_PORT_HTTPS:-9443}:9443" depends_on: - postgresql - redis worker: image: ${AUTHENTIK_IMAGE:-ghcr.io/goauthentik/server}:${AUTHENTIK_TAG:-2023.8.3} restart: unless-stopped command: worker environment: AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST: redis AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST: postgresql AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__USER: ${PG_USER:-authentik} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__NAME: ${PG_DB:-authentik} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD: ${PG_PASS} # `user: root` and the docker socket volume are optional. # See more for the docker socket integration here: # https://goauthentik.io/docs/outposts/integrations/docker # Removing `user: root` also prevents the worker from fixing the permissions # on the mounted folders, so when removing this make sure the folders have the correct UID/GID # (1000:1000 by default) user: root volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - ./media:/media - ./certs:/certs - ./custom-templates:/templates env_file: - .env depends_on: - postgresql - redis volumes: database: driver: local redis: driver: local
antsu@lemmy.wtf 1 year ago
This looks about right, I have a similar setup for unauthenticated services here, with the difference that I’m using NGINX Proxy Manager instead of Caddy. The things I would try/check are:
entry to point directly to Authentik’s IP and port (in other words, both entries would look the same). In the config your posted, it seems like Caddy is redirecting through itself.